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Motion Church Service Times

I have decided to share one of our services with you each month. If you are new here, let me introduce myself. I am Pastor Johnny, and I have been pastor here at the Motion Church for 3 years this past October. God has truly blessed the church here in many ways. We have grown each year, and we are still growing toward reaching our goal of 1000 members.

Right here, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on Motion Church’s Sentinel Night, what denomination Motion Church is, and much more. Take time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Motion Church Service Times

Motion Church Service Times


We love our church, but we know it’s not for everyone. If you’re looking to get more out of your worship experience, don’t just go to the same church every Sunday because it’s convenient. Explore different churches in your area and find one that fits who you are and how you want to worship.

Motion Church has two locations:

Motion Church has two locations. One is in South Austin, and the other is in North Austin. The South Austin location is a school, while the North Austin location is a church. Most people who attend Motion Church live within 15-20 minutes of the North Austin location—it’s not too far!

The school our church meets in is about 15-20 minutes away for most of our members.

The school our church meets in is about 15-20 minutes away for most of our members. That’s a good thing because it makes it easier for all types of people to attend. For example:

Students can easily get to the service, which is held after school hours so they don’t have to miss class.

Teachers who want to join us can do so without disrupting their schedule too much (and we don’t think any teachers would want to miss this).

Parents have a convenient time and place to drop off their children before heading out on errands or into work early in the morning.*

We live stream the entire service and make that available on our website, YouTube, and on Facebook.

You can also watch our church service live stream from your home or wherever you have an internet connection. The live stream is available on our website, YouTube, and Facebook.

If you’re looking for a place to worship and grow in your relationship with God, we would love to have you join us!

In addition to our worship services, we also offer several other ways to connect as a church.

We also offer several other ways to connect as a church:

  • Small groups–We’re all familiar with them, but did you know that there are small groups for all different kinds of people? There are married couples who meet together, single adults who meet together and teenagers who meet together. Our goal is to provide a place for people from every walk of life to find community.
  • Youth Groups–Youth group is an exciting time for kids in your church! From camp outings to fall retreats and spring break mission trips, there’s no shortage of opportunities for young people at Faith Presbyterian Church! We also have Bible studies available online if you’re not able to attend regularly on Sunday mornings or during the week.
  • Women’s Groups–Women can be some of the best mentors out there! Whether you’re looking for advice on raising kids or finding work/life balance as a mommy blogger like me (hi!), we have something here at FPC just right for you.
  • Men’s Groups–Men can be some of the best mentors out there too! If there aren’t any men in your life who would be willing or able to give advice about how best handle fatherhood or dealing with stress at work then come join us during this special time each month when we talk about those topics specifically pertaining only males; such topics include but not limited too: sportsball highlights (or lowlights depending how far along into season), how long does it take before having sex after eating tacos?

Motion Church offers a variety of ways to connect.

Motion Church is committed to helping you connect with God and other people in ways that work for you. We offer a variety of ways to do that:

  • Live-streamed services, which can be viewed from your computer, tablet or phone. With the live stream, you can watch the service and hear everything going on at Motion Church, but we also encourage you to listen in while following along with your Bible app or device (the sermon is available as an audio file).
  • The podcast of each week’s sermon—hear it when it’s convenient for you! Just subscribe via iTunes or Google Play and listen whenever it works best for your schedule.
  • Our Facebook group offers an online space where members can connect with one another through discussions about church life and faith questions, as well as share prayer requests with others in our community who may want to pray for them. We also post announcements about new events taking place at Motion Church—from concerts to ministry gatherings—so make sure not to miss out!
  • Our Facebook page keeps followers up-to-date on all things happening at Motion Church; like us today so that no news goes unnoticed!


If you feel like Motion Church would be a good fit for you, we’d love for you to join us. If your schedule doesn’t allow for you to attend in person, we hope that you will consider joining us online. We encourage everyone to stay connected with us as we navigate through this time of change and re-evaluation.

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