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Prayer For Students And Teachers

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Prayer For Students And Teachers

Prayer For Students And Teachers

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, you have committed to your holy Church the care and nurture of your children. Enlighten with your wisdom those who teach and those who learn, that rejoicing in the knowledge of your truth, they may worship you and serve you from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

As the School Year Begins Lord Jesus Christ, as a child, you increased in wisdom and stature, you listened to your teachers and asked them questions. Bless those who learn that they may grow in the knowledge of their Maker, Redeemer, Life-giver, and of your glorious world we live in.

Bless those who teach, that they may share the wisdom they have received from above and that they may do their work with patience and love that reflect your mercy that endures forever.

You yourself are the Great Teacher. Instruct all of us in your commandments: to show love by glorifying you and serving our neighbors. Disciple all of us with your holy Gospel: to be forgiven, renewed and empowered through your life, death, and resurrection.

Fill our hearts with wonder and excitement as we see your divine design in math and science, as we see your hand in history, as we learn to glorify you through art and music, as we learn to know our neighbors, their hopes, their hurts, their needs, that your love may flow through us to them.

Your holy Word also tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” By your power, help us increase in wisdom, never ceasing to learn all the days of our lives until we sit at your feet in your Kingdom; wherewith the Father and the Holy Spirit, you live and reign, one God, now and forever. Amen

prayer for students from teachers

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, you have committed to your holy Church the care and nurture of your children. Enlighten with your wisdom those who teach and those who learn, that rejoicing in the knowledge of your truth, they may worship you and serve you from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

As the School Year Begins Lord Jesus Christ, as a child, you increased in wisdom and stature, you listened to your teachers and asked them questions. Bless those who learn that they may grow in the knowledge of their Maker, Redeemer, Life-giver, and of your glorious world we live in. Bless those who teach, that they may share the wisdom they have received from above and that they may do their work with patience and love that reflect your mercy that endures forever.

You yourself are the Great Teacher. Instruct all of us in your commandments: to show love by glorifying you and serving our neighbors. Disciple all of us with your holy Gospel: to be forgiven, renewed and empowered through your life, death, and resurrection.

Fill our hearts with wonder and excitement as we see your divine design in math and science, as we see your hand in history, as we learn to glorify you through art and music, as we learn to know our neighbors, their hopes, their hurts, their needs, that your love may flow through us to them.

Your holy Word also tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” By your power, help us increase in wisdom, never ceasing to learn all the days of our lives until we sit at your feet in your Kingdom; wherewith the Father and the Holy Spirit, you live and reign, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Lord, we want more for our students than mere survival. We pray You will make them outstanding leaders and imitators of Your character, secure in their faith. Our students deal with tests often, not just with their schoolwork, but in their spiritual lives. Help them to be bold as lions, in the sense that their faith won’t be shaken by those who attack or question it. Give them knowledge of Your Word and time to memorize and meditate often on its biblical truths. Teach them to respect others’ beliefs without compromising their own.

prayer before studying

Lord, I know you are with me and love me.
Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this time of study.
Help me to focus on my books and notes,
keep me from all distractions so that I will make the best use
of this time that is available to me.

Give me insight that I might understand what I am studying,
and help me to remember it when the time comes.
Above all, I thank you for the ability to be able to study
and for the many gifts and talents you have given me.
Help me always to use them in such a way
that they honor you and do justice to myself.

Loving God
be with me now,
as I prepare for my exams.

Thank you for the many talents and gifts you have,
given me and for the opportunity of education.

Calm my nerves and anxiety, help me
to remember all that I have studied,
to express it clearly and to answer the questions
the very best I can.

Holy Spirit, sit with me in my exam

Dear God,
Source of all wisdom,
Help me to use my time
And my intelligence wisely,
As I prepare for exams.
Help me to dispose myself
To listen to your Holy Spirit
So that you, as my loving Spirit,
May place me in a state of prayer
And lead me to understand
That the supreme wisdom
Is knowing I am your child.

Help me to remain serene
So that my work may truly reflect
This profound truth
Mary, Mother of my spiritual life,
Guide me in the ways of your Son,
So that my work may help
To transform this world for God’s glory.

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