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30 Day Prayer For A Husband

Prayer for a husband is about being faithful to the Lord and listening for Him to lead you in the right places. It’s about learning how to pray, how not to pray and end times prophecies. DISCOVER MORE INFORMATIOON ON 31 Days Of Praying For Your Future Husband,30 Days Of Prayer For Your Marriage.

I decided to share on this blog a 30 Day Prayer for a Husband. It may be already out there, but I wanted to give it my own spin… after all, this was an amazing journey for me and a true blessing from God. I pray blessings over your marriage and that you experience the same joy I have experienced over the last 20 years…I absolutely love my partner

30 Day Prayer For A Husband

30 Day Prayer For A Husband.

31 Days Of Praying For Your Future Husband

Day 1: Pray for the man you will marry

Day 2: Pray for his relationship with God

Day 3: Pray for his relationship with his family

Day 4: Pray for his character, personality, and values

Day 5: Pray that he will be a good father to your children.

Day 6: Pray that he will be a loving husband and partner in all things.

Day 7: Pray that he will be patient with you when you make mistakes.

Day 8: Pray that he will be honest with you in all things. (Psalm 15)

Day 9: Pray that he will not be afraid of commitment or marriage. (Malachi 2:14)

Day 10: Pray that he has a servant’s heart towards you and others around him. (1 Peter 2:18)

Day 11: Pray that he doesn’t put off marriage because of finances or other factors out of your control (Mark 10:27-30).

31 Days Of Praying For Your Future Husband

Day 1: God,

I thank you for the gift of my future husband. I pray that you would guide me to make decisions that are best for him and our marriage. I pray that he would be a godly man who would have a desire to honor you. I pray that he would be a man who loves his family and loves Jesus Christ above all else. Help me to trust in you that this will happen. In Jesus name, Amen

Day 2: God,

I thank you for the gift of my future husband. Help me to be patient while waiting on your perfect timing in bringing him into my life. I pray that you would change my heart so that when the time comes, I will not look at him with lust but with love and respect. Help me to learn what it means to love unconditionally and to put someone else’s needs before my own. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Day 3: God,

I thank you for the gift of my future husband; help me to rejoice in every step along this journey even if it doesn’t turn out exactly how I had planned or hoped for because I know that your timing is always perfect! Help me to walk by faith

31 Days Of Praying For Your Husband

Day 1: I pray that my future husband will be Godly, loving and kind.

Day 2: I pray that my future husband will be a leader in our home and with our children.

Day 3: I pray that my future husband will be an example for our children to follow.

Day 4: I pray that my future husband will be a provider for our family.

Day 5: I pray that my future husband will protect me from harm.

Day 6: I pray that my future husband will be a good listener and communicator with me and others.

Day 7: I pray that my future husband will love me as Christ loves the church – unconditionally!

Day 8: I pray that my future husband will love his family as Christ loved us – sacrificially!

Day 9: I pray that my future husband has integrity and character above reproach!

Day 10: I pray that my future husband understands how important it is for him to love me unconditionally through all seasons of life!

30 Days Of Prayer For Your Marriage

Praying for your husband is a beautiful thing, but sometimes it can be hard to know what to pray. So today I’m going to give you 31 days of prayers that will help you pray for your future husband. Don’t worry if this post is too long, I have made all of these prayers short, sweet and easy to memorize.

  1. Lord, bless my future husband that he would have a healthy mind, body and soul. Protect him from harm and evil influences during the day and at night.
  2. Lord, bless my future husband with wisdom in his decisions and in his work place so he can make an impact for the Kingdom of God wherever he goes!
  3. Lord, bless my future husband with good health so he can take care of our children as well as provide for us financially!
  4. Lord please bless my future husband with protection from temptation so he can stay pure and close to You throughout his life!
  5. Lord please protect my future husband from any temptation or attack against him by Satan or his demons! Help him stand firm in Christ Jesus no matter what happens around him! In
  6. Lord, I pray that my spouse will be a man of integrity and character.
  7. Lord, I pray that my spouse will be a man who is respected by others and is trustworthy.
  8. Lord, I pray that my spouse will be a man who loves his family and is willing to sacrifice for them every day.
  9. Lord, I pray that my spouse will be a man who has good morals and values and is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.
  10. Lord, I pray that my spouse will be a man who is hardworking and diligent towards his job or career so he can provide for our family financially and spiritually through his income and influence at work.
  11. Lord, I pray that my spouse will be a man who strives to change the world around him for the better through his actions and words every day so we can make an impact on this world together in order to make it better for our children’s future generations!
  12. Lord, I ask that You would give me wisdom when it comes to making decisions about my future husband — decisions like where we might live (city vs suburbs vs country) or where we might go on vacation together (weekend getaways vs exotic locations

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