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Prayers To Keep A Relationship Strong

Let’s face it: life is scary. We want to keep our loved ones, children, friends, and even ourselves safe throughout the day, both emotionally and physically. It’s a natural instinct to protect the things we love most in our lives, and lucky for us, we have a little extra help to ensure they stay safeguarded. Our Lord is always watching out for us, even when we may not realize it or think about him during the busiest moments of our days. But, when we want that extra feeling of safety or crave a little satisfaction knowing that God is listening, there are prayers for protection to read, say, and meditate on. Learn more by reading on long-distance relationship prayer for a relationship with your boyfriend

Prayers to keep a relationship strong In times of hardship and challenges, there are certain things that need to be said, things that should not be left unsaid. That is why this blog has been created. There are songs out there that serve as reflections of our feelings and thoughts, but sometimes words alone aren’t enough to express ourselves and get our point across. That is why we have some prayers to keep a relationship strong as well. If you’re having a hard time making yourself clearly understood in relationships with others, you need to read these prayers. Whether it’s for help with your relationship, prayers for others related to your relationship, or need some words of strength or wisdom when the going gets tough — there’s something here for everyone

Never underestimate what the power of prayer can do in any situation. God knows exactly what we require and when we require it. So whether you’re calling for protection for yourself, your home, your children, or the world, know that the Lord is listening, and he will answer when the time is right.

Prayers To Keep A Relationship Strong

Prayers To Keep A Relationship Strong

I pray that my relationship with my spouse will be strong and that we will be able to communicate effectively.

I pray for strength in our marriage, that we will not fall into the trap of complacency and routine.

I pray for wisdom and understanding as we try to navigate through this complex world.

I pray for patience, forgiveness, and unconditional love.

I pray for openness and honesty in our communication with each other.

I pray that we can accept each other’s shortcomings without judgment or harsh criticism.

I pray that we can work together as a team and help each other achieve our goals in life.

Prayer: I’m with You

Dear God,

My relationship with my partner is very important to me. I pray that you will give us wisdom and understanding so that we can grow together. I pray for the strength to forgive when it is needed, and for the courage to apologize when I have made a mistake in our relationship. I pray for the ability to communicate with each other without fear of hurting each other’s feelings or being misunderstood. I pray that we can be completely honest with each other, no matter what may come out of our mouths. Please help us to grow as individuals through our relationship with each other. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Lord, thank you for allowing me to find the right person at the right time. Thank you for bringing this person into my life and letting me fall in love with them.

Lord, please protect our relationship so that we can continue to grow together. Please help us to trust each other and not doubt one another. Help us to be honest with each other in all things, because honesty brings trust and trust builds love.

Lord, please help us to forgive one another when we make mistakes because we are both human beings and will make mistakes from time to time. Help us to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes as well. Lord, please keep our relationship strong so that we can do what is best for each other and our family as well. Amen

I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me. I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me.

I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me. I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me. I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me. I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me. I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me.

I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me. I pray to God who is the creator of this universe and the great spirit that lives within me.

  1. Lord, please help me to have the patience of Job.
  2. Lord, please help me to remember that my wife is not a wife but a human being with faults and needs like any other human being.
  3. Lord, please help me to remember that my wife is not my maid or servant, but she is my partner in life who has her own responsibilities and duties towards me as well as our family.
  4. Lord, please help me to remember that it’s not always easy loving another person unconditionally when there’s no love coming back from them.
  5. Lord, please help me to take the time out to spend some quality time with my wife as much as possible so that she knows I care about her and love her more than anything else in this world!
  6. Lord, please help me keep things in perspective and not get worked up over trivial matters that do not matter at all!
  7. Lord, please help me realize that if I want peace and happiness in my marriage then I must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen!

Long Distance Relationship Prayer For Relationship With Boyfriend


Please hear my prayer. I am in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and he lives in another city. He is not able to come and visit me on weekends because of his job.

I have been praying that you will provide a way for us to be together soon.

Please help us to stay strong during this time and continue to grow our relationship with each other.

In your name we pray, Amen

I am very grateful to God for bringing me a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. We have been dating for almost a year now. We met on Facebook and have been getting to know each other through video calls and text messages.

But as you can imagine, it’s hard to maintain a relationship when you don’t see each other every day. That’s why I wanted to share my long distance relationship prayer for relationship with boyfriend!

I pray that God will help us stay strong in our faith and trust that this is His will for our lives. I pray that we never lose sight of the fact that our love is bigger than any distance between us.

Because I’m so far away from you right now, I want you to know how much I miss being near you – hearing your voice, touching your face, kissing your lips… I miss being able to say “I love you” whenever we talk or text! Even though we’re apart, my love for you grows stronger every day because all I want is to be with you forever!

Lord, I pray that you will help my boyfriend and I to overcome the distance that is between us. Help us to grow closer to each other in your love, so that we can soon be together. Lord, please bring us closer together and make our relationship stronger than ever before.

Lord, help us to communicate with each other and show our love for one another through words and actions. Help us to learn from our mistakes so that we may never repeat them again. Lord, please help us to trust each other completely and share everything with each other without fear or hesitation. Lord, please help me to trust my boyfriend completely so that he can do the same for me as well.

Lord, please continue to guide us every step of the way until we are reunited together again as husband and wife! Thank you for all your wonderful blessings in my life! Amen

Dear Lord,

I pray for my relationship with my boyfriend. I pray for him to be faithful to me and for our love to grow stronger each day. I also pray for our relationship to bring glory and honor to you.

I pray that we will stay strong and continue doing what is right in your eyes, even when it is difficult or inconvenient. I pray that we will set a good example for other couples who are struggling with the same issues that we face daily.

Lord, please help us to communicate with one another and resolve any problems that may arise between us. Please help us not to let anger or resentment build up inside of us, but rather teach us how to forgive each other when we have made mistakes or said hurtful things toward one another.

Help us Lord, so that we can trust one another completely and know that nothing will come between us as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ alone.

Lord, help me to walk in your ways and to seek you with all my heart. Forgive me for the times that I have not kept a good attitude, or have been impatient or unkind. Help me to trust in you and in your plan for my life. Teach me how to be a godly wife, how to be an example of your love and grace to others, and how to be a helper of those who are struggling under their crosses.

I pray that my husband will grow in his relationship with you through prayer and Bible study, so that he can put his hope and trust in Christ alone. Lord, I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Prayer Points For Relationship Breakthrough

Prayer Points for Relationship Breakthrough

Prayer for a Breakthrough in Your Relationship with God

Lord, I pray for the breakthrough that my relationship with you needs. I pray that you will open my eyes to see myself as you see me and to see others as you see them. I pray that you will help me be more like Jesus and less like myself while I am on this earth. I pray that you would use my life to help others find their way back to you so that they too can experience the freedom and joy of being your child. Amen

Prayer Points for Relationship Breakthrough

Prayer is a powerful tool in life. It can help to change the course of events and bring about change. Prayer is not just saying words, but it is speaking to God with your heart. The Bible says, “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16). It is important to pray with faith and believe that God will answer your prayers.

Some people have been praying for years without seeing any change in their lives or relationships; this means that they are not praying with faith or they are not believing that God will answer their prayers. If you have been praying for a long time but there has been no change, then maybe it is time for you to stop praying and start acting on what God has already told you through His word.

A relationship breakthrough could be as simple as being honest about how you feel towards each other and then taking action on it by doing whatever you can do in order to make things right between the two of you again.

I have prayed for God to give me a breakthrough in my relationship with my husband. I know that God can do it. I just need the power, strength, and courage to do it.

I have asked God to help me be the wife that he wants me to be, so that my husband will want to come back home.

I want my marriage to work again, because I don’t want our children to grow up in a broken home.

I prayed for God to give me wisdom as I speak with my husband about our marriage problems.

I prayed for God’s protection over my husband.

I prayed for God’s guidance as we talk about our problems.

Prayer points for relationship breakthrough

God is the creator of all things, and He has given us the resources to achieve our goals. The Bible says that God is able to do more than we can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). If you are looking for a breakthrough in your relationship, here are some powerful prayer points that will help you get it.

Prayer Points For Relationship Breakthrough

  1. Ask God to give you His heart for your spouse.
  2. Pray that when both of you fight, God will give you wisdom to know how to resolve the issue at hand without escalating it into something bigger.
  3. Pray that both of you will learn how to communicate effectively with each other so that there will be no room for misunderstanding or miscommunication in your marriage.
  4. Ask God to help you forgive quickly when the other person makes a mistake or forgets something important because forgiveness is one of the keys to having healthy relationships (Colossians 3:13-14).

Prayer Points for Relationship Breakthrough

  1. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I break the curses of generational sins that have been passed down onto my family line.
  2. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I break all curses caused by my ancestors who were involved in witchcraft and idolatry.
  3. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I break all curses that have been put on me through ancestral bloodlines and/or friendships.
  4. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I break all curses that have been put on me through covenants made with demonic forces and/or occultic activities; specifically those made with Jezebel and Lilith.
  5. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I break all curses that have been put on me through sexual sins such as masturbation or pornography use; specifically those made with Lilith as well as any other evil spirit involved in these acts such as Asmodeus or Astaroth (principalities).
  6. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I bind up every principality [Astaroth (principalities)]

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