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The Power Of Prayer For Healing

The power of prayer for healing is a topic that has been discussed for thousands of years, and it’s still being studied today. There are a lot of people who believe that prayer can heal, but there are also a lot of people who don’t believe it’s possible. Whether or not you believe in the power of prayer, it’s important to understand how it works so that you can make an informed decision about how much weight to give to the practice.

Prayer can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment like medication or surgery, but it doesn’t replace those treatments. It can be used as part of your overall health care plan, but it shouldn’t be used as your only form of treatment. Instead, prayer should be used as one part of a larger approach to healing yourself or someone else.

The Power Of Prayer For Healing

The Power Of Prayer For Healing

Below you’ll find inspiring and powerful prayers for healing. Prayers and quotes from the bible about healing, restoring and recovering. Read these prayers out loud or in silence.

God has the healing power and you too can heal. God heals broken bodies, broken minds, broken hearts and broken lives. His presence alone has immense healing powers.

The first step to receiving this type of healing is to live closely to God. The benefits of doing so are endless. As you grow more intimately with God, he reveals his will to you more directly.

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Type Your Prayer Request*Prayer must contain a max of roughly 50 words

Healing Prayer

Dear Father,

I bow before you, just as I am now.

I surrender my entire being before you my God. I accept you as my Shepherd, Savior and Healer.

Heavenly Father, please take charge of my life and affairs.

Please heal me fill me with your healing power.

Cast out all that should not reside within me.


Short Prayer for Healing

This is a short healing prayer for the Lord: “Lord, please heal my broken heart. Fill me with the peace and joy I know can only come from you during this hard time.”

Lord, please heal my broken heart. Fill me with the peace and joy I know can only come from You during this hard time

Prayer to heal my daughter’s physical health

Please heal my daughter from trauma and Grief. Lift her spirits where life is beautiful. Let her love herself fill her up with love, joy, happiness and peace. Let her appreciate life, her children. Please God bring her someone that adores, respects her, that is strong and courageous. Please God in Jesus’s name heal her completely. Nothing is impossible in your hands.

Prayer for Healing for a Friend

Heavenly Father,

I am here today to pray for my sick friend who needs healing and your intervention.

My friend is sick, praying for a speedy healing and recovery, so we pray God that You grant it to him.

Asides You, there’s no other Father that listens. Thank You for Your grace and the answered prayer,


Prayer for Healing Sickness

Holy Father, heavenly Physician of our body and soul.

Please Lord heal me from illnesses and sickness and help me recover. Give me strength and shield me from all evil from head to her toes. Bless me and give me a fighting chance, I am going thru so much pain and suffering. In the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!

Prayer for Healing Miracle

In the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord,

I ask you to send forth your healing power on the body of _____.

Please don’t let this person be in pain anymore. I’m begging you to save her life.

Please mend all that is broken, heal the sick and damaged. Root out every sickness, illness, ailment, disease, infection, all inflammation, viruses, and destructive forms of bacteria.

Heal this person.

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer for Strength

Father God almighty,

Thank you for continuing to heal my mom.

Thank you for making her stronger than ever before.

Thank you for strengthening her heart.

Thank you God almighty


Prayer for Healing for Loved One

I am asking for total healing & restoration for my husbands health & body.

He’s a person that needs healing for his emotional heart as well. And for healing of our troubled marriage to bring back the love, understanding, compassion & care for each other.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Healing Prayer from an Emotional and Physical Pain

I would like to please ask for a healing prayer for my brain, trauma, anxieties and depression, so that I can leave the emotional and physical pain behind and stop sabotaging myself.

I want to be happy and feel calm and have a normal brain again. I also ask God to protect and heal my family and friends and provide us with good health.

Thank you very much dear Lord.

Praying for Continued Healing and Health

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ thank you for all you have done in my life.

Please Jesus and Mary Mother of God pray for me over the next few months and years for continued healing.

Please let me have no anxiety and be able to let me look to you when I’m anxious.

In your name lord.


Healing Prayer for My Mom

Oo my Almighty Jesus,

You are the everything my Lord,
My mother is suffering from 4th stage lung cancer,
She want your miracle My Lord,
Please touch her my Lord,
Please heal her my Lord.
Please show the miracle My Lord.


Prayer for Healing from Pain

I pray for speedy healing and recovery of my husband.

May God give him strength to overcome all that has become weak in him.

May he be filled with Jesus’s strength and may Jesus’s blood flow through him, cleansing him of all damages caused by the virus and give him new life.

May the tightening of his chest go away and he get relief from pain.

May he be filled with Courage from the Holy Spirit to recover and bear the physical and emotional difficulties.

I make this prayer through Mother Mary who stands by the cross of our Lord. Amen

Prayer for Healing and Protection

Please pray for me as I grow old. My body is getting weaker and I’m worried about my kids. Please heal my body mind and soul as my life’s journey continue to support and protect my family.

Lord father I pray for a hedge of protection around my son. Protect his health or any harm. Protect my daughter in college these next three years and bring the right people in her path that love and know you personally. That can help build her faith and love for you. Guide her through her studies and finals. I am praying for all my debt to be cleared as I have many and still in school for my Masters. Lord I pray you protect and guide me my son and daughter even when we travel. I am praying for a new home as my job is helping with closing cost but my credit is bad and can’t get approved for the loan. I am praying for my husband’s salvation. In Jesus name Amen.

Prayer for Healing Cancer

Dear Jesus, please heal me completely of my cancer diagnosis in your Divine Presence.

I give my gratitude that my next visit with my doctor will be miraculous. “You have been healed”.

I will celebrate and acknowledge you as my greatest healing Father

In Gratitude and Love always

Praying for Healing and Long Suffering

Dear God,

I pray to you and ask that you can take away my vertigo forever. I have suffered so long with this problem that I am asking for your help in healing me.

I pray I do no have a tumor or brain cancer or a disease.

Please heal my body and inner ears. I want to enjoy life and doing things.

I believe in you and the power of prayers.

Prayer for Healing my Dad

Heavenly Father, I know that you are the Ultimate Physician. Please heal my dad by removing all of the bad cancer cells from his body. Please Lord give him strength so he may be able to walk once again! I love you Lord Jesus and I will follow you all the days of my life! I praise your name! In Jesus name I pray!

Prayer for Healing for Family

God’s healing hand and protection around me and strengthen my body. Specially during this hard time.

God’s healing and henge of protection around my parents and my family and their kids – all my nephews and nieces .

Prayer for peace of mind and spirit of wisdom and stronger immune system and rest well.

God bless our work and establish the work in our hand. Almighty God protect and heal us when I take my parents to doctor’s appointment and when I go volunteer at hospital & outside.

God is love, God help me to show your miraculous healing and grace to the people you have given me to love.


Prayer for Healing a Relationship

Father God please bring my daughter back to me.

Please let our relationship be healed and whole again.

Please end this broken relationship and let a new beginning start so that there is peace and love between us.

Please take away the hurt from us both and let my daughter want me as her mother again.

Please bring her back and let my family be restored stronger and whole again .

Let our broken hearts be healed and take away her anger for me and the troubles in her mind.

Thank you heavily father Amen

Prayer for Healing a Sick Child

Dear Lord, I come to you for help. I believe in miracles and I believe in you, Lord.

Please cure my sick child from the his disability and his experiences with sensory overload. Please help him overcome his disability, communication skills and anxieties. Thank you, Lord!


Healing Prayer for My Son

My sick child has a lot of health issues and not getting medical attention and I have faith that God will heal him from them all. I pray for him all the time but God says where 2 or more is gathered together and I believe in the name of Jesus It will be done. Thank you in advance.


Prayer for Thanks after Recovery

Almighty God and heavenly Father,

You are the fountain of life and healing. I bless your holy name and offer to you thanks for having delivered me from sickness and restored me to health. Grant me your eternal grace, I pray, that I may live a new life in true obedience to you. Guide me to do your will in all things devoting my life to your service. Thus living for you may I be found worthy of your kingdom, where you dwell in glory with your Son and your Holy Spirit forever.


A Healing Prayer

Lord of Heaven,

I rest underneath your mighty wings of love.

I dwell within your gentle heart.

I know there is healing in your touch.

Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration

And trust in your goodness.

You are my Lord, my Savior.


Divine Healing Prayer and Peace

Dear God,

In this quiet moment,

I feel divine healing hand and energy moving throughout my body and mind.

Your energy, your healing power flows within every atom, cell, and organ of my body temple. There is no condition greater than your power to heal, dear God, and there is no reason for me to doubt that healing and recovery are coming forth right now.

I trust you, dear God.

I feel stronger and healthier and filled with the peace of knowing that healing is taking place within me right now.

True healing is mine through your Spirit.

I surrender to you, God, in total faith and total peace.

I trust you, God.

I rest in an awareness of you, knowing that I am being renewed, restored, and revitalized.

In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Prayer for Believing

Dear God, I know that the first step in all spiritual healing is to believe. I believe! I open my mind and heart believing in your infinite power and possibility. I believe that your healing hand are a dynamic and reachable experience, a reality that can be experienced right now. I maintain a patient and loving attitude, for I believe that your healing activity is now at work in my mind and body. I look forward, with joyful expectation, to the perfect wholeness that you are now bringing into manifestation through me. I believe in your constant expression of perfect good in and through me. I rest in the certainty of your healing power. I know that with you all things are possible. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Praying for Healing from a Virus

Please God help _____ to overcome the virus. He is on a ventilator and fighting for his life.

He has pneumonia too. Please help his breathing get to 100% so he can get off the ventilator. Thank you for all you do. Please give the family hope and pray for comfort during this tiring time. Amen.

I Cooperate with God

I cooperate with God, my Creator and re-creator.
I praise and bless the perfect functioning of my body.
I praise and bless the perfect response of my quickened mind.
I feel and express God’s healing life.
I envision myself as vital, alive, filled with peace, joy, ever-renewing life.
I am uplifted and strengthened in mind and body.
Today, I pray that my every thought, my every word affirms this faith.
I rejoice that today is a day of healing for me.
I acknowledge the one presence, the one power, God.
In Jesus Christ’s name… Amen

Renew My Mind, Body and Soul Prayer

Lord, I come before you today in need of your healing hand. In you all things are possible. Hold my heart within yours, and renew my mind, body, and soul I am lost, but I am singing.

You gave us life, and you also give us the gift of infinite joy. Give me the strength to move forward on the path you’ve laid out for me. Guide me towards better health, and give me the wisdom to identify those you’ve placed around me to help me get better.

In your name I pray, Amen.

A Prayer Against Disease

Lord, your scripture says that you heal all diseases and whoever believes in you will not perish but have an everlasting life. Strengthen me, Lord, in this time of illness. Sustain him as he lays sick in his bed. When you were on Earth, you did all things good and healed all kinds of sickness.

You healed those who had diseases. You died and rose for our sins and that we may have eternal life, Lord. I believe in my heart that you are here with us today and that with your most holy power will remove all sicknesses and evils that roam the earth. Let it be done in your glory, Lord.

We praise and glorify your name, Amen.

Prayer to Heal

Heavenly Loving Father,

I ask you for a prayer for forgiveness now for all my sins (transgressions or iniquities).
Jesus, please have mercy on me and that I ask you to heal my lungs now. Please remove COAD (Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease) or any lung diseases out of my lungs and restore 100% lung capacity. I surrender now and I ask this prayer in Your Mighty Name Jesus, Amen.

A Prayer to Ease Pain

Almighty Father, Thank you for your love, grace and mercy. I pray that my  pain comforts will turn to comforts, my pains to gains, my deprivation to more blessings, my losses to profits, my tear to smiles, my sorrows to pleasures, my illness to wellness, my debts to credits and my dreams to realities.

As the scripture said “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” And he, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

I trust in you Lord and in you alone to heal me with any form of skepticism towards blessing that you will be employed upon me. I trust, Lord, that this agony and suffering that is only in my head, will come to end and positivism will shine upon me as I read, hear, study and preach the truth in the Bible.

Healing from Depression

Please pray, right away, for my granddaughter. She is depressed, possibly self-harming.

She is being lead into darkness by friends.

Please pray she stays safe, finds Jesus, and joins Christian friends.

Dear Jesus, please rescue her. You are the strong, Almighty One. Draw her to you.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Prayers for Healing in the Bible:

Psalm 103:3 – He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.

Matthew 7:7 – Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

2 Corintians 12:7-9 – To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelation, there was given to me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

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