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Prayer For The Anxious

I remember when I felt anxious. It was before I committed my life to Christ, and I didn’t know how to get rid of the fear in my heart. I’d look at all the things that could go wrong: traffic jams on the way to work, angry clients at work, arguments with my wife. Those things seemed like big problems then—and for some people still do—but now that I’ve learned how to fix my eyes on God through prayer and Scripture meditation, anxiety doesn’t bother me anymore!

Prayer, I believe, is one of the most powerful tools we have. Prayer, however, can be intimidating at first. Not only because you probably don’t know what to say, but because you might feel uncomfortable mentioning your personal needs out loud (or in written form). Here are some ideas that may help you begin to pray for yourself or someone else with anxiety.

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Prayer For The Anxious

Prayer For The Anxious

Dear God,

I am so very anxious. I do not know what to do. Please help me to be calm. Help me to breathe and relax. Help me to trust in you, dear Lord. Help me to trust that you will be there for me and help me through this difficult time. Please give me peace and comfort during this difficult time of my life. I ask that you bless those around me who are also anxious about the future. Amen

Dear Lord,

I come to you today with a prayer for those who struggle with anxiety. Anxiety is a condition that causes uneasiness or fear. It is often characterized by physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling and rapid heartbeat.

Anxiety can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Some people may experience anxiety after experiencing a traumatic event or life-changing situation. Others may experience anxiety without any apparent cause. You are not alone if you struggle with anxiety; however, it can be difficult to manage this condition on your own.

I pray that you will help those who suffer from anxiety feel comforted and safe in your presence. Let them know that they are loved by you, even during their darkest moments when they feel overwhelmed by their circumstances. Allow them to experience peace as they trust in your promises that they will live out the rest of their days on earth in peace (Isaiah 26:3).

Dear God,

Thank you for the gift of anxiety. I know it can be a burden, but it can also be a blessing. You have given us anxiety to help us remember our humanity and our limitations. We need to feel anxious when we are over-extending ourselves or taking on more than we can handle. Anxiety reminds us that we are not God, and that there are things in life beyond our control.

Anxiety can also be an indication that something is wrong and needs to change. When we feel anxious about something, it’s often because we’re facing a problem that needs solving or an obstacle that needs overcoming. Anxiety can be a signal from God telling us that something needs changing in our lives, but sometimes it’s just our own self-doubt or fear speaking up instead.

Give me the wisdom to know the difference between my own fears and the voice of Your Spirit speaking through them. Teach me how to listen for Your guidance when I am anxious so that I know what steps to take next in my life without overreacting or making rash decisions based on fear alone rather than love or wisdom.”

Heavenly Father, I come to You today in the name of Jesus. I am anxious and feel stressed. I am so worried about the future. Please help me to relax and to trust You.

I pray that You would calm my fears and give me peace of mind. Help me to trust that You are in control and that all things will work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

I pray that I will know how to say no when others ask me to do something that doesn’t line up with Your will for my life. Help me not get caught up in worrying about what people think of me if I don’t do what they ask. If it is not right for me then it is not right for them either! Help them understand this without making them feel guilty or like a burden on me.

I pray that You would help me remember that there are many things in life that we cannot change but we can choose how we respond to them; whether by being anxious or trusting God’s promise of peace (Philippians 4:6-7). Please help me be at peace with myself and others so that we as Christians can be an example of the peace of Christ

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for creating me and giving me life. I am grateful that you love me enough to send your only son to die for my sins. I know that I am unworthy of such love, but it is what makes me want to be better.

I’m so worried about life, about everything. I worry about my career and whether or not it will succeed. I worry about my family and friends. I worry about finances and health issues. Lord, please help me to stop worrying! You are the God of all creation and you can handle anything! Please help me to trust in your plan for my life rather than worrying about every little thing that could go wrong.

I pray for all those who feel anxious or stressed out today because of their jobs or other situations in life. Please give them peace in their hearts and minds so they can trust in you 100%

Short Prayer For Anxiety

O Lord,

Prayer is a conversation with God. It’s a way to talk to him. Prayer isn’t a magic spell or incantation that will instantly fix all your problems, nor is it just a nice thing to say when you feel like it. Prayer is talking to God about anything—your fears, your worries, the things that excite you and make you happy—all of those things can be brought before God in prayer.

There are countless ways of praying: some people kneel down and close their eyes; others bow their heads or clasp their hands together; still others talk aloud while they go about their day doing chores around the house or at work (and yes! You can pray out loud even if no one hears). Prayer doesn’t have to look or sound one particular way because whatever works for each person will vary depending on our personality types and circumstances. It’s important not only that we find what works best for us but also how faithful we are in maintaining this practice throughout life’s ups and downs as well as during times when there doesn’t seem like much reason left for hope.”

Prayer for anxiety and depression

When you feel anxious and afraid, it can be difficult to know what to do. You might not know what the problem is or how to fix it, but you know that something isn’t right. In these moments, pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.

Ask God for peace—both in your heart and mind. Ask Him to help you trust Him even when things seem uncertain or scary or overwhelming. Pray for His peace to abide in you so that when anxieties arise, they don’t overpower your life with worry or fear.

My worry list is long,

  • My worry list is long.
  • My worry list doesn’t make sense, but I can’t help it.
  • I worry about things that don’t matter, and they make me feel like a crazy person sometimes!
  • I just want to feel calm again!
  • Everything feels out of control because my anxiety is so bad right now – what should I do?

What Is A Good Prayer For Anxiety

The first thing to know about anxiety is that it’s a perfectly natural and normal reaction to stressors in our lives, like having too much on your plate at work or being stuck in traffic.

When the pressure gets too high or you’re feeling overwhelmed by something that happened, you may start to feel your heart race and your body tense up. You might feel like you can’t breathe and get tunnel vision, along with other symptoms like sweating and nausea. These reactions are known as “fight-or-flight” responses—they’re meant to help us protect ourselves from danger by preparing our bodies for action (like running away). But when faced with more innocuous stressors than we’d normally encounter in dangerous situations (like meeting deadlines at work), panic attacks can occur because these responses aren’t appropriate for the situation.

If this sounds familiar—or if you’re just curious about how other people cope with anxiety—read on for some helpful advice from someone who knows firsthand what it’s like: me!

I’m afraid that things won’t change,

  • I believe that God loves me and wants to bless me.
  • I know that my future is in God’s hands, and His plan is better than any one else’s.
  • I realize that God will be faithful to carry out His promises for me.

and I’m afraid that they will.

Even if you don’t feel that God is present, He always is.

You may be thinking about things that are out of your control. The only thing you can do to control them is to pray for peace, and trust that God will take care of the details as they come up.

God works through people and circumstances in our lives—not because we deserve it or have earned it, but because He loves us and wants what’s best for us.

The Bible says he will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). Sometimes this can feel like a very distant promise when we’re overwhelmed with anxiety, but it’s true nonetheless!

Prayers for anxious times

I’m anxious about the future.

God, you know I’m anxious about the future. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow or next week or next year. I can’t see past today, and it is so hard for me to imagine what life will look like in ten years! Please help me rest in your sovereignty over my life and my future, knowing that you have a plan for each day of my life, no matter how much I might have changed from yesterday or from last year. You are sovereign over all things, including my mind and emotions—help me stop worrying so much about what may come in terms of finances or relationships; instead help me focus on putting one foot in front of another as we walk through this season together right now according to your will.

What if I have to give up what’s comfortable?

We often keep ourselves tied down with the chains of our own comfort. We’re afraid that if we change anything, we’ll lose something good. But sometimes God calls us to a better way—a way that might be uncomfortable at first but will ultimately lead us on a journey toward greater joy and fulfillment. It’s easy for us to believe that whatever is familiar must be best for us, but God knows better than we do when it comes down to it. He has planned out your life and knows exactly what you need in order to flourish as his child—but sometimes those things don’t fit well within your current situation or even with what you think you want out of life right now.

What if my current situation worsens?

If you are feeling anxious and worried, remember that God is always with you. He has the power to bring comfort and peace into your life, even in the midst of a difficult situation. If you have faith in Him, He can help you through whatever challenges may come your way.

The Bible tells us that “God causes all things to work together for good” (Romans 8:28). We may not see how or why it happens right now—but God does! He created each one of us for His purpose and plans on using every experience we have to help shape our lives in ways that only he could have planned out ahead of time. So when things seem overwhelming or difficult, remember this truth: whatever happens next will be part of His plan!

What if I missed your best plan for me?

God has a plan for you. It will not always be clear to you, but rest assured that He knows what’s best for your life. Trust that His plan is good and perfect (Isaias 45:8).

Help me walk by faith and not by sight today.

Faith is not a feeling, but a decision to trust in God. When we’re anxious and fearful, it can feel like our faith has disappeared—but that doesn’t mean it has gone anywhere. It hasn’t disappeared; it’s just hidden behind our fear. But when you choose to step back from your fear, you’ll see that your faith is still there—all you have to do is reach out and take hold of it again!

Prayers for anxious times

Read the Bible to gain insight from God.

The Bible is your guide, anchor and source of strength, peace and hope in life. It will help you face each day with courage and confidence as you learn how to pray for what matters most.

Show me how to take my eyes off my circumstances,

You might be feeling overwhelmed and anxious, but there’s one thing that can calm you down: focusing on God. When we’re anxious, it’s easy to focus on our circumstances and worry about things that are outside of our control. But when we turn our eyes away from the world around us and back to God’s promise and love, we can find peace in the midst of any storm.

Here are some helpful ways to do this:

  • Focus on God rather than your circumstances. Sometimes when life gets tough, it’s hard not to get caught up in all of the things going wrong—but instead of focusing on what could go wrong or how bad things could actually get (which tends only make anxiety worse), focus on what you know is true about God instead: He loves you unconditionally; He promises never ever ever let anything separate you from His love; He’ll always have a plan for all situations!
  • Focus on God’s promises instead of worrying about what could happen in the future or dwelling on past mistakes. When something goes wrong or when life doesn’t turn out like we thought it would, sometimes our natural tendency is to start worrying about all kinds of different scenarios that might happen next time something similar happens again—but there’s no point doing this! Instead of worrying about every possible outcome or scenario imaginable (which will only add fuel onto an already-burning fire), try reminding yourself over and over again that nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38–39)!

and fix them on you, the author of peace, instead.

  • Fix your eyes on God, and focus on him instead of your circumstances.
  • Don’t worry about the future, because you can’t know what’s coming next.
  • Don’t worry about what other people think—their opinions don’t matter to you or to God.
  • Don’t worry about your past mistakes; they’re over and done with, so leave them behind!
  • And most importantly: don’t let others’ opinions of you concern you in any way at all!

May those who look to you be glad and forever shout for joy!

You are the God of comfort. You know what it is to hurt, to be afraid and worried. So many people today look to you for help as they face their own challenges and hardships.

May those who look to you be glad and forever shout for joy!

Keeping Your Eyes On God Takes Away Your Anxiety.

Keeping your eyes on God takes away your anxiety.

The Bible says, “Cast all your cares (anxiety) on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

I have found this to be true in my life. When I have a problem or an issue that makes me anxious, I cast it on the Lord and let Him take care of it. I don’t worry about it anymore. It’s like He has given me peace about this thing that was causing so much anxiety.

Keeping your eyes on God takes away your anxiety.

The world is full of stressors and distractions, but one thing that will always bring you peace is Jesus Christ. He can give you a peace that no other person or thing can bring. When you follow His teachings, when you keep Him first in your life, then all other things fall into place.

I’ve had times in my life when I was depressed and anxious. Every time this happened, I realized that I had taken my eyes off Him. I had stopped reading His Word and listening to what He wanted for me as opposed to what others wanted for me.

When we focus on ourselves alone, our thoughts become dark and depressing because we aren’t connected with God through His Word and through prayer. But when we focus on Him alone, our thoughts become brighter because we are connected with Him through His Word and through prayer.

The Bible says, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place” (Proverbs 15:3). This means that God sees everything. He knows what you are doing and what you are going through.

As a Christian, your life should be marked by peace and joy. But it is not always easy to live in this way. Sometimes we get tired and worn out from dealing with life’s problems. We may feel overwhelmed by the cares of this world and begin to worry about things that do not really matter.

What can we do when we find ourselves feeling anxious? The answer is simple: Keep your eyes on God! When we focus on God, we will see that He has everything under control (Philippians 4:6-7).

If you’re feeling anxious, it’s often because you’ve lost sight of the bigger picture. You’ve forgotten that God is good and that He has everything under control.

When we’re in a place where everything seems to be falling apart, it’s easy to feel like nothing is going right. When we’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to start worrying about all the things we can’t control.

But when we focus on God and His love for us, our perspective changes. When we keep our eyes on Him, our worries fall away.

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23:1-4

How do you keep your eyes on God? You must first be aware that you are looking away from Him. Then you must turn your eyes back to Him again. You will know when you’ve forgotten to look at God because you will feel anxious and afraid. When this happens, stop what you’re doing and ask yourself if you’re looking at God or trying to fix things on your own. If it’s possible to fix something on your own then do it, but if it’s not then remember that God is always there with His love and support.

It’s hard to trust that God is good when you’re anxious. You’re quick to question his character and your own, but if you miss out on the big picture of who God is, you’ll never be able to see him as a refuge in times of trouble. The Psalms are full of examples of how we can trust God even when life feels overwhelming. Here are some examples:

  • “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3)
  • “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever—do not abandon the works of your hands.” (Psalm 138:8)
  • “In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help.” (Psalm 107:6)

I’m anxious. I have been for a long time, and anxiety has ruled my life for years. It’s not just me: millions of people suffer from anxiety every year. And it’s no surprise—we live in an increasingly stressful world where our minds are constantly bombarded with stressors: economic woes, work deadlines and pressures from family members or friends all make life seem more difficult than ever before.

Prayer for fear and uncertainty

God, I know that you are more powerful than any anxiety or depression I am facing.

I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!

I pray for my mind to be filled with a peace that passes all understanding and a joy that is indescribable.

I understand that the source of all good things comes from God. He gives us peace, joy, love, understanding and everything else we need to live life successfully and happily. The Bible tells us that when we ask for anything in His name (meaning with faith), He will give it to us!

So I commit myself to asking Him each day for these things:

  • Peace—to quiet my heart and mind so I can focus solely on Him during this time of anxiety.
  • Joy—to fill my heart with happiness despite what may be going wrong around me or what has happened previously in life.

I keep my eyes on you, and I know that what others may see as a disadvantage is just one more way You will show Your strength in my life!

God, I keep my eyes on You.

I know that what others may see as a disadvantage is just one more way You will show Your strength in my life!

I have learned to trust in You more than any situation.

Your love for me has never failed— and it never will.

This truth helps me to look past the circumstances of this day, knowing that there are bigger things at work here than what is happening on earth!

Let me not worry about tomorrow, but instead let me focus on today, knowing You have plans of peace and not of calamity (Jeremiah 29:11)

Your anxiety stems from worry about the future or regret over the past. Instead of worrying, put your faith in God’s promises and focus on today. Worrying about tomorrow is a waste of time because it is beyond our control. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but we can rejoice in knowing that God does! Focus on His plan for your life today instead of worrying about what might happen tomorrow.

Instead of focusing on everything that has happened in the past and could possibly go wrong in the future, change your perspective by looking at things differently and finding solutions to problems you may have been facing before reading this article.

There are many ways to overcome anxiety — support groups for those with similar issues work wonders for some people! If you feel comfortable being vulnerable with others who understand where you are coming from not only do they provide valuable advice but also offer encouragement when needed most so try talking with a friend who has dealt with similar situations before getting help from professionals if necessary (i.e., therapists).

short prayer for anxiety

Protect my mind from anxious thoughts and help me to have the courage to face them with You at my side.

Pray for peace.

Pray for courage to face your fears, and strength to withstand the temptation to avoid them. Ask God to give you the wisdom to know how best to deal with the underlying issues that are causing your anxiety and fear. Ask Him for protection from everything that would hinder you from trusting Him completely, especially in those moments when it feels like all hope is lost.

Give me strength to keep going when it would be easier to quit, knowing that You are always there for me, no matter what I face.

Dear God, thank You for being with me through every step of this journey. I know that You are always there, no matter what happens.

You have given me the strength to keep going when it would be easier to quit, knowing that You are always there for me, no matter what I face.

Give me strength to keep going when it would be easier to quit, knowing that You are always there for me, no matter what I face.

I will trust you for my health in every situation.

When you are suffering, remember that God’s wisdom is greater than any understanding of the human mind. His strength is greater than any physical challenge you may face. His love for you is as strong as death itself—and because of it, he will never leave you nor forsake you (Psalm 27:14). And just because we don’t understand his ways doesn’t mean they’re not good and right (Romans 8:28).

As difficult as it may seem to trust in these things when fear has taken over your life, try remembering these truths: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). The more we trust God’s wisdom and power within us and around us, the less our fears will be able to hold sway over us! Pray for peace today as you continue forward through this season of anxiety with a new focus on trusting God rather than fretting about what could happen next.

Don’t let your anxiety get the best of you. Instead, keep your eyes on God and remember that he is in control. He loves you and wants what’s best for you. Trust him with everything!

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