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Mother Teresa Prayer For The Family

The Missionaries of Charity, founded by Blessed Mother Teresa in 1950 have been conducting prayer groups for families with children for many years. Mother Teresa regarded the family as the first and most important cell in society. Our Lady’s message on September 6 th 1985 to Mother Teresa from Akita, Japan follows: “I am the Queen of Peace. I desire peace in your homes and families, that is why I am with you. My Son gave His life to save you. You must also be willing to give your life to save your families. Do not take lightly what I say. Place My picture on your family altar and before it renew your promises of love…” — graphic on the left side of the screen (Mother Teresa Prayer Booklet, p. 46) The prayer is called the Prayer for the Family and is a powerful tool that enables families and communities to pray together in harmony and unity, through specific intercession and requests made to our Mother Jesus and Mary who is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.

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Mother Teresa Prayer For The Family

Mother Teresa Prayer For The Family

Dear Lord,

Please guide my family and me in our daily lives.

Help us to be good people and to love each other.

Please help us to have a strong faith in you, and keep us safe from harm.

Thank you for all that you have done for us, and may we always remember the things that are important in life: family,

“Lord, help us to spread Your fragrance everywhere we go.”

Dear Jesus, You are a loving God who cares for all of us. Help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go and in everything I do. Help my family and friends to be kinder, more forgiving and more patient with each other as they deal with the challenges of life together. Please help us as we learn how to deal with conflict without anger or criticism, but rather through mutual love and understanding. Lord give them the strength they need so that they may walk in peace together no matter what comes their way today!

We ask this through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns forever!

“Flood our souls with Your spirit and life.”

Many of us have a special devotion to the Holy Rosary. We pray it regularly because we know that it is an effective way of growing closer to God and increasing our awareness of His presence in our lives.

The Holy Rosary can be prayed for many different intentions: for oneself, one’s family, the Church and all its members, or even the whole world. It can be prayed either by ourselves or with others. The important thing is that we make time each day to pray it sincerely and attentively.

I invite you now to join me in praying this prayer especially for peace within your family: “Flood our souls with Your spirit and life.”

“Penetrate and possess our whole being so completely that our lives may only be a radiance of Yours.”

“Penetrate and possess our whole being so completely that our lives may only be a radiance of Yours.”

Pray this powerful prayer daily for peace to come to your family, for healing and forgiveness. Pray this as a mantra: “Father, Son, Holy Spirit in me, bless my family and make us one!”

“Shine through us and be so in us that every soul we come in contact with may feel your presence in our soul.”

“Shine through us and be so in us that every soul we come in contact with may feel your presence in our soul.”

The soul is the seat of our emotions, intellect and will. The prayer asks for her presence to shine through us each day so that we become filled with love for others, able to see them as she does—with compassion and understanding.

“Let them look up, and see no longer us, but only Jesus!”

As you look up to the skies, remember that you are looking up from a place of darkness. You were once lost in sin, but now you have been saved by the blood of Jesus. When your loved ones look up at the sky tonight, let them see only Jesus. Let them see no longer us, but only Him who can save them from their sins and lead them into eternity with Him. “Let them look up,” we pray for this family and all others who need hope today: Look up at our Savior, Who died for love of His children and rose again to prove His power over death itself!

“Stay with us, Lord for it is evening, the day is almost over.”

Our Lord, you are the light of our lives. You shine through us on this darkest of days, and guide our way through the trials of life. When we are weary and tired, let us remember that you are there with us. As darkness falls upon our hearts, remind us not to lose hope. We may feel alone or forsaken in our time of need but never forget that you love each one of your children unconditionally.

In these times when it seems as though all is lost and hope has left us behind, let us not give up but instead continue on with faith that better days lie ahead!

“Be not far from us, for trouble is near, and there is none to help.”

The mother Teresa prayers are a powerful way of invoking God’s blessings upon your family and loved ones. This prayer can be said anytime you feel that there is a need for divine intervention.

It is believed that these prayers were composed by the holy family, and if recited with utmost sincerity, they are bound to become fruitful.

The first part of the prayer contains supplications to Almighty God, while the second part requests our beloved Jesus Christ to intercede on behalf of us.

The third section reminds us that we should always be grateful for having been given this wonderful opportunity to live in this world, which has so much beauty and peace about it!

“You have made us for Yourself, Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

Your heart is restless. You want to know God, and you can’t rest until you do. This is what the Psalmist means when he says that “the one who loves God will be known by God.” It is not enough for us to think about Him or talk about Him or even do something for Him from time to time; we must love Him every moment of every day in order to be known by Him. And this love must be real and concrete, not just an emotion or a feeling but something tangible that can show itself in our lives on a daily basis through our prompt obedience to His commandments and through the acts of charity which show forth His Mercy: “for if any one loves Me, he will keep My word;” “He who keeps My commandments” (John 14:23).

pray daily this powerful prayer to the holy family, mother teresa prayer for peace

For example, if you have a family member who struggles with addiction or is in jail, pray daily this powerful prayer to the holy family, mother teresa prayer for peace.

The third thing we can do as families is pray together regularly. Say the rosary together or pray together at night before bed. When I was growing up we would sometimes go into the dining room after dinner and say grace together as a family unit. It was just one of those things we did regardless of how tired everyone was that day. Sometimes it even brought tears because we were so grateful for each other’s presence in our life!


I pray this prayer daily with my family. It is a powerful and simple way to seek peace in our home.

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