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Prayer To Parumala Thirumeni

Thirumeni was a great man who was an inspiration to millions of people around the world. He was a true Christian and possessed many noble qualities. I am sure that if we pray to him he will guide us in all our hardships. Tiruvalla (pronounced [t̪iruvaɭ̪ə]) is a town and also a municipality in the Pathanamthitta District, of the state of Kerala, India. It is situated on the banks of the river Achankovil and forms the gateway to the high ranges of the Western Ghats. The geographical area of Tiruvalla is 20.09 km2. Prayers, which can be defined as “a reverent petition made to a deity or superhuman power”, have always played a large role in religion. The fact is that they can generate a lot of respect among people, encouraging them resulting in the strengthening of moral values and self discipline.

Prayer To Parumala Thirumeni. Lots of individuals have a tendency to disregard the significance of reading Gospel for improvement of oneself. However, knowing about the amazing features of the knowledge makes you feel good. I can not imagine the good time for your Prayer to Parumala Thirumeni. When I was a child it was not possible to you from far away, but now you can pray from anywhere. You are confident that they will give approval with your request and provide what you ask. First of all, as always ask Mother Mary to pray for you. She has asked that you offer your desires to God through her. Remember that you will receive the divine response. First and foremost, I want to thank you for landing on this page. This page is about Prayer to Parumala Thirumeni, which might be what you are looking for. Hopefully it’s going to positively impact your life in ways more than one.

Peace, harmony and prosperity is what everyone longs for. There are several prayer forms available in the spiritual world. For centuries, religious groups all over the world have been praying their way to better health, wealth and happiness. Om Amara tharbhaaya namaha Shornam dukhranaaya kalpathaye namaha Aapdilekha tharakale namaha Mundidwaitpathaye namaha Nithyakale thaskandhane namaha Sarvathapaka saranagare prayachchhi Nithya mangaladhara thamboola vinnolicha Praseedh swamiye 🙂 Is it possible to pray to a Saint? It seems a little strange to us Catholics that anyone would pray directly to a Saint, but we do. I mean, how else can you pray for the intercession of someone who is never in heaven? And that’s precisely what makes prayer a powerful force in our life. With prayer, we can petition God and request His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Prayer To Parumala Thirumeni

Prayer To Parumala Thirumeni

Prayer To Parumala Thirumeni

Lord Jesus Christ,

I pray for the intercession of Your Holiness, Parumala Thirumeni. I pray that I will be able to live my life in such a way that it is worthy of emulation by others. May I be blessed with Your grace and mercy, so that the world may see Your glory through my life. Amen.

O Parumala Thirumeni,

You are a great saint and an inspiration to us.

Your name itself is enough to bring peace and joy to us.

You have helped many people in their times of distress and pain.

We pray that you continue to shower your blessings on us through your words and deeds!

May you be with us always as we go through our daily lives!

Parumala Thirumeni

Prayer To Parumala Thirumeni

Lord, who are the sun and moon to the world. You are the living light that illuminates our minds and hearts. Your Holiness is the true embodiment of love, compassion and sacrifice. Your Holiness is one who lives for others and guides us on our journey towards spiritual enlightenment. We pray for your protection and blessings for our community at this time. May we always seek your guidance in all our endeavours here on Earth. Amen

Dear Parumala Thirumeni,

We pray to you to give us the strength and courage to face all our problems. We seek your blessings so that we can overcome all our difficulties with the grace of God. Please help us to realize the importance of our life and do something good for others. We hope that you will bless us with good health and prosperity so that we can serve humanity better.

O Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. Please forgive me for all my sins. I love you, Jesus. I want to follow you in your footsteps. Please give me the strength and courage to serve you. I want to be a good Christian and do good works for your Church.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me! O Holy Parumala Thirumeni, pray for me! O Holy Magi, plead with God for me so that I can have a meeting with Him!

Prayer To Parumala Thirumeni

Blessed are you, O Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has made many good things to come upon the earth. Blessed are you, O Lord, who makes the blind to see and the lame to walk (Deuteronomy 28:7). Blessed are you, O Lord our God and King of the universe who heals those afflicted with leprosy (2 Kings 7:3). Blessed dare we pray before you, O Lord our God and King of the universe?

Blessed are you, O Lord our God and King of all creation for having given us a father like Parumala Thirumeni. He is a saintly person who lives only for you alone. He can be compared to no other human being because he is wholly dedicated to your service.

May he live long! May his life be prolonged! May his health be perfect! May he continue to serve you faithfully! May his name spread far and wide! May his teachings spread throughout the world! May his teachings bring peace and prosperity to mankind! May his words be eternal in this world as well as in Heavens above! Amen

O Parumala Thirumeni,

We the people of Kerala are very fortunate to have the darshan of Your Holiness. We are also fortunate that we have Thy blessings. We pray to Your Holiness to shower Your blessings on us.

We pray to You O Parumala Thirumeni not only for us but also for all those who are in need of your prayers.

O! Lord, Thou art our protector and provider. We pray to Thee that we should be blessed with good health, peace and prosperity in life.

O! Lord, please bless me and my family members with good health and happiness in this world as well as hereafter.

Om Shreem Namaha!

Om Vishnuaya Namaha!

Om Vishalaya Namaha!

Om Sree Dharma Sasthaay Namaha!

Om Maha Devay Namaha!

Om Maha Rama Sametha Guruvay Namaha!

Om Maha Siva Sametha Guruvay Namaha!

Om Maha Ganapathi Sametha Guruvay Namaha!

Sri Parumala Thirumeni, who is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, please bless me with your grace. May I be blessed with peace and harmony in this life. May I be blessed with good health and prosperity in this life. May I lead a happy life with my family members and friends in this life. May all my desires be fulfilled through Your blessings. Om Shreem

Olimpico Parumala Thirumeni,

You are the light of Malankara Orthodox Church.

You were a great preacher and evangelist.

Your sermons are still very popular in Kerala.

You have introduced many young people to the path of spirituality.

You were a great scholar and had deep knowledge in theology and philosophy.

You spent your whole life serving God and humanity without any thought of self-interest or personal gain.

O Lord! Bless us all with a life like yours – dedicated to God and humanity!

O Lord, I pray to you, the God of gods, the God of all creation and the master of all virtues. O Lord, who is the source of everything in this universe and beyond. I pray to you with all my heart and soul.

O Lord, I am a sinner who has fallen into the depths of sin. My sins are too great for me to be forgiven by your grace alone.

O Lord, as you have promised in your holy scriptures that ‘There is no one who can save us from ourselves’, please give me the strength to repent sincerely for my sins and follow your teachings so that I may lead a better life in this world and hereafter.”

Parumala Thirumeni Prayer Request

Parumala Thirumeni Prayer Request

The following is a prayer request for the health of Mor Gregorios Geevarghese, the patron saint of Malankara Orthodox Church. The prayers are being conducted by all churches and faithful in Kerala.

Please pray for the following:

  1. Mor Gregorios Geevarghese should be able to continue his service to Malankara Orthodox Church as long as his health permits him.
  2. His life should be spared from any danger or illness that may come his way and that he should live long with good health and strength to serve our church.
  3. May God give him strength to bear the physical and mental stress which comes with the increase in age, so that he can continue his pastoral duties without any hindrance to the community at large..

The church at Parumala is the most famous church in Kerala. The church is dedicated to St. Gregorios of Parumala, who was a prominent priest and Syriac scholar and was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church in 1964. The church is situated amidst the tranquil beauty of nature at the foot of the Western Ghats.

As it is a popular pilgrimage centre, many devotees visit this shrine throughout the year. The annual festival of this shrine falls on July 14th which marks the birth anniversary of St. Gregorios of Parumala.

There are many miracles associated with this shrine and thousands of devotees come here to seek blessings from God during their times of need.

Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen

Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner.

Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil Amen

Lord have mercy on me a sinner

I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of Heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary: Suffered under Pontius Pilate; Was crucified dead and buried: He descended into hell; The third day he rose again from the dead: He ascended into Heaven; And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence he shall come to judge

Dear Fr.George,

I kindly request you to pray for my sister in law who is suffering from cancer and has been operated. She is still getting treatment but doctors says that she can’t survive too long and she might die anytime. As her family is not giving her proper care, I request you to please pray for her recovery. My brother in law and his wife are not believing on the miracles of our lord Jesus Christ and they are not accepting any prayers from us or parents of my sister in law. Please pray for them also so that they may accept the prayers for their daughter’s recovery

Dear Sir,

My name is Sreenath and i am from Kerala.I have been living in Dubai for the past 2 years.I have been suffering from depression, stress, anxiety and also had some issues with my family.I was also not able to concentrate on my work. I came across your website and started praying for your help. I am so happy that after a few days of your prayers my mind has become more positive and i don’t feel any more stress or anxiety.

Now, i am able to concentrate on my work and handle any situation without getting stressed out. Thank you very much sir for all your help.

Sample Prayers For Prayer Request

Dear Father,

We come to you today in prayer. We are in need of your guidance and strength. We know that we do not have the power to change this situation alone; but with your help, we know that we can overcome this obstacle. Please watch over us and guide our steps as we walk through this trial. We ask that you give us the strength to endure whatever comes our way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dear Lord,

I come to you today with a heavy heart. I ask that you bring my family and friends together. Protect us from all harm and danger.

Please bless us with good health and happiness. Let us know that you are always with us, even when we feel alone.

Thank you for all the blessings that you have given me during my life, and please continue to guide me on my journey through life.

I pray this in Jesus name, Amen

Most people think that prayer is only a way to communicate with God. However, it is much more than that. Prayer is a powerful force that can change your life and the lives of others around you. It has the ability to heal the sick, solve problems and bring peace to troubled times in our lives.

Prayer is one of the most powerful forces on Earth. When you pray for someone, you are acknowledging their need for help and desire for change in their life; this will empower them to do so themselves.

Prayer is also an affirmation that all good things come from God; therefore we should never give up hope or give up on anyone because no matter how bad things may seem there is always hope and always peace within Him.

If you want to learn how to pray effectively then you must learn how to ask for what you need from God by using His words and listening for His answer through His Word (His Word).

Dear Lord,

I come to you today with a prayer request. I need your guidance and wisdom. This is a very difficult time in my life and I need your help. Please guide me on what to do and help me find peace within myself.

It’s been so long that I’ve felt this way and it’s not easy to deal with things on my own. Please give me strength as I try to get through these next few months.

I know that this will be a challenge for me but please help me overcome it with your love and kindness. Thank you for listening to my prayer today and may God bless you always!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today with my prayer request. I have been having a tough time lately, and I need your help. Please guide me through this difficult time, and help me find the strength to get through it.

I know that everything happens for a reason and this too shall pass, but until then please be with me and give me strength.

Please give me the courage to face whatever it is that has brought this challenge into my life. Give me the courage to overcome the obstacles that are holding back my progress, and help me find a way to turn bad into good in this situation.

Help me to be patient during this trying time in my life, and give me the patience I need to keep going even though things don’t appear as they should be going right now.

Thank you Lord for being here with me always no matter what happens in my life! In Jesus name I pray Amen

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