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Prayer For My Mom Surgery

Who has not wished for a prayer before surgery? Moreover, who has not wanted to initiate a healing prayer for those who will undergo surgery? A positive relationship with God is the foundation for our healing process. Our spiritual bond is established through prayer and our attitude of gratitude. The healing power of God is revealed once we cultivate the right mindset. Keep reading to find out more information. My Mother Is Going To Have An Operation

As a child, we are taught to pray for others and hope for the best. When my mother needed surgery, I had to rely on this skill as I prayed that everything would go well and that my mother would heal correctly. God listened to my prayers and carried them out. My mother is doing great. This article details the prayers I made during the process and what went on during her time of recovery.. Learn more by reading on. prayer for mom who is sick

A prayer for my mom surgery. Today, January 7th, we all woke up to hear the bad news that my mom has a serious cancer in her lung. The cancer had spread everywhere, to her liver, brain and bones. The doctors told us, that with chemotherapy or the operation, it is difficult to say which will work. We have decided to go with the surgery first on Thursday this week. I feel deeply depressed and am finding it hard to sleep knowing that my mum is going through such bad pain right now. I don’t quite know how to cope with this situation as we are not a real religious family but have always been huge believers in faith and prayers.

Prayer For My Mom Surgery

Prayer For My Mom Surgery

Dear Lord,

Please help me in my time of need. I ask that you watch over my mother during her surgery. Help her to be brave and strong and let her know that she has many people who love her. Please give her strength to get through this and be able to recover from the surgery quickly. Thank you for hearing my prayer. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Dear God,

I pray for my mom who is going to have surgery tomorrow. I know that this is something very scary for her and for our family. Please watch over her and keep her safe. Amen

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today to ask for your help in the upcoming surgery of my mother. Please give her strength, courage and peace during this time. She has been having a lot of pain lately and I am asking for your guidance for the doctors that will be performing the surgery. Please guide them as they perform this procedure so that my mom will have no complications from it and be able to recover quickly. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen

Dear Jesus,

I come before you seeking your divine help and guidance in my life. Please bless the doctor’s hands and the nursing staff who will be taking care of my mom during her surgery tomorrow. Please heal her body and soul, so that she will be able to recover quickly and live a healthy life. Hear our prayers, dear Lord, we thank you for hearing our prayers. Amen

I pray that the surgery for my mom will be a success, and she will have a full recovery. I pray that the doctors and nurses will do their best to help her through this difficult time. I pray that she will get out of this surgery stronger than ever before.

I pray that she will feel better after her surgery and not experience any complications while in the hospital or after she comes home.

I pray that God’s grace and mercy will be upon me and my family during this difficult time in our lives. Amen

Dear God,

I pray for [name of mom] to be healed from her illness. Please watch over her and keep her safe. Bless her with strength and courage as she travels this difficult path. Amen.

Dear God, please help my mom feel better. She has been so sick for so long and I want her to get better. Please help the doctors find a cure for her. Please let them know what she needs to be healthy again. I pray for this in Jesus’ name, Amen

Dear Lord,

We ask that you help our mother, who is sick. We pray that you will allow her to heal quickly and fully. We pray that she will be able to return to work and that she will be able to move around unencumbered by pain or other symptoms. We pray that our family can get through this difficult time together, still strong in faith and love for one another. Amen

Prayer For Mom Who Is Sick

Dear Lord,

Please heal my mother, who is sick. Please give her strength to overcome this illness and be healed of it. Please bless her with good health and a long life. Please help me to be patient as I wait for her recovery. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Dear Lord,

We are here today to pray for our mother who is sick. We know that you have the power to heal her and we ask you to do so. We also ask that you guide our hands as we care for her in her time of need. Help us to be compassionate caregivers and to remember what she has taught us through the years.


Dear Lord,

I pray for my mother who is sick and in the hospital. Please help her heal from her illness and be ready to return to work when she is better. I also pray that she will be strong enough to keep fighting this battle, and that she will not give up on herself or on life. I pray that you will protect her from all evil and keep her safe from harm. Thank you in advance for all your blessings upon my mother and our family. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


I ask for your healing hand upon my mother who is sick. She needs your support and strength. Please help her to get well soon, Lord. Help her to recover quickly and completely. Please give us your divine guidance in this difficult time.

Lord, I know that you are a God of miracles, so please heal my mom from her sickness and make her healthy again. I also pray that she will be able to find peace and happiness in her life, even if she has to go through this difficult time. May she experience the joy of knowing that there is a God who loves her unconditionally and cares for her always.

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for all the blessings that you have given us during our lives so far; may you continue to bless us with good health, peace in our hearts and happiness in our homes! Amen

Dear Lord,

I come before you today, asking for your help and guidance in my life. I am a mother and wife and I have been struggling with a very difficult time. My mother is very sick, she has been diagnosed with cancer, and the doctors are not sure if she will make it through this time. She is in need of a miracle, Lord, please hear my prayer and heal her body so that she may be restored to good health once again. I need your strength to get through this crisis in my life, please help me Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen

Dear God,

We ask that you please watch over our mother. She is sick, and we want to be able to help her in any way we can. Please give us the strength to keep going, even when things get tough. Help us to remember that we are not alone and that you are there with us every step of the way.

Thank you for being here with us at this time, and for all that you have given us. We pray for miracles and healing, but most importantly we pray for peace and comfort in our hearts during this difficult time. We love you!

Dear God,

We pray for the health and healing of our mother, who is sick. Please comfort her in her time of suffering and give her strength to face this challenge. We thank you for bringing us together as a family, and we ask that your love and support will always be with us as we care for our mother through this difficult time. Amen

Dear Lord, please heal my mother. She is sick and needs your help. Show her the way to get better, so that she can enjoy the rest of her life. Please take care of her, and give me strength to be there for her. Thank you for all the blessings you have given us, and for guiding us through our hardships. Amen

Dear God,

I ask that you give my mother the strength to fight this illness. Please forgive her for any wrongs she may have committed, and help guide her through this difficult time. May all of us be able to surround her with love and support as she recovers from surgery. I pray for her healing and for a quick recovery. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dear God,

I pray for my mom to get well soon. Please heal her and make her healthy again. Please help me to be a good son for her and take care of her.

Dear God,

We pray for my mom to get well soon. Please help her recover from her illness as soon as possible. We know that you are a loving God who takes care of us and our loved ones. We thank you for your many blessings and we pray that you will continue to bless us abundantly. We ask this in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen

Dear God,

I pray for my mom to get well soon. Please heal her from this disease. I know that she is suffering from it, and I also know that she has been praying for a cure. God, please answer her prayers and heal her completely so that she can live without pain. Please help me to be strong for her and support her through this difficult time in our lives. Thank you for listening to my prayer today, and God bless you!

Dear God,

Please let me get my mom back soon.

She has been sick for so long, and I just want to be able to see her smile again. I want to be able to hear her laugh and see her face light up when she sees me. Please give us back our mommy.

I know that You are a merciful God who loves us all very much and wants what is best for us as children of Your creation. Please help us find our mom again soon so that we can rejoice together in Your love and joy!

Dear God,

We come before you today to ask for your healing hand on the body of our dear mother. She has been battling cancer for a long time now, and it’s time for her to be free from this disease. We pray that you will heal her body and give her strength to continue fighting until she can live free from cancer. In your name we pray, Amen

Dear God,

We thank you for the precious gift of life. We pray that you will heal my mom and bring her back to us as soon as possible. We ask that you help her move with ease and grace, and that your love may surround her. This I pray in your name, Jesus Christ, amen.

Dear Lord,

Please hear our prayer for [name], who is sick with an unknown illness. We pray that you will heal her quickly, that she may return to her normal self soon.

We thank you for caring for us and helping us through this difficult time. We ask that you give us strength to get through the days ahead, and comfort during our times of worry and fear. We know that you are good and just, and that all things work together for good for those who love you (Romans 8:28).

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen

My Mother Is Going To Have An Operation

My mother is going to have an operation. The doctor says that she needs to lose weight. She has been overweight for many years and has tried every diet known to man.

She has tried Atkins, Weight Watchers, Slimfast, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig and others with no success. The doctor said that he would perform the operation if my mother agreed to lose 50 pounds before the surgery.

I told my mother about this and she agreed to try once more. She said that she would give it her best shot and even if she does not succeed she will still have the operation because she wants to live longer for our family’s sake.

Mother is going to have an operation. She has had a lot of pain in her left leg and it has been getting worse. The doctor says she needs an operation to remove some bone from her leg.

She is worried about what will happen if they find something wrong with her heart or other organs while they are operating on her leg.

She has already had a heart attack, which means that the blood supply to part of her heart is blocked. This makes it harder for her heart muscle to pump blood around her body. As a result, she gets tired easily and cannot walk far without getting out of breath.

She also takes medicine called beta blockers, which help control the beating of her heart so that it works at its best. She takes this medicine every day because she was born with a weak heart muscle and this makes it more likely that she might have another heart attack in the future.

My mother is going to have an operation on her leg. She lives in a nursing home, and they need to get her ready for the surgery.

The nurses are supposed to get her ready, but they don’t always do it right.

I don’t think they know how important it is for my mom to stay dry when she has surgery on her leg. If she gets an infection, it will be hard for her to heal properly.

I am going to help the nurses get my mom ready for surgery by making sure she stays dry and clean before the operation.

My mother is going to have an operation. She is 86 years old and has lived a very healthy life. She does not smoke, nor drink alcohol and she is very active. However, she has a benign tumour in her right lung which has been diagnosed as Stage 4 cancer.

The doctors say that they can operate but they cannot guarantee that it will be successful as the tumour could be too big and there might be spread to other organs. The alternative is chemotherapy and radiotherapy but this may not be effective either as the tumour is so small (about 1 cm x 1 cm). If this was not enough, my mother’s right kidney stopped functioning three weeks ago due to another medical condition called polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

My mother is very strong mentally but emotionally she is suffering from all these problems at once and she feels vulnerable. She does not want to die but knows there are no guarantees for anyone in this world so she accepts what may happen without fear or anxiety.

I would like your help in giving her some hope that there may be some success with the operation and/or chemotherapy/radiotherapy treatment as we do not want her to suffer any more than necessary after such a long life of good health

My mother is going to have an operation. She will be coming home tomorrow. She is 81 years old and I am her only child. She has had two hip replacements, one knee replacement and a spinal fusion in the last 12 years.

I am concerned about her mental state. She has been depressed since my father died 10 years ago and she never recovered from that loss. Her depression has become more severe over the past few months and she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder type II (manic-depressive). She also has hypertension, high cholesterol, osteoarthritis in both hips and knees, and glaucoma in one eye (which requires frequent drops). My question is how should I handle her mental condition? Are there any books or articles on dealing with depression in older adults? Is there any way that I can prevent or lessen this type of depression? Are there any medications that may help?

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