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Prayers To Keep A Relationship Strong

As the burden of life has become more and more serious, we need a little help sometimes. This blog is about keeping your relationship solid and is full of helpful prayers for every purpose. Whether you want to keep a girlfriend, your wife, husband or for any other purpose, this blog will be an enormous resource to you.

The Christian marriage relationship is a sacred commitment that should be nurtured and honored. It is an exclusive union, rooted in an extraordinary love that God intended all along. Let me share with you some short prayers, which you can use to help strengthen your bond with your partner, or if you’re single and currently looking for that special someone, then these clever prayers will be very useful in preparing yourself to build a happy and God-centered relationship in the future.

I know you are nervous, you have every reason to be: All thoughts are not spontaneous, but some words should be. You might have forgotten the perfect words to say in the toughest times, but not anymore! Here is a collection of powerful prayers specifically designed to keep your relationship strong.

Prayers To Keep A Relationship Strong

Prayers To Keep A Relationship Strong

Let’s face it — life is scary. We want to keep our loved ones, children, friends, and even ourselves safe throughout the day, emotionally and physically. It’s a natural instinct to protect the things we love most in our life, and lucky for us that we have a little extra help to make sure that they stay safeguarded. Our Lord is always watching out for us, even when we may not realize it or think about him during the busiest moments in our days. But, when we want that extra feeling of safety or crave a little satisfaction knowing that God is listening, there are prayers for protection to read, say, and meditate on.

Never underestimate what the power of prayer can do in any situation. God knows exactly what we need, when we need it. So whether you’re calling for protection on yourself, your home, your children, or simply the world, know that the Lord is listening, and he will answer when the time is right.

Dear Lord,

I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding. Bless me and Sammy, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way.

Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other’s worth. Please touch the heart of Sammy,fill it with much love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated.

I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go.

Always put us in each other’s heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. I love you. Amen.

Thank you dear friends for praying our prayer requests. We pray for your long life, safety, good health and that you remain in your vocation. God bless.

  1. Pray that we grow and our relationship last
    Lord Jesus ,I come to you asking for you to keep me and my bae relationship together because we’re growing apart,I pray that you will touch his heart soul and mind to be more understanding as well as me too ,I pray that we will spend the rest of our lives together to love,trust, understand, comment,to share and to hold ,I ask in ur holy name Lord Jesus you will keep us together , amen…
  2. Anonymous says:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amPraying for another chance…
    Please Lord, I pray so you culd please open FC’s eyes, mind, heart and soul to me, that he may see me the way I see him. Let me the woman he needs and let him ne the man I need. My heart has hurt long and I need to know I am not holding to something that will never happen, I need him to see our bond and its potential, I need him to see how we could grow together indivdually and as a couple. I just need him to see me, the way I see him and be able to make things right. In Jesus name, Amen.
  3. Anonymoussays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amA Blessed and loving relationship
    Thank you for hearing my prayer. I know that this prayer for me and John Jr. to have an eternal bond will be so. Thank you God for sending him to me. Bless us to take excellent care of our children. Keep us free from evil seen and unseen. Blessed Be!
  4. Anonymoussays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amUnity
    Lord I pray to you today that my relationship with patrick beomes as one in unity i love him dearly and i am ready to become his wife.. Lord i will always love him and honor him for that is what you taught us to honor and obey thy spouse.
  5. Anonymoussays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amfor good of me and rajender
    o….my lord please make mine and rajender my husbuand relationship strong that we understand each please make us one lord…..please lord hear our prayer….i believe in you lord that u will make us one very soon…..thank u jesus…
  6. sunithasays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amgood relationship with my husbuand
    o….my lord please put my relation with rajender very perfectly and bless us o lord and grant us peace in our lifes….,may ur blessing be upon us always and forgive us from all are mistakes and brind us near with love and effection with your blessing i know lord for you nothing is im[possible please lord make us one and bless our relation taken in your name….thank u jesus love u jesus.
  7. kenneth uba chijioke chinedumsays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amprayer for strong relationship
    Me and Gift Umeizu Ogochukwu just started a new relationship please pray that we make it with honest,true love,patient,joy and happiness
  8. Anonymoussays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amPlease help lord
    Dear lord please bless Matthew and I in this new relationship and help us get thru this stuff patch. Please let both of us keep in our hearts and minds what brought us both together. Let us both honor the promises that we made to one another and help us to bring both of our families together. Please take away the hurt in our hearts and let us lean on one another thru stuff times and enjoy all the happy times together. Thank you lord. Amen
  9. Anonymoussays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amPlease help lord
    Dear lord please bless Matthew and I in this new relationship and help us get thru this stuff patch. Please let both of us keep in our hearts and minds what brought us both together. Let us both honor the promises that we made to one another and help us to bring both of our families together. Please take away the hurt in our hearts and let us lean on one another thru stuff times and enjoy all the happy times together. Thank you lord. Amen
  10. Lina and Dannysays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amplease pray be strong our relationship
    Please prayed for us to be together and forever,and we become one heart,we in God hand everyday..God bless our hearts..
  11. katressa lenard…says:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amrelationship prayer
    Me and lenard just started a new relationship please pray that we make it…
  12. Anonymoussays:October 1, 2017 at 12:00 amPrayer for continuous love
    Dear God,I have always wanted to have the one…the partner that will love me, support me, and care for me no matter what. I am blessed to have found him 2 and a half years ago, and I am so grateful you put him in my life.
    I have prayed about it multiple times, and I have asked for signs that this was right. I am confident that this is the right relationship and that he is the one for me. I love him so much, and he loves me. But how can I be so confident that he is the one for me, so confident that he is my future husband, while he says he loves me but is not sure that we are meant to be?Please Lord, fill his heart with love and don’t allow evil to try to destroy our beautiful relationship. We are best friends, we take care of each other, and we make each other so happy. Please let it always be like this.Thank you God, for always being by my side. Thank you for always listening to me and always showing your presence somehow. I love you Lord. Amen.

Midnight Prayers For Relationship With Boyfriend

The following is a list of midnight prayers for relationship with boyfriend.

  1. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of my hearing and my sight, from the evil of my hearing and my sight, from the evil of my hearing and my sight, from the evil of my hearing and my sight.
  2. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evils of Satan and his soldiers and his allies. In Your Name, O Allah! Keep me away from that which is displeasing to You; protect me against that which harms me; bless me with what pleases You!
  3. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of any sin or wrong action or disobedience toward You or what may lead me to it; and make me die as one who dies upon Your religion (Islam).
  4. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his Household (Ahlul Bayt) and grant them peace! And bless us with their blessings in all states until we meet You!

Midnight Prayers for Relationship with Boyfriend

Prayer is a powerful tool to bring back your lost love. If you’ve lost your love, don’t give up. Try these prayers and see what happens.

Prayers for Relationship with Boyfriend

Dear Lord, I pray that my boyfriend will come back to me soon and I pray that he will be faithful and loyal to me. I pray that he will not have any other women in his life but just me. I pray that he will always treat me with respect and honor and love me as much as I love him. Lord, please help me find a way to get him back into my life again so we can be together forever as one happy family. Amen.”

Shalom, friends!

I hope you had a wonderful week. This week’s blog post is about midnight prayers for relationship with boyfriend. I have been in a relationship for the past two years, but we are not married yet. It’s so hard to find good men these days and I feel really blessed that I found him. But like most women, I want everything to be perfect between us. That’s why I am always praying for our relationship every night before going to sleep.

I thought it would be nice to share some of my favorite midnight prayers for relationships with you guys.

I also wanted to let you know that yesterday was my birthday and my boyfriend gave me this beautiful necklace as a gift! He knows that I love jewelry and he got me this beautiful pearl necklace from Tiffany & Co! You can check out the picture below:

He knows that I love jewelry and he got me this beautiful pearl necklace from Tiffany & Co! You can check out the picture below:

Here are some of my favorite Midnight Prayers for Relationship with Boyfriend:

Prayer for Relationship with Boyfriend

Prayers for a Relationship

A prayer for relationship is a prayer that you can use to ask God to help you find the right person and make it work. These prayers will help you get closer to someone you love or want to be with.

If you’re single, these prayers will help you find someone who’s right for you. If you’re already in a relationship, these prayers will help strengthen your bond with your partner and improve your love life.

Here are some examples of prayers for relationships:

Dear Lord, I pray that I may meet the right man someday soon. Please help me to recognize him when he comes along and give me the strength to choose him over all others. Amen!

Dear Lord, I pray that my boyfriend will fall in love with me today and always treat me well. Amen!

Dear Heavenly Father, please let my boyfriend know how much I care about him this morning as he goes off to work so that we can have a wonderful day together tonight when he gets home from work! Amen!

I am begging you to pray for me. I am going through some very difficult times in my life and I need the prayer of the church to help me through this. I have a boyfriend who is not treating me right, he has been cheating on me with other girls and is using drugs again. I love him so much but he is making my life so hard. Please pray that God will intervene in our relationship and give him the strength to stop his bad behavior.

Please pray that God will take away all negative energy from our relationship and replace it with positive energy only. Please pray that my boyfriend will finally realize how much we love each other and come back home to me for good.

What Should You Do To Keep Your Relationship Strong

  1. De-clutter your life
  2. Make time for each other
  3. Be honest and open with each other
  4. Have fun together
  5. Don’t take your partner for granted

Marriage is a commitment that requires work, but the rewards are worth it.

Here are some tips to help you keep your relationship strong:

Communicate. When you feel something is wrong, talk about it with your partner. Don’t bury your head in the sand and hope it will go away. If you don’t talk about it, it will only get worse.

Be kind. Kindness doesn’t cost anything but can mean everything to someone else. Try to see things from your partner’s perspective and treat him or her with respect and affection.

Be happy with yourself first! When you’re happy with yourself, that happiness will shine through in your relationship and make others happy too!

The answer is to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

Spend time together

When you’re in a long-term relationship, it can be easy to fall into a routine of spending time apart. But it’s important to make an effort to spend quality time as a couple. “It’s important for couples to continue to find ways to connect with one another,” says Dr. Ted Rinehart, a licensed clinical psychologist and relationship expert at “This could include date nights or other fun activities.”

Don’t let personal space get in the way

While it’s important for each person in a relationship to have their own space, personal space shouldn’t get in the way of spending time together, says Dr. Rinehart. “Having separate hobbies is fine, but don’t let them come between you and your partner,” he says. “Find ways that allow you both to enjoy your own interests while still spending time together.”

Be honest about how you’re feeling

If something is bothering you — whether it’s something small or serious — talk about it with your partner instead of bottling up your emotions until they explode into an argument later on down the line, says Dr. Rinehart

Relationships are a lot like any other commitment. They require effort and maintenance, but they can also be rewarding if you put in the work. If you aren’t sure how to nurture your relationship and keep it strong, follow these tips:

Be honest with each other about your feelings. Don’t let any problems go unspoken for very long; if something is bothering you, talk about it. If you’re worried about something going wrong in your relationship, bring it up before it becomes a bigger problem than it already is.

Give each other space when needed and spend time together when possible. You don’t need to be attached at the hip all day every day, but regular time spent together will keep your bond strong.

Cultivate mutual interests or hobbies that you can do together as a couple. This will help foster communication between both of you because it’s easier to talk when there’s something else happening besides just talking!

Be yourself around your partner — no one likes someone who tries too hard to impress someone else or fit into their image of what they want in a partner; be real so they know who they’re dating!

The first thing to do is to focus on the good things in your relationship. This can be hard, because when we’re stressed, it’s easy to focus on our partner’s flaws. But if you want to strengthen your bond, you have to make an effort to see them through rose-colored glasses.

The second thing is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Communication is a key component of any healthy relationship, but it’s especially important during times of stress. If something is bothering you, tell them about it! Don’t bottle up your feelings or expect them to read your mind; they won’t know what’s wrong unless you tell them! And don’t forget: It works both ways — if they tell you something that makes you uncomfortable or upset, listen carefully and try not be defensive (even if it feels like they’re attacking).

Finally, remember that love isn’t always easy — and neither is maintaining a strong relationship — but it’s worth fighting for!

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