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Prayer To Pass Written Driving Test

As a learner driver, you most likely have to take your driving test as part of the process of gaining your license. And learning how to pass the written test is important. You probably already know that you can learn the material in any number of ways, but one of them is probably not through reading a big long blog article like this one. But if that’s what it takes for you to pass your exam, we’re willing to do our part.

Driving is a privilege, not a right. As much as we would like to have the freedom to drive anytime and anywhere, it doesn’t work that way. In order to be safe on the road we must abide by regulations and laws that have been set in place for our protection. Many of us take that privilege for granted and are unaware of the rules and regulations traffic laws until we receive a ticket or have an accident which could be prevented if we knew what was expected of us.

Prayers are an amazing means of guidance and support when going through difficult times. Though today you aren’t asking for guidance or to be supported, but instead, you are hoping for the best outcome that’s in your friend’s future.

Prayer To Pass Written Driving Test

Prayer To Pass Written Driving Test

Dear Lord, I humbly pray that I pass my written driving test. Please guide me in the right direction and help me to pass this exam. Give me the confidence and knowledge to pass this test. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

“Dear God, Please help me pass my driving test. I have been studying for months and still I am not ready for it. Please give me the strength and courage to do this. If you can, please let the examiner be a good person who will be understanding if I mess up. Let me pass this test so that I can get my license and drive on my own without being dependent on anyone else. Please help me with this prayer.”

Prayer To Pass Written Driving Test

Lord, I ask you to help me pass my written driving test. Please give me the wisdom and knowledge to pass this exam. I ask that you would help me remember all of the information that I learned in class, and help me to answer questions correctly on the test. Please give me the confidence I need to perform well on this important day. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

This is the prayer I used to pass my written driving test.

Dear God,

I come to you today asking for help with my written driving test. I know that you can make a way out of no way, and I believe that if I ask, you will answer my prayer. Please give me the wisdom and knowledge needed in order to pass this test on Wednesday. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer To Pass Written Driving Test

Dear Lord, it is with a humble heart that I come to you today to pray for my written driving test tomorrow. Please come into my life, and help me pass this test. Help me to be calm, cool and collective as I sit down in front of the DMV examiner. Give me strength to keep my eyes on the road, and not look at other cars or people passing by. Please Lord, help me to make all the right moves when I am driving. Please keep all other drivers safe from harm; and if it is your will for me to fail this test tomorrow please let it be that way. In Jesus name I thank you for hearing my prayer today, Amen

Prayer To Pass Driving Theory Test

Prayer to pass driving theory test

Dear Lord, please help me to pass my driving test. I know that it’s not easy because I’m not a good driver. But I promise that if you help me pass my driving test, I will try to obey all traffic laws and not break them anymore. Amen

Dear Lord,

Please help me to pass my driving theory test. I have worked hard and studied very hard but now I am so worried that I won’t pass the test. Please give me the knowledge and confidence to pass. Thank you.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Lord, this prayer is dedicated to all those who have failed their driving theory test.

I pray that you give them the wisdom and knowledge to pass their driving theory test. May they be able to drive and safely reach their destinations without any accidents. Amen.

Dear Lord,

Please help me to pass my driving theory test. Amen.

Dear Lord,

I have been waiting for this day for a long time and now it is finally here. I know that you will help me to pass the exam and be able to drive on my own. Amen.

Dear Lord,

I know that I am not perfect, but you are perfect and you can make me better. Please help me get through this test so I can get behind the wheel of a car and drive safely on the road. Amen.

Dear Lord, please help me to pass my driving theory test. I have been studying hard, but I am still not sure if I will pass. Please show me the way to pass this exam and give me good luck. Amen.

I want to thank you for all the help you have given me so far. You have helped me to pass my driving theory test and now I am ready for my practical test. Please help me not to make any mistakes during my practical test and also ask your angels to protect us while we are driving on the road. Thank you Lord

Dear Lord, please bless our car with good brakes, tires and oil so that it doesn’t break down while we are on our way to the test centre or even after we have passed our driving theory test. Please let us pass our practical test without any problems and give us good luck so that we get full marks in this exam too. In Jesus name I pray amen

Prayer For Daughter To Pass Driving Test

Prayer for daughter to pass driving test

Dear Lord,

My daughter is very nervous about her driving test. She doesn’t think she will pass it. Please help her have the confidence to do well on this important exam. Thank you for all your great blessings! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen


O God, I thank you for the gift of my daughter and her safety while driving. Please guide her hands and feet, as she drives in life. Bless her with wisdom, knowledge and understanding to make good choices and decisions in life. Grant her ability to drive safely, avoiding accidents and harm to others. Protect her from all evil intentions of others who may be driving against her or with her on the road. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen

Prayer for daughter to pass driving test

Dear God,

I pray that my daughter passes her driving test. She has been driving for three years and we have never had an accident or ticket. However, she is very nervous about her test and is afraid that she will not pass. I ask you to calm her nerves and help her to concentrate on the road so that she can perform well on the test. Thank you for all your blessings, Amen!

Dear Lord,

I pray that my daughter will pass her driving test. I pray that she will be calm and confident as she gets behind the wheel and that she will be able to concentrate on the road and not on her nerves.

Lord, please help my daughter to have confidence in herself, even if others doubt her abilities. Help her to see that You are always with her, helping and guiding her through life.

Give me strength, Lord, to trust You completely with this decision. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Dear Lord,

Please help my daughter to pass her driving test. She has been taking lessons for a few months now and is very nervous about taking the exam.

I pray that you will calm her fears and give her the strength to pass this test. Please guide her hands and feet so that she will not make any mistakes. Help her to focus on what she needs to do, and let her know when she makes a mistake so that she can correct it before it gets to be too big of an issue.

Help us all to rest in You today, in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Dear Lord, please help my daughter pass her driving test. Please guide her and give her a safe driving experience. Thank you for helping my daughter in all aspects of her life. Amen

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen

Dear Lord,

I pray that my daughter will pass her driving test on Thursday. She has been taking lessons for a long time now, but she still does not feel confident. Please help her to pass the test and give her the confidence she needs to become a safe driver. Amen.

Dear Father,

Please help my daughter pass her driving test. She is so stressed out about it and doesn’t think she will pass. She needs someone to calm her fears and keep her focused on the task at hand. Please take away all of her fears and worries and help her pass this test with flying colors. I know you can do it, if it’s in your plans. Please help my daughter pass this driving test so that she can be safe on the roadways with our family. Thank you for your love and guidance in this matter, I ask these things in Jesus name amen

Prayer for my daughter to pass her driving test. She has failed so many times and I am at the end of my rope with this issue. She is very upset about it and I would appreciate any prayers that will help her pass this final test. I thank you in advance.

Prayers for my daughter to pass her driving test. She has failed so many times and I am at the end of my rope with this issue. She is very upset about it and I would appreciate any prayers that will help her pass this final test.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today to ask for your help. My daughter is taking her driving test tomorrow and I am asking you to please bless her with a pass. She has been studying hard and she is a good driver. Please give her the wisdom and knowledge needed to pass this exam. Please help her calm down and relax for the test tomorrow so she does not make any mistakes. I know you can do this because your word tells us that with you nothing is impossible! In Jesus name I pray amen

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