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Mother’s Day Prayer For Mom In Heaven

You know, at my blog I help moms who lost their spouses. As part of that mission I started a prayer project . It started off simple, with one mom writing a prayer about her husband for all to pray for. Then other moms started writing prayers and sent them to me. Then as I scrolled through the emails on my phone I had an idea: Why not compile their prayers and post them?

Right here, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on a short prayer for my mother in heaven, a Mother’s Day prayer message, and so much more. Take time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Mother’s Day Prayer For Mom In Heaven


Dear God, I understand that you are the giver of all good things, and that the world is full of joy. As we celebrate Mother’s Day today, I pray for mothers who live in heaven and not on earth. I pray that their day is filled with your peace and love. While they may be gone from this earth, many still live in our hearts and minds. Let us all remember those mothers as examples of strength, love, and devotion.

Heavenly Father,

Heavenly Father, I come before you today to pray for all the mothers in heaven, and especially for my own mother. I pray that she knows your love and grace, that she is surrounded by peace and joy, and that her family remembers how important she was to their lives. I also pray that we may learn from her example of strength, love and devotion—she taught me everything I know about being a good wife and mother! Help us all look to those who have gone before us as examples of what it means to be a mother. God, I cannot help but weep when I think of my own mother: how beautiful she was; how bravely she faced adversity; how much joy she gave us throughout her life. To have lost such an amazing woman fills me with sorrow every day—but today more than ever. Please bless broken hearts everywhere with memories of our mothers’ love so they can find comfort in knowing they were loved deeply while they were here on earth.”

I pray for all the mothers in heaven today.

You can pray for all the mothers in heaven today.

Give them peace and joy in the heavenly realm.

Help families remember those mothers today.

Today is Mother’s Day, a day when we celebrate the women who have birthed us and raised us. We are reminded of the love and support they provided to us over the years, and we give thanks for their guidance.

But what about those mothers who were taken from this world too soon? In this season that celebrates motherhood, it’s important to remember those moms in heaven.

Here are some ways you can remember mothers in heaven on Mother’s Day:

Let us all look to those mothers as examples of strength, love, and devotion.

Mother’s Day is coming up, and I want to tell you how much I love my mom. She is an example of strength, love, and devotion.

My mom is a strong woman who was able to take care of me while working two jobs. She showed me that it was possible to overcome any obstacle by working hard and never giving up on your dreams. One day she told me that if I wanted something in life then I had to work hard for it because nothing good comes easy in this world. The lesson really stuck with me now as an adult because it taught me that sometimes you have to work extra hours at work or study harder than other students in order for yourself get what you want out of life!

God, I cannot help but weep when I think of my mother.

It’s hard to imagine a life without our mothers. We have an innate need for love, protection and guidance that only our mothers can provide in the early years of our lives. And when they are taken from us, we mourn their loss as if we were losing everything else in the world at once. So it is natural to weep when we lose someone who has been like that to us; especially because they cannot be replaced: no one will ever take your mom’s place in your heart or mind. In fact, poets have written about this phenomenon for centuries!

Letting out these emotions is healthy—it’s how we process grief and cope with loss. Sometimes we might feel fear or anger instead of tears; but releasing those feelings through weeping can help relieve anxiety about saying goodbye properly or feeling guilty for not being happy on Mother’s Day every year after losing a parent so young (like me). By allowing ourselves these moments of sadness over time—and by remembering them as part of what makes up who we are today–we honor both our loved ones and ourselves by remembering what made them special too!

Even though I know she lives in paradise, I still miss her on this day.

Even though I know she lives in paradise, I still miss her on this day.

Mother’s Day has always been a difficult one for me. Even though my mom was gone before I was old enough to really appreciate her, there are still many things that make this day hard. The fact that she isn’t here to celebrate with me is one thing, but it’s also because so much has changed since she’s passed away and I can’t help feeling like something is missing from my life without her being here to share it with me!

But even though missing her is hard sometimes, it doesn’t mean we should forget all the good times we had together either! My mom used to bake me cookies when I came home from school every day; they were my favorite snack ever back then (and still are!). She would sing songs and play music too—I remember listening to many of these songs together until late at night before bedtime would finally come around again when everyone else had already fallen asleep…it was such an important part of our relationship as mother/daughter pairings during those early years where memories were made together each day after school ended just about every afternoon before supper time came around later on that evening–or sometimes even during lunch period itself if we weren’t busy eating sandwiches indoors first thing after classes started up again following lunch break 🙂

Please watch over and protect my family today as we celebrate our mother who has gone to heaven before us.


Amen is a word of affirmation, and it means “so be it” or “verily”. Amen is also a word of agreement; when you say amen, you are agreeing with what has been said previously. When you pray this prayer to your mother in heaven, the Lord will hear your prayers and answer them. He will bring peace to your heart and soul as He listens to your cries for help from him. As you continue on with your day-to-day life on earth, remember that our heavenly mother is always near us; she will never leave us nor forsake us for as long as we live on this planet earth! We are never alone because our heavenly mother sees each one of us every day! God bless all mothers around the world who have lost their children due to illness or accident—may they know comfort during these difficult times when they remember their loved ones who passed away before them!

Amen means “so be it” or “verily.” It’s used by Christians primarily at Mass (or Eucharist) services where bread becomes bread again after being blessed by priests during communion rituals (breaking bread). The word amen comes from Hebrew language meaning “truly” or “certainly.”


In Jesus’s Name I Pray,

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