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3 Hour Prayer To The Holy Spirit

Jesus was calm while being crucified because he had the power of God within him. He went from being a homeless man to performing miracles, healing people, and raising people from the dead. But why was Jesus able to be such a great influence over his disciples despite the hostility of Herod Antipas, Nicodemus? Was it just luck that Jesus’ teachings became so popular? Or did he have the power of God within him?

Being a devout Christian, I believe that Almighty God should be praised and thanked for the countless blessings He has poured out upon us. We know that in all things, the Lord works for our good if we trust in Him (Romans 8:28). It has indeed been proven many times over that no matter how dire or trying our circumstances may be, it’s always possible to find happiness and peace of mind in God.

3 Hour Prayer To The Holy Spirit

3 Hour Prayer To The Holy Spirit

I come to you, Holy Spirit, with all my needs and desires. I ask that you guide me in this life, that you show me the way to peace and happiness.

I ask that you help me see the truth, that I may overcome obstacles in my path by relying on your guidance.

Help me to discern the good from the evil. Guide my steps so that I may make wise decisions in my life.

I know that this prayer will go unanswered if I do not take action based on what I have learned from it. So I will make a conscious effort to act upon these words of wisdom given to me by our Father Who art in Heaven.

Dear Holy Spirit, I come before you today to ask for your guidance. I am a human being, and I make mistakes, but you are perfect in every way. Show me the way to being a better person and to doing what is right in this world that we share together.

I ask that you help me in all aspects of my life: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Show me the path that is right for me and guide me on it so that I may follow it with joy and happiness.

I ask that you give me strength when I need it most and comfort when I feel down or alone. Help me understand why bad things happen in this world and give me hope for tomorrow’s challenges by showing me how to overcome them today!

Let your light shine upon those who are lost or hurting; let their hearts be filled with love for others just as yours is filled with love for them. Let them know there is nothing they can’t overcome because of your love for us all! In Jesus’ name we pray…

O Holy Spirit,

Come and dwell in us.

Cleanse us of our sins and make us worthy to enter the kingdom of God.

Pray for me, that I may be worthy to receive you.

Holy Spirit, come and fill my heart with your love.

Enlighten my mind with your wisdom.

Strengthen my will with your courage.

I pray to the Holy Spirit, that you may enlighten my mind with your divine light and inflame my heart with your fiery love. Amen.

I ask you to come into me, O Holy Spirit, and fill me with your grace, enlighten my understanding, and inflame my heart. May I feel in every fiber of my being that I am always with you and never separated from you? May I be like a burning fire, emitting sparks of love and joy everywhere I go.

May I always hear the voice of Christ calling me, “Come!” And may I respond quickly, “Here am I!”

Holy Spirit, I come to you as a child of God. You have called me to be your child, and I am here in this moment to ask for your guidance, your comfort, and your love.

I pray that you will lead me through this time of uncertainty and change. Help me to be wise in my choices, courageous in the face of adversity, and honest with myself about my faults.

Help me to see what is good in everyone around me—even when they may not be immediately apparent—and help me to find peace within myself by trusting that everything is working out exactly how it should.

Help me to be patient with myself as I learn new things every day, and help me to be patient with others as they learn from me and grow alongside me on our journey together.

And finally, Holy Spirit, please give us clear minds so we can make rational decisions for our future. Let us do what is right for our families and communities so that we may all prosper from it!

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