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Motivation Prayer For Success

I believe every person has a dream they’re meant to fulfill. The questions are what is your dream and how will you make it come true? Despite the fact that Americans love their freedom, most of us don’t actually use the freedom we have. Many of us switch off our dreams for a life of security provided by the workplace or through juggling several meaningless jobs in the hopes of retiring someday. As I sit here writing this blog on my favorite hangout spot, I never thought a lot of things would come true when I started it years ago: the confidence, acceptance, stability of my living – but most importantly the motivation to continue what I love and be happy at it!

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Motivation Prayer For Success

Motivation Prayer For Success

Dear God,

I ask for your guidance and wisdom as I journey through this day.

Help me to see the good in everything, and to be grateful for all that I have.

Guide my thoughts and actions so that they are always in line with your will.

Help me to stay focused on what’s important so that I can accomplish my goals.

Thank you for being with me today and through all the days of my life.

I am tired of living a boring life that is going nowhere. I know that I have been blessed with so many talents and now it is time to start using them. Please Lord, help me get started on my dreams and give me the motivation that will help me reach my goals. Amen!

Dear Lord, I come before you today in need of your strength and guidance.

Dear Lord, I come before you today in need of your strength and guidance.

I ask that you help me to find the motivation needed to achieve my dreams and goals.

I need an extra push to get everything done in a timely manner, especially when it comes to my career.

I pray that you will grant me the ability to focus on what needs to be done without being distracted by other things.

I need your help getting my life back on track.

When you’re working on a project, it’s easy to get bogged down by all the details. You might feel like you have no idea where to start or how to keep going. The best way to set yourself up for success is by being specific about what you want, realistic about how much time and effort you can put into it, open to new ideas and ways of doing things, open to advice from other people (including your boss), and willing to admit when something isn’t working so that you can try something different.

Let’s say that I’m working on my own home renovation project because I’m sick of living in an apartment with ugly yellow walls and terrible lighting—but then my landlord tells me he’ll be raising my rent if I leave his building! So now I have two problems: finding a new place while keeping my current apartment costs low enough so they don’t kick me out; finding a contractor who will work within these constraints while still doing quality work; figuring out how much money this kind of renovation will cost; determining whether there are any government programs available which could help offset some of those costs; balancing all these factors against each other so as not overload myself…and then actually getting started?

Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months and before I know it another year has gone by and I am no closer to my dreams than when I started.

You have to be patient. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

Don’t worry about what other people are doing or how fast they are running. They may be in better shape than you but that doesn’t mean they will finish the race first and it doesn’t mean you can’t catch up with them later on if you keep going at your own pace and do not give up!

Don’t compare yourself with others – their progress is not necessarily yours! We all have different circumstances and life experiences that might make us respond differently to a challenge than another person would (and vice versa). Focus on yourself rather than those around you…

I want to succeed in life, I want to experience the joys of success but so far, I haven’t achieved anything.

I want to succeed in life, I want to experience the joys of success but so far, I haven’t achieved anything.

I know what you’re thinking: if you really wanted to succeed, wouldn’t be using your time wisely by working hard and making sacrifices? Wouldn’t it be easier for you then? The truth is that while these things are important they’re not enough.

You have to be willing to put in the work; willing to make sacrifices; willing to be open minded towards new ideas; flexible towards change and most importantly committed self-improvement. You also need patience because it takes time for any success (personal or professional) comes about.

Please Lord bless me with the motivation that I need in order to accomplish something with my life.

This type of prayer is a powerful way to get what you want in life. Here are some tips on how to pray the right way:

  • Be specific about what you want to accomplish. Don’t just say “I want to be more motivated.” Instead, say something like “I want motivation and direction with my career as an entrepreneur” or “I want motivation and direction with my business ideas.”
  • Be specific about the type of motivation you need. Do you need inspiration? Encouragement? A kick in the pants? An outside perspective? That’s up for debate if this is your first time praying for motivation or not, but whatever it is that motivates others should work for motivating yourself too!
  • Don’t ask for a specific outcome or time frame (i.e., don’t say “Please help me get motivated by tomorrow morning”). This isn’t helpful because we can never know exactly when our dreams will come true, so instead focus on asking God for guidance rather than demanding answers from Him!

You have blessed me with so many talents and surely you would not have given me these gifts if you were not going to help me use them.

You have been blessed with so many talents and surely you would not have given me these gifts if you were not going to help me use them.

You are special and unique, just like everyone else on this planet is. No one has the exact same set of skills, but that makes every single one of us special in our own way!

There is a purpose for my life and it is now your job to guide me down the right path.

What is the purpose of your life?

You may ask yourself this question when feeling lost and confused. This is a sign that you are not sure where to go in life, or if you are on the right path. The best way to find out what your purpose is, is by asking God or listening to His answer through His Word. It will tell you exactly what your job should be and what steps need to be taken in order for you to achieve it.

Lord, help me leave behind all negative thoughts because they are only holding me back from achieving my goals.

You should never underestimate the power of your thoughts. The words you say to yourself, and the feelings they evoke, can either help you or hinder you as you move forward. You might think of negative thoughts as just a part of being human; after all, we all experience them from time to time. But it is possible for these self-sabotaging beliefs to become so ingrained in your psyche that they can cause lasting damage on every aspect of your life.

There are many ways that negative thinking can harm our careers and professional lives:

  • Self-fulfilling prophecies: when we tell ourselves things won’t work out for us in advance, we’re essentially sending our subconscious mind into panic mode because it doesn’t know how else to react except by trying its hardest not to let us down by preventing success from happening at all costs (this is why successful people often say things like “I’m not going on a diet because I want my body fat percentage right now—it’s just fine! And if it isn’t…well then maybe someday soon I’ll decide that I am ready for change!”).

Once you grant me the motivation that I seek, please help me avoid those around me that will try to put me down.

If you allow me the motivation to pursue my goals, I commit to not being afraid of asking for help. When I need it, I will ask for it.

When I am working toward my goals and come across a situation where something needs done that is beyond what I can accomplish myself, I will ask someone else in the organization or around me if they are willing and able to help me.

If someone offers their assistance with little hesitation, then that person is one who truly wants to see others succeed. If he or she hesitates or refuses at first but eventually agrees because he or she feels bad about refusing outright, then this person only helps out when prompted by guilt and not out of genuine desire for another’s success.

There will be many people who will not believe in my abilities and they may try to bring me down but with your strength, nothing can stop me.

If you are trying to make a change in your life and others around you do not believe in your abilities, it can be very discouraging. However, when this is the case, it’s important not to let their negativity get to you. You should take the time to assess yourself and determine if what they are saying is true or not. If it is true that there are things about yourself that need improvement, then work on improving those things. If what they say is false, then use it as motivation for achieving success!

The bottom line is: no matter how many people try to bring me down or do not believe in my abilities—and with your strength nothing can stop me from making my dreams come true!

Keep a positive attitude every day

  • Keep a positive attitude every day.
  • Don’t let negative people bring you down. They will try their best to do so, but don’t let them win! Their negativity is not worth your time and energy, so don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing your success as a reflection of their failure.
  • Don’t let negative thoughts distract you from reaching your goals and dreams. Focus instead on how far you’ve already come and how much farther you intend to go with determination and perseverance!


But remember that it’s on you to make a change. Maybe you’re not where you want to be right now, but if you don’t try and believe in yourself, then you won’t get where you want to be later on either. The one thing no one else can do for us is try, and I know that with your trust in the Lord and all of our tips here, there’s nothing stopping you from trying now!

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