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Prayer For My Mom Who Is Sick

Every child has a wish to see their mom healthy, happy and cancer-free. So I started this blog with the prayer for my mom who is sick. The accompanying picture shows Mom dressed up in her best on the day of her first chemo session and all of us surrounding her as she lay on the hospital bed. The look on her face says it all: any amount of pain is worth keeping this woman with us for as long as possible. Prayer does work, truth be told! You can read how and why prayer works, how to use it effectively, the power of positive thinking, how you can learn how to communicate with God, and so much more!

Prayer is one of the most powerful tools God has given to us. And yet we all have seen or experienced situations that are too big for us to handle. Most Christians believe in prayer, but not everyone understands it for what it really is and what it does. You could be among those who would benefit from this tonight’s message.

The title is pretty self-explanatory in terms of it being about a prayer for a sick person. Good, because I was having issues trying to come up with a title to describe the prayer. It’s obviously a prayer…for mother…who is sick. And it’s for someone specific, although I won’t name who that someone is.

Prayer For My Mom Who Is Sick

Prayer For My Mom Who Is Sick

Dear Lord,

I pray for my mom who is sick. Her health has been deteriorating over the past few months and her doctors are unable to determine exactly what is wrong with her. She has been having problems with her vision, loss of balance, dizziness and headaches. Please guide the doctors as they continue to do their research on what could be causing these problems. Please heal my mom so that she can be back to feeling like herself again. In Jesus name I pray amen

Dear Lord,

I pray for my mom who is sick. I pray that you will heal her body, mind and soul. Please help her to know that you are with her and that she will be okay.

I pray that she will find the strength to get through this difficult time. Please give her strength in all aspects of life.

I pray that she will find peace and comfort in Your presence. Comfort her heart with Your love and compassion.

I also pray for my family members who are affected by this illness as well as those who have lost their lives due to sickness or disease. Please give them strength and comfort during this difficult time in their lives.

Thank you for being our Healer and Comforter Lord Jesus Christ

Dear God,

Please heal my mom. She has been sick for so long and we need her to be healthy again. I know you can do this and I trust in your power.

I know that you are always here with me, even when I feel alone, because you are never far away.

Please give me strength to help my mom through this hard time. Please help me to be a good daughter and not lose hope, even when things seem hopeless. Please let us be together again as a family as soon as possible. Amen

Dear Lord,

I come before you today to ask for your help. My mother is very sick and I need your guidance and strength to keep her safe. Please help me to take care of her and not be too hard on her. Please heal her body and mind so that she can feel better. Help me to be a good daughter and friend to her during this difficult time. In Jesus Name, Amen

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that you would heal my mother’s body and mind. I ask that you would bring her comfort and peace during this difficult time in her life. Please give her strength to deal with whatever she may be going through physically and mentally.

I pray that you would send angels to surround her with your love and protection. And I ask that you would give me the wisdom and strength to know what to do in this situation.

In Jesus’ name, amen

Dear God,

I pray for [name of mom] to be healed from her illness. Please watch over her and keep her safe. Bless her with strength and courage as she travels this difficult path. Amen.

Dear God, please help my mom feel better. She has been so sick for so long and I want her to get better. Please help the doctors find a cure for her. Please let them know what she needs to be healthy again. I pray for this in Jesus’ name, Amen

Dear Lord,

We ask that you help our mother, who is sick. We pray that you will allow her to heal quickly and fully. We pray that she will be able to return to work and that she will be able to move around unencumbered by pain or other symptoms. We pray that our family can get through this difficult time together, still strong in faith and love for one another. Amen

Prayer For My Mom For Strength

Dear Lord,

Please be with my mom. She is going through a difficult time right now, and I need you to guide her through these difficult times. Please give her the strength to continue on this path of healing, and help her to overcome this trial in her life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Dear Lord,

I am asking for strength for my mother. She is a very strong woman who has been through a lot in her life but I know she can handle this trial. I thank you for all that she does for me and my family, she is always there for us when we need her most. She has been there for me through the good times and the bad times, she is such a loving mother who would do anything for her children. I pray that you will give her the strength to get through this difficult time in her life so that she can continue to be there for me. I pray that you will give us all peace and comfort during this time so that we can get through this trial with flying colors. Please help us Lord! Amen

Dear God,

I come before you today for strength for my mom. She has been diagnosed with cancer and is going through chemo. She has a long road ahead of her. I pray that you will give her the strength to get through this battle. I know that it is hard for her, but please allow her to continue on this journey. I pray that she will be able to go back to work as soon as possible. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as well during this time. Thank you for all you do for us, Amen!

Dear Lord,

I come before you today to ask for strength. I know that there are many people who are praying for me and my family. But I am going through a difficult time and I need your help. Please give me the strength to endure this trial. Please help me to get through each day with hope and faith in you. Help me see that even though things are difficult right now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it will get better because of you.

Please give me the courage to face all that comes my way. Give me strength so that I may not fall prey to temptation but remain strong in my resolve to do what is right, even when it seems like no one else wants me to do so. Give me wisdom so that I can make wise decisions during this time of trial and confusion. Grant me peace so that I can sleep at night without fear or worry about what tomorrow brings. Give me patience so that I can endure this trial without losing hope or faith in you or myself.

In your name I pray, Amen

My dear Lord, thank you for the wonderful gift of life that you have given me. I am grateful that you have made me a part of your family. My dear Lord, I come to you today with a request for my mother. My mother has been struggling with her health for some time now and is on bed rest at this time. She has been under the care of several doctors and has gotten better but she still needs your healing touch. My dear Lord, I ask that you heal my mother completely so that she may be able to go back home soon. May she be able to sleep well at night without pain in her legs and feet. May all the swelling go away from her body so that she can get up and walk around again without difficulty. My dear Lord, please help my mother get better so that she can do things for herself again such as cooking for us, cleaning house, taking care of our pets etc… Please also help my dad find a job soon so that he can support our family financially once again as he used to do before until we lost everything because of his unemployment situation due to an injury he sustained at work which caused him

Dear God,

We ask that you please watch over our mother. She is sick, and we want to be able to help her in any way we can. Please give us the strength to keep going, even when things get tough. Help us to remember that we are not alone and that you are there with us every step of the way. Thank you for being here with us at this time, and for all that you have given us. We pray for miracles and healing, but most importantly we pray for peace and comfort in our hearts during this difficult time. We love you!

Dear God,

We pray for the health and healing of our mother, who is sick. Please comfort her in her time of suffering and give her strength to face this challenge. We thank you for bringing us together as a family, and we ask that your love and support will always be with us as we care for our mother through this difficult time. Amen

Dear Lord, please heal my mother. She is sick and needs your help. Show her the way to get better, so that she can enjoy the rest of her life. Please take care of her, and give me strength to be there for her. Thank you for all the blessings you have given us, and for guiding us through our hardships. Amen

Dear God,

I ask that you give my mother the strength to fight this illness. Please forgive her for any wrongs she may have committed, and help guide her through this difficult time. May all of us be able to surround her with love and support as she recovers from surgery. I pray for her healing and for a quick recovery. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dear God,

I pray for my mom to get well soon. Please heal her and make her healthy again. Please help me to be a good son for her and take care of her.

Dear God,

We pray for my mom to get well soon. Please help her recover from her illness as soon as possible. We know that you are a loving God who takes care of us and our loved ones. We thank you for your many blessings and we pray that you will continue to bless us abundantly. We ask this in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen

Dear God,

I pray for my mom to get well soon. Please heal her from this disease. I know that she is suffering from it, and I also know that she has been praying for a cure. God, please answer her prayers and heal her completely so that she can live without pain. Please help me to be strong for her and support her through this difficult time in our lives. Thank you for listening to my prayer today, and God bless you!

prayer for my mom for strength

Dear God,

Please let me get my mom back soon.

She has been sick for so long, and I just want to be able to see her smile again. I want to be able to hear her laugh and see her face light up when she sees me. Please give us back our mommy.

I know that You are a merciful God who loves us all very much and wants what is best for us as children of Your creation. Please help us find our mom again soon so that we can rejoice together in Your love and joy!

Dear God,

We come before you today to ask for your healing hand on the body of our dear mother. She has been battling cancer for a long time now, and it’s time for her to be free from this disease. We pray that you will heal her body and give her strength to continue fighting until she can live free from cancer. In your name we pray, Amen

Dear God,

We thank you for the precious gift of life. We pray that you will heal my mom and bring her back to us as soon as possible. We ask that you help her move with ease and grace, and that your love may surround her. This I pray in your name, Jesus Christ, amen.

Dear Lord,

Please hear our prayer for [name], who is sick with an unknown illness. We pray that you will heal her quickly, that she may return to her normal self soon.

We thank you for caring for us and helping us through this difficult time. We ask that you give us strength to get through the days ahead, and comfort during our times of worry and fear. We know that you are good and just, and that all things work together for good for those who love you (Romans 8:28).

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen

Prayer For The Sick Mother Of A Friend

Dear God,

I pray for the sick mother of my friend. Please heal her and give her strength to fight this disease. Guide her doctors and nurses as they care for her and help them understand what she needs from them. Give her family patience and peace during this time. Amen

Dear Lord,

Please heal my friend’s mother. She is in a lot of pain and needs to be healed. I pray that You would give her strength to endure this illness and that You will heal her. Please let her know how much she means to us and that we are praying for her recovery. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Dear God,

I pray for the sick mother of a friend. She is suffering from cancer and needs your help. Please heal her body and give her strength to go through this difficult time. Give her the courage to fight this disease and win the battle against it. Help her family who are going through a difficult time because of this illness. Let them be united together in moments of sadness and despair. They need your guidance and help during this difficult time. Please give them strength to face their problems with patience and mercy. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen

Dear Lord,

I pray that you will heal the mother of my friend. She is very sick and needs your help. I have never known her to be ill before, but now she is in bed. She cannot get up. The doctors say that she has cancer, but I know that you can heal her even if it is too late to save her life. Please help her to get well again so that she can go on living for many more years and be with us all. Amen

Dear Lord, please heal the body of (name). Heal her of all sickness and disease. Please give her peace, strength, and comfort in this time of need. Help her to trust in you and your word.

We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen

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