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Bible Study On Being Content

In 1 Timothy 6:6, Paul writes that godliness with contentment is great gain. Contentment is the bedrock of our walk with Christ, and so it seems only fitting to examine how we can be more content with what God has given us. Shown below are several Bible studies on being content with God’s abundant blessings.

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Bible Study On Being Content

Bible Study On Being Content

  1. The Bible tells us that contentment is not just a feeling, but a choice.
  2. Contentment can be learned.
  3. God wants us to be content and He promises that He will give us everything we need (Philippians 4:19).
  4. When we are content, we don’t worry about what others have or what they are doing with their lives.

Contentment is a state of mind. It is not based on material possessions, but on your attitude toward them. If you are constantly seeking to get more and do more, then it is likely that you will never be satisfied.

Contentment is a state of mind that should be cultivated by everyone who has been given the responsibility of caring for others.

We find a lot of examples in the Bible about people who were content with what God gave them. If you look at the lives of these people, you will find that their satisfaction came from a confident trust in God rather than an abundance of possessions.

Jesus was one such person who showed contentment throughout His life on earth (John 6:9). He never complained about where He lived or what He ate; instead, He thanked God for everything (Mark 14:6).

The Bible is full of stories about people who were content. The apostle Paul said, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” He also said, “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content” (Philippians 4:11).

Paul’s words are echoed by other Bible characters who show us how to be content in any situation. Here are just a few examples:

Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers. When he was taken to Egypt, he became a successful servant in Potiphar’s house. Then Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of trying to seduce her so she could have him jailed and possibly killed. But God was with Joseph and kept him safe through it all (Genesis 39–41).

Job lost all of his possessions and suffered terrible physical ailments as well as great personal grief when his children were killed and his wife died prematurely. Yet Job remained faithful to God until the end (Job 1–2).

David had many troubles during his reign over Israel, including civil war and rebellion among his own sons (1 Kings 15:3). Yet David remained steadfast in his love for God and trust that everything would work out according to His will (Psalm

Contentment is a state of being satisfied with what you have. It is a state of mind where you are satisfied with your current situation, no matter what it may be. Contentment is the opposite of discontentment and envy.

Contentment is considered one of the seven deadly sins because it doesn’t motivate people to change their lives for the better. Instead, contentment leads people to be complacent with their lot in life, even when they have so much more potential than they realize.

Contentment Bible Stories

In the Bible, there are many examples of people who were content with their circumstances:

Job was one of the richest men in all creation, but he still praised God for giving him everything he needed (Job 1:21). Job lost everything in a terrible plague, but he still praised God for what he had left and continued to serve Him faithfully (Job 2:10-13). Job even gave away his wealth and lived simply in order to show his gratitude for what God had given him (Job 42:10-13).

The Prodigal Son left home and squandered his inheritance on wild living in a foreign country. But instead of begging his father for forgiveness when

The Bible is filled with people who were content. They had everything they needed, and they were happy. In fact, even when they lost their possessions or went through trials and tribulations, they remained content.

Consider these Bible characters who showed contentment:

Job – Job was a man who had it all. He had 10 children, 7 sons and 3 daughters. He owned 3,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 donkeys (Job 1:3). But God allowed Satan to take all of his possessions away from him (Job 1:12). Yet Job never lost his joy or his peace. He said in Job 2:10, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

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