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Prayer For Protection For Family

Prayer for protection is a wonderful tool to free yourself from the many worries and anxieties about what lies ahead. Prayer for protection for your family can help you not just to feel more relaxed, but also keeps you at peace with whatever it is that lies before you. When you give thanks in prayer, you can appreciate the good things in your life. It is a good way to create a shelter around your family and keep them safe from any harm.

There is always someone who’s fighting for your life. Trying to find words to express deep gratitude for all their efforts that resulted in significantly improving their lives is hard. How powerful are our prayers? What’s the effect of praying with a large group of people? Should we expect everything we pray for to happen at once? Is it really worth to praise God and thank Him for his mercy? To answer these questions, let me tell you about how we (me and my family) became a living example of the superpowers prayer brings.

What are some of the most difficult struggles you face as a parent in this trying world? As I sit and consider the fear, pain and heartache that my children could face each day, I am reminded of the words of E.M. Bounds: “Prayer is the grand secret…the hidden strength of all Christian heroism.” According to Bounds, prayer is our key to protection during these trials. God can grant so much power through prayer. Just think back to the greatest miracle you have ever witnessed — it was prayer! What do you say? The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of

Prayer For Protection For Family

Prayer For Protection For Family

Dear Lord,

We come to You with a prayer request.

We pray for protection over our family.

We pray that we will be kept safe from any and all harm.

We pray for the safety of our loved ones and those who are dear to us.

We are asking for Your protection, Lord, as we go through this difficult time in our lives. We ask that You keep us safe from harm and evil influences.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Dear God,

Please help me in my prayer for my family. We are going through a very difficult time right now, and we need your protection. Please guide us so that we can come out of this situation with no damage to our health or life. We are counting on you. In Jesus’ name, amen

I pray that you will protect my family from all harm. I pray that you will guide us to make the right decisions in our lives, and allow us to be happy.

Thank you for your love and grace. Amen

I want to thank you, Lord, for the protection you have given to my family. You have protected them from harm and from evil. I pray that you will continue to keep them safe and whole in your care.

I also ask that you protect all those who are going through hard times right now. Please help them through their struggles and give them peace of mind.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Prayer for protection for family

I pray that the Lord will protect my wife and children from all harm and evil. I pray that he will bless them, keep them safe and let them live a long life. I also pray for my brother (name) who is struggling with addiction. He is my only sibling and I want him to come back home so we can be together again as a family. Amen

Dear God,

We come before you today to ask for protection for our family. We ask that you keep them safe from harm and from evil. We pray that you guide their steps and their minds, so that they know what to do in any given situation. We know that you are with us always, and we thank you for your presence and guidance.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you forever and ever. Amen

Dear God,

We come before you today with a request for protection for our family. We ask that you keep us safe and healthy, and grant us the grace to serve you with all of our hearts.

We know that many families are facing trials and tribulations right now, and we pray that you will give them strength to endure.

We pray that you will bless your children, who are learning how to be good stewards of your gifts, so they can use them to bring glory to your name.

We pray for protection for your family. Please watch over them and keep them safe, healthy and happy.

We ask that you guide our loved ones in their daily lives and help them find their way through the challenges they face.

Give us all the strength we need to overcome our challenges and help us to know that there is always a reason to hope.

Dear Lord,

I pray for my family. Please protect them from all harm and keep them safe from all that is evil.

I ask you to watch over my children and my wife as they sleep and guide them while they dream. I also pray that you will comfort and guide me as I go through another day without them by my side.

Please keep us all safe, dear Lord, so that we may be together again soon. In your name I pray, Amen.

Dear God, we pray for your protection over our family. Please keep us safe and healthy, and guide us through all of the difficulties that we may face. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Protect my family, Lord. Keep them safe and sound. Guide their footsteps and protect them from harm.

Keep us together, Lord. Let us be a family forever, no matter what happens in the world around us.

Let us be each other’s hearts and souls, Lord. Let our love never falter or fade away.

Dear God,

Today we ask for your protection. We know that you are a just God, and that you love us. We pray for the safety of our family and friends, and for the safety of those who cannot protect themselves.

We pray that you will help us to find a way to get through this crisis with our humanity intact. Help us to maintain our faith in You during these trying times. We know that if we trust You, things will work out fine – but only if we trust You!

Help us to appreciate all the good things we have right now, even though it feels like nothing is going our way. Help us to appreciate those who are suffering even more than we are because they have no idea how much better things could be if only they had what we do!

Help us keep our minds focused on You and Your purpose for our lives instead of getting lost in worry or fear or anger or frustration or any other emotion that doesn’t serve us well right now. We know that You are guiding us through this stormy time together; please give us strength as we face each new challenge together as one family united by faith in You!

Prayer For Family Protection And Health

Prayer for Family Protection And Health

Father, we come to you today with a prayer request for our family. We pray that you will protect our family from all harm and danger. We pray that you will heal any sicknesses or injuries that may come upon us. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Prayer For Family Protection And Health

Dear Lord, thank you for bringing my family members into my life and being there for me when I needed you. Please protect all of us from any harm or danger. Help us to be healthy and strong so that we can continue to live our lives to the fullest. We give thanks for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon us. Amen

Prayer For Family Protection And Health

Prayer for Protection for Family, Friends and Neighbors

Lord, please hear my prayer for protection for our family and friends. Please keep us safe from all harm and danger. Protect us from all accidents, disasters, and tragedies. Keep us safe from all evil forces that may be in our lives right now. Please protect our children as they go to school each day. Please help them to learn their lessons well and do their best at everything they do. Help them to grow up as happy, healthy adults who know how to trust You with their lives each day. Amen.

Dear Lord,

Please protect my family and grant them good health and happiness.

I pray for my parents who have been separated for many years. I pray that they will be reunited soon and that they will reconcile their differences and live happily ever after.

I also pray for my brother who is currently in the hospital fighting for his life. I pray that he will get better soon and that God will spare him from any further illness or calamity.

Please guide me in choosing the right career path so that I can make a difference in this world. Give me strength to overcome all obstacles and achieve success in my career as well as in life so that I can be an example to others.

Lord, I come to you today with a prayer request for my family. We are struggling financially and it has caused a lot of stress. We have been unable to pay our bills on time and have had our power shut off twice in the last month. I pray that you would help us find a way out of this situation. I also pray that you would provide healing for my wife’s health problems. She has been dealing with Fibromyalgia for many years now, but during this time she has had a lot more pain than usual. Please give her your strength to endure whatever comes her way and if it is your will please heal her body completely so she can live without pain or any other illness again.

My son has been having trouble at school recently because he was bullied by one of his classmates who was constantly picking on him verbally and physically abusing him as well – punching him in the face, chest, stomach and back (among other things). This child needed discipline, not protection from his parents… so we tried talking to his parents about it multiple times, but they didn’t seem interested in helping us deal with their child’s behavior issues… so finally we called CPS on them (even though they had no prior record of abuse or neglect)… they

Let’s pray together: Lord, I pray for the safety of the world and for my family. Father, I cover my family with your blood. Lord, I pray for the protection of my family from financial struggles and poverty. Jesus, I pray for a hedge of protection around my home. Lord, protect my family from illness, sickness and depression. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me!

Lord, I pray for the safety of the world and for my family.

I pray for the safety of the world and for my family.

  • For our country, its leaders, and its people.
  • For our state and its leaders.
  • For my city, neighborhood, and global community.

Prayer For Safety And Protection

Lord, we come to you today for protection and safety. We know that your angels surround us and that you are mindful of our needs. We thank you for the many blessings in our lives and ask that you continue to watch over us and protect us from harm. Help us to trust in your loving care, knowing that if we are ever in danger, we will be safe in your arms. Amen.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the gift of life. Help me to be safe and protected in all aspects of my life. Please help me to make wise choices and decisions that will keep me physically and spiritually safe. I pray for your protection over my family and friends.

Protect me from all evil and harm, O Lord. Keep my thoughts, words and actions in line with Your holy will. Help me to live a life that glorifies You and brings glory to Your kingdom. Use me as an instrument of peace in this world.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Dear Lord,

We thank you for the safety we have enjoyed today. Please help us to be careful in our travels, and to always keep your presence with us. We ask that you protect us from accidents and injuries, as well as protect us from any harm or danger. Guide our steps as we travel on this day, so that we may arrive at our destination safely. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Now I lift up my spirit unto you and beg you to bless me with safety and protection from any harm that may come to me. May you guide my steps day by day and keep me from falling into trouble or danger.

I pray that you would protect my loved ones from any harm that may come to them physically or emotionally. I pray that You would protect them from the evil one who seeks to destroy their souls with temptation and sinfulness. Protect them from all accidents, mishaps or illnesses; I ask this in Jesus’ name!

Dear Father,

I come to you today asking for your protection. I know that you are here with me and that you are always listening. You have blessed me with many things in my life, not just material things but also with family and friends. I am so grateful for everything that you have provided me with and I pray that you continue to bless me in the days ahead.

I need your protection today because there are some very difficult times ahead of us. The world is changing in so many ways and some of these changes aren’t good for us or our families. I ask that you protect us from all harm as we travel through this trying time and allow us to get through it without any major injuries or losses of loved ones or possessions. Please keep us safe from all accidents, illness, natural disasters and other unforeseen dangers that may befall us during this time period.

Thank you for hearing my prayer request today Lord! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Father, I cover my family with your blood.

Lord, I pray for the protection of my family from financial struggles and poverty. We desire to live a life free from worry, filled with peace and contentment. Financial struggles can lead to poverty, so we ask you to guide us in all matters pertaining to money management.

Jesus, I pray for a hedge of protection around my home.

You can pray for protection from evil. You can also pray for protection against financial struggles or poverty, and even physical illness, sickness and depression. But what about protection from those who would harm you? Do you know how to pray for a hedge of protection around your home?

The Bible teaches us that God is the only one who can protect us from things like these:

  • Evil people
  • Financial problems
  • Physical illness and disease

Lord, protect my family from illness, sickness and depression.

I pray to God every day for His protection. I pray that he will protect my family from illness, sickness and depression. I pray that he will protect our bodies from harm and evil.

I ask God to keep us safe from financial struggles and poverty in the future.

Short Prayer For Protection

Dear God,

I pray for protection from all evil.

Please let no one hurt me in any way.

Protect me from my enemies and their evil plans, words and actions against me.

Please surround me with your angels who will protect me 24/7 from all harm, danger, and evil.

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen


I pray that you would protect me from all harm, injury and danger. I ask you to watch over me as I sleep. Help me to wake up refreshed and renewed. Protect me from evil and bad people so that I can be a good example for others. Please keep my family and friends safe at all times. Thank You for hearing my prayer, Amen

Lord, protect me from the evil designs of the wicked. Protect me from their malice, deception and trickery. Keep me from all harm and danger. Help me to be strong in faith and knowledge, so that I may overcome any obstacle thrown in my way by Satan or his demons. Let me walk safely along the path you have laid out for me without fear of injury or death. Let nothing stop me from fulfilling your will for my life. Amen

O Lord, I seek your protection.

Protect me from the evil of Satan and all his followers.

I know that you are always with me and I am never alone.

Please give me courage to face any situation and to overcome any difficulties in my life.

Grant me power to withstand temptations and to overcome all evil forces that try to destroy my life.

You are my Lord and Master; I will always seek your guidance and never stray from the path that you have shown me.

I trust you completely because you have never failed me at any time in my life.

Lord, protect me from the temptation to be angry.

Lord, protect me from the temptation to be envious.

Lord, protect me from the temptation to be evil and wicked.

Lord, protect me from the temptation to gossip and slander others.

Lord, protect me from the temptation to use foul language.

Lord, protect me from all kinds of bad habits and evil thoughts in my mind.

Lord, keep me safe from all dangers that might come my way today or tomorrow.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me!

You are the only way to salvation. You are the only one who can save us from Hell and forgive our sins. Forgive us for not sharing and telling your Good News to others in this world who need it most. We ask you to keep our family safe from all harm and evil so that we may reach heaven someday when this life is over with you by our side in glory forevermore with no more pain or suffering but only peace love joy happiness for all eternity Amen

Pray to God every day for His protection.

Pray to God every day for His protection.

Pray for protection from evil, the devil and the world.

Pray for protection from the enemy and his evil spirits.

Put your trust in God and He will protect you.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me!

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