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3 o’Clock Prayer In The Bible

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on 3 o’clock Prayer in the Bible. Read on to learn more. We at have all the information that you need about 3 o’clock Prayer in the Bible. Read on to learn more.

There’s still a lot of Christians that do not know where you should pause in the Bible to recite three o’clock prayer. One major hinderance for some is the availability of modern Bibles. The newly designed Bibles have removed some of the most important references from the inside cover and related sections. This article will explain where to find three o’clock prayer in your bible and what it looks like. After reading this, you will understand how to pray to God at 3:00 PM EST and be able to answer the questions of others concerning your devotion.

3 o’Clock Prayer In The Bible

3 o’Clock Prayer In The Bible

3 O’Clock Prayer

“Lord, I pray that You would help me to walk in your footsteps.”

“Lord, I pray that You would give me Your strength to carry out Your will for my life.”

“Lord, I pray that You would cleanse me of all sin and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.”

“Lord, use me as Your servant today.”

3 o’Clock Prayer

The Bible is full of people who prayed at specific times of the day. We’re not told exactly what time they prayed, but we can be sure it was not 3 o’clock!

We know that Jesus went away by himself to pray (Mark 1:35), and that Paul took a nap during the day so he could pray at midnight (Acts 20:7). It’s clear that they had some sort of schedule in mind.

The early church had regular times of prayer, including three o’clock in the afternoon (Acts 3:1; 10:9; 17:17). They were also encouraged to pray at night before going to bed (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

3 o’Clock Prayer Lyrics: 3 o’clock, you can’t sleep / You’re counting sheep / Counting the days until your next vacation / And counting the days ’till the next carpool / 3 o’ clock, you can’t breathe / You’ve got no air left to give / And nothing left to lose / You’ve got no one to blame. 3 o’clock is when I feel my worst / When I feel like I’m going nowhere fast. 3 o’clock is when I start missing you. 3 o’clock is when it’s time to pray!

3 O’Clock Prayer by Matthew West: Lyrics

3 O’Clock Prayer – Matthew West Lyrics from “Live Forever”: 3 O’Clock prayer (Lord)I know I’ve failed again But I’m asking for grace just one more day Oh Lord,I want to be better than this please help me Lord Please help me Lord Please help me LordPlease help me LordPlease help me LordPlease help me LordPlease help me LordPlease help me LordPlease help me If it’s too late for me Oh God then bring someone else here who needs Your love

The 3 o’clock prayer is a prayer that you can pray at any time to help you get through your day. It’s a great prayer because it doesn’t require much preparation or work. Just pray it once, then let the Holy Spirit lead you throughout the rest of your day.

The 3 o’clock prayer is based on Psalm 118:24, which says: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” The verse tells us that we should rejoice every day, but sometimes we need a reminder because life can become so busy and overwhelming that we forget to stop and enjoy it.

The 3 o’clock prayer reminds us to stop and reflect on how amazing our lives are and how much God loves us. It reminds us that anything worth doing is worth doing well — whether it’s cleaning up after dinner or working hard at our job or studying for an exam — so that we might glorify God with our lives.

The 3 o’clock prayer is a time of prayer that is set apart for the Lord. It is not to be confused with the daily prayer meeting, which should also be held at regular times throughout the day.

The 3 o’clock prayer is often referred to as “the watch,” because it is a time when we are on our guard and alert, ready to fight against the enemy.

In Matthew 26:36-38, Jesus said: “Then he said unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.” The disciples were watching for His return. They were guarding the house and waiting for His appearance.

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