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Sons of Moses in the Bible

The first use of the word Moses occurs in the 14th chapter of Genesis, where his name is found in verse 24. In the 33rd chapter of Exodus we learn that Moses was born and reared in Egypt. We are also told that his father Amram took Jochebed (Moses’s mother) “for his wife” after the death of Jochebed’s seven brothers. In Deuteronomy, Moses declares that God spoke to him from the midst of a fire at Horeb.

The name Moses occurs seventy-one times in the Hebrew Bible, excluding textual variants and transliterations. The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain: in the past Jewish scholars thought it derived from the Egyptian language, and more recently it has been proposed that it comes from the royal title Mekh-seshet, meaning “child of princess”.

The term “Sons of Moses” refers to a particular group of Levites who were tasked with singing the rest of the Israelites during the Hebrew conquest of Canaan. The Bible gives these individuals the honorable title of “Sons” to indicate the close connection they had to Moses, a prominent prophet in Hebrew history. The term was not used to identify a literal blood relationship between Moses and these Levites who were given his task to carry on, but was more as a format of respect.

Sons of Moses in the Bible

Sons of Moses in the Bible

The following are the sons of Moses: Gershom, Eliezer, and Eliezer.

Moses’ wife was originally Tzipporah, a Midianite. However, after she was said to have been unfaithful, he divorced her and married Zipporah (Exodus 2:21).

Moses’ brother Aaron is also mentioned in the Bible. The Bible tells us that God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and called him to go to Egypt and deliver his people out of slavery (Exodus 3:4-8).

The Bible refers to several people in the Bible as sons of Moses. These include:

Gershom – Gershom was one of three sons born to Moses and Zipporah, who he had with his wife Jethro (Exodus 2:22). After Moses led the Exodus from Egypt, he returned to Midian where he discovered that his father-in-law had died (Numbers 10:29). After grieving for him a month, Moses took his two sons with him back to Egypt.

Ephraim – Ephraim was another son of Moses and Zipporah. He was born after Gershom and before Eliezer (Exodus 18:3). He later became a prince over the tribe of Manasseh (Numbers 1:9).

Eliezer – Eliezer was yet another son of Moses and Zipporah. He was born after Ephraim (Exodus 18:4). He later became high priest under King David (1 Chronicles 24:5) and was also called Jehozadak (Ezekiel 44:15).

The sons of Moses are listed in the Book of Exodus, in a section that describes the seventy male elders chosen by Moses to assist him in his work.

The first son was named Gershom, meaning “a sojourner there,” because he was born when Moses was an exile from Egypt. The second son was named Eliezer, meaning “my God is help.” The third son was named Aaron, which means “lightning.” The fourth son was named Nuphar or Nur, which means “fragrance.” The fifth son was named Eliezer, meaning “God is my help.” The sixth son was named Ithamar, which means “his glory.” The seventh son was named Ebron or Ebran (which may mean “grief”), the eighth son was named Elisheba (which may mean “God is my oath”), and the ninth son was named Amminadab (meaning “people’s prince”).

Some scholars believe these names were given to Moses’ grandsons not just because they were important figures in Israel’s history but also because they were important leaders of Israelite tribes during the period before Joshua led them into Canaan.

Moses was married to Zipporah, a daughter of Jethro, the priest of Midian (Exodus 2:16). According to the Bible, she bore him two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. (Exodus 18:3)

Moses also had several children with his Hebrew wife, presumably before he fled Egypt. The Bible mentions four sons: Gershom (Exodus 2:22), Eliezer (Exodus 18:4), Elhanan (1 Chronicles 23:19) and Shebuel (1 Chronicles 6:23). The fifth son may have been Joshua, who was named after Moses’ successor. (Deuteronomy 34:7) There is some debate as to whether this “Joshua” is actually a second Joshua or another name for one of the other four sons.

The following is a list of the sons of Moses, as mentioned in the Bible, who were born to him at an advanced age.


Gershom was the first son of Moses, according to Exodus 2:22–24. He was named Gershom because he was “a wandering alien in a foreign land” (Exodus 2:22). This name is translated by Septuagint as ξενος εταιρος (“xenos etaeros”), or “hostage”. Gershom was born on the journey from Egypt to Midian (see Exodus 2:15–22).


Eliezer and his brother Gershom were born to Moses in Midian when he fled from Egypt with his wife Zipporah and her two sons. Eliezer was one of four men who went with Moses from Midian to Egypt to seek food for his family (see Exodus 4:18–26). The other three men were Jethro’s sons Hobab, Reuel and Eliezer (Exodus 3:1–2). Eliezer was the father of Rehabiah (1 Chronicles 6:11) and grandfather of Zerubbabel

The sons of Moses are referred to in the Bible as the children of Israel. They were the first generation of people who lived in the Promised Land after Moses led them to freedom.

The sons of Moses were born during a period of wandering and exile, and this story is told in the book of Exodus. It begins with the story of how Moses’ father-in-law Jethro brought his family from Midian to Egypt to escape a famine. He gave Moses advice on how to be a good leader, which helped Moses become one when he later led his people out of slavery under Pharaoh’s rule.

After forty years had passed, Moses returned to Egypt to free his people from slavery. God spoke directly through him and gave him instructions for building an ark with two tables inside it that contained instructions for creating laws for their new nation.

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Moses was able to lead his people out of slavery because he was an eloquent speaker who could convince others that what he was saying was true even when they didn’t believe it themselves! He also had great leadership skills that enabled him to work effectively with others without losing sight of their needs or desires at any given moment in time!

Who Were The Two Sons Of Moses

Levi was the firstborn son of Jacob and Leah, and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Levi.

Gershom was the youngest son of Moses and Zipporah, who accompanied his father when he fled from Egypt.

His two sons were named Gershon and Eliezer. The descendants of Gershon were established in the tribe of Levi, while those of Eliezer were distributed among the other tribes.

Gershon’s descendants became known as “Gershonites,” a reference to their ancestor. In the Book of Numbers, they are described as being responsible for carrying the Tabernacle while it was being transported (Numbers 1:51). In Ezekiel 47:20, they are said to be responsible for transporting water from the river Chebar to Jerusalem.

Moses’ second son was Eliezer, who is mentioned only once in Scripture (Deuteronomy 33:23). He is also mentioned extensively in rabbinic literature as one of three great scholars who taught Moses about the traditions of his ancestors (Midrash Deuteronomy Rabbah 3:8).

The two sons of Moses were Gershom and Eliezer.

Gershom (גְּרִישׁוֹם) means “stranger” (Exodus 2:22). He was born during the time that Moses was in Midian, and therefore, did not know his own family name. After marrying an Ethiopian woman, he gave his son this name as well (Exodus 2:22-23).

Eliezer (אֵלֶּה עֶלְיוֹנִים) means “God’s help.” He was born to Miriam after she had been set apart for her father as one of his wives (Exodus 6:20).

The two sons of Moses were Gershom and Eliezer. The former was born in Midian, while the latter was born in Egypt.

The Bible gives several accounts of how the two sons were born. In one account, the midwife feared that Pharaoh would kill Moses’ new baby boy because he had been born during a time when Pharaoh’s daughter had just died. So Moses’ wife hid him for three months until he could be circumcised and have his name given to him.

Another account states that when Moses returned from Mount Sinai after receiving the Ten Commandments, he found that his wife had given birth to a son while he was gone. He named Gershom because he had been formed in a foreign land (Genesis 32:24). However, this contradicts other verses that state Gershom was born in Midian (Exodus 2:22), not Egypt as stated in Genesis.

In either case, it appears that both Eliezer and Gershom were born prior to Moses’ leading the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3:19).

The Path of the Law

The first son was named Gershom, which means “stranger there.” The second son was named Eliezer, which means “God my helper.” These names are significant. The first name implies that Moses’ children would eventually leave Egypt and return to their homelands. The second name signifies that God would help them in their journey back to Canaan. The two sons had a very different relationship with their father. Eliezer was his father’s helper, protector, and confidante; Gershom was estranged from his father for many years.

The story of Moses’ relationship with his two sons begins at birth: “When she [Miriam] saw that he was a beautiful child, she hid him for three months” (Exodus 2:2). Miriam was the firstborn daughter of Moses and Zipporah (Exodus 2:1–8). She was also a prophetess (Numbers 12:2) and an important leader of Israel after the exodus from Egypt (Numbers 12:1–15; Micah 6:4). Her actions in hiding her brother were not only because she loved him but also because she knew that Pharaoh’s daughter would raise him as her own son. His life would be threatened

Of all the great biblical patriarchs, Moses may have had the most complicated family life. His wife, Zipporah, was the daughter of Jethro. He adopted her sister’s son, Eliezer (whose father died on Mount Hor; see Numbers 20:22-29), as his own heir. And he fathered seven sons with Zipporah before she returned to Midian (see Exodus 18:1-6).


  • Gershom was born in Egypt.
  • Gershom was a prophet.
  • Gershom founded the city of Shechem, which is now called Nablus, in what is now central Israel.
  • He married a Canaanitess woman (i.e., someone who was not Jewish). In other words, he married an idolatress or pagan woman!
  • He became a priest and prince of his people (the Hebrews). This shows us that God can use anyone to accomplish His purposes–even those who have been wronged by others!


Eliezer was the son of Moses and Zipporah. He is mentioned in all three books of the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus).

Eliezer is credited with saving his father’s life during Egypt’s plagues. In addition to being a helper to Moses during this time period, Eliezer also became one of his closest confidants during their time in exile in Midian.

Eliezer married Jethro’s daughter; however, we do not know who she was or if he had any other children aside from Reuel and Jethro.


The Bible says that Amram was a priest of the Israelites. He was also the son of Kohath, who was a son of Levi (a tribe in ancient Israel). The name Amram means “a prince” or “high priest.”

Amram married Jochebed, his father’s sister, who probably had several children before she had Moses. She died at age 120 when Moses was 80 years old, according to Numbers 27:20-23.


Kohath was the firstborn son of Levi and thus a prince of the tribe of Israel. He was also the firstborn son of his father’s wife, Jochebed, who was a Levite. Kohath’s brothers were Amram, Izhar and Hebron. When Moses led his people out of Egypt, he took with him only his brother Aaron and their sister Miriam because they had been circumcised by God (Exodus 4:14).

It may be assumed that Kohath died before Moses because in Genesis 5:9-10 it is stated that Amram married Jochebed and they had two sons named Aaron and Moses.


Izhar is the second son of Moses and Zipporah, the father of Amminadab. He was born in Midian.

Izhar’s brother Eliezer is also mentioned in the Bible, as he is a prophet for God (Genesis 15:2). Izhar may be related to Kohath, but this hasn’t been confirmed by any sources yet.


Hebron is the second son of Moses, and he is a great-grandfather of King David. He’s also a great-grandfather of Solomon, Rehoboam, Abijah and Asa; that makes him a very popular ancestor.

Uzziel (see Exodus 6:18)

  • Uzziel was a son of Moses, and he was an ancestor of Aaron the priest.
  • He is the father of Amram.
  • He is the father of Aaron and Elkanah.
  • Uzziel died in Egypt at age 137 years old (Num 26:57).

Moses had seven sons in the bible

Moses had seven sons in the Bible:

Gershom (Exodus 2:22)

Eliezer (Exodus 18:4)

Amram, Kohath and Izhar. These three were born to Amram and Jochebed, his father’s sister (Exodus 6:18). Then he married Elisheba, who was daughter to Amminadab and sister to Nahshon, an ancestral leader. She gave birth to Aaron, Nadab and Abihu; Eleazar and Ithamar. The sons of Eleazar were Phinehas and Abishua; Bukki; Uzzi; Zerahiah and Meraioth.’

Uzziel—possibly a son of Gershom or Eliezer is mentioned once in the Bible as having been born after Aaron died (Numbers 3:30).

Moses had seven sons in the bible, Gershom, Eliezer, Amram, Kohath, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. Moses was a great leader of Israel but he also had to deal with family issues like all of us. He lost two sons at one time when they were struck down because they did not follow the Lord’s commandments. He also had to make sure that his wife Zipporah wasn’t too upset when her son was circumcised in front of everyone as part of their covenant with God.

What Happened To The Sons Of Moses In The Bible

In the Bible, the story goes like this. After Moses had led the Children of Israel out of Egypt, he gave his last speech and died on Mount Nebo. His body was buried at Timnath-Serah in the land of Moab.

The Book of Deuteronomy records that after Moses’ death, God spoke to Joshua and told him to cross over Jordan, guided by God’s Word (Deuteronomy 31:3). Joshua then led the people across into Canaan where they camped at Gilgal (Joshua 1:12).

Joshua now became the leading figure among the Israelites as God had clearly told Moses that he would be their leader after him (Deuteronomy 31:1). When all was said and done, however, some of Moses’ family members were still alive at this time.

These men were called “the sons of Moses” in scripture because their mothers were descended from Moses’ sister Miriam (Exodus 18:2; Numbers 26:59). These included Gershom and Eliezer (Numbers 26:59), both sons of Zipporah; Eliezer was also called Hur because he was born during Israel’s stay in Sinai (Exodus 18:7); Eldad and Medad were also

The sons of Moses are listed in the Book of Numbers, chapter 26.

Moses’ first son was Gershom (Exodus 2:22-24), followed by Eliezer (Exodus 18:4). After Eliezer’s death during the Exodus, Moses married Zipporah and had two more sons, Gershom and Eliezer (Exodus 18:4). After Eliezer’s death at age 80, Moses remarried to a woman from Midian named Zipporah (Exodus 2:21). She gave birth to two sons, whom Moses named Gershom and Eliezer after his previous two sons who had died.

After the Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites traveled for 40 years in the desert before entering Canaan. They came to Mount Hor where Aaron died and was buried there (Numbers 20:27). Aaron’s son Eleazar took over as High Priest and led the Israelites into Canaan when they defeated King Sihon of Heshbon in battle. After this victory, they conquered Og king of Bashan who ruled over much of northern Canaan (Numbers 21

The Bible does not tell us much about what happened to the sons of Moses in the Bible. The only mention is at Numbers 26:57, which states that Korah was buried in a place named after him, called Hormah (meaning “destruction”).

The rest of this article will use biblical and extra-biblical texts to speculate on what happened to the other men named in Exodus 6:16-20.


In Numbers 10:29 Gershom is called “the son of Moses.” He is also referred to as Jethro’s son in 1 Chronicles 23:17. The name Jethro comes from the Hebrew word yithrô’ (Judges 4:11). This indicates that he was probably an Israelite who was living among Midianites when Moses married Zipporah (Exodus 2:21).

If we look at the names of his sons, we find that they have Hebrew names rather than Midianite ones. This suggests that he may have been a convert to Judaism or had already been born into Judaism when he left Egypt with his father-in-law.

The only other reference to him in the Bible is found in Nehemiah 13:7, where he is described as

Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, was leader of the Midianites. The Midianites were related to the Ishmaelites and were nomadic pastoralists. They were also traders and occasionally acted as middlemen for other tribes.

The Bible says that Moses married an Egyptian princess named Zipporah. She was from a priestly family and probably brought some wealth to their marriage. But Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s palace, so he probably had connections there too.

Moses’ brother Aaron was a Levite (a tribe descended from Jacob) who became high priest of Israel while Moses was gone. When Moses returned from Egypt with his people, he handed over leadership to Joshua and then died peacefully at 120 years old (Deut 34:7).

The Bible is the most-read book in the world. It has been translated into 2,200 languages and dialects and has sold more than 5 billion copies.

The Bible is also the best-selling book of all time.

There are many different versions of the Bible. In fact, there are more than 100 English translations alone! This means that there are variations in the text that may be confusing or misleading to readers. The King James Version (KJV) was first published in 1611 by King James I of England and is considered by many as a literary masterpiece. However, some people do not like its language or style because it uses words such as “thee” and “thou” instead of “you” or “he or she” or “they” when referring to God or people. The KJV also has words spelled differently from how we spell them today — for example, “doth” instead of “does”, “maketh” instead of “makes”, and “hath” instead of “has”.

Newer versions attempt to fix these problems by using modern language but still keeping much of the original meaning intact.

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