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Motivational Prayer For Work

Are you feeling stressed and anxious because of so many things on your to-do list? Do you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of obligations, tasks and projects with no hope of turning it around? Are you feeling unmotivated because of the overwhelming number of ToDos that are making you feel dead inside?              Maybe a certain activity will make all the difference for you. It has helped millions of people find peace, calmness and renewal within themselves. This blog post will probably be the best investment you make today!

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Motivational Prayer For Work

Motivational Prayer For Work

Oh, Lord, please bless me with the strength to work hard, the patience to wait for Your timing, and the wisdom to know the difference between a good idea and a bad one.

Help me to do my best at all times, even when I don’t feel like it or think it’s enough.

Help me to see the value in my co-workers, even when they get under my skin.

Help me to be kind and respectful to everyone I meet at work, especially those who are less fortunate than me.

Let my work be an example of how much You love us all, and let me show that love through what I do each day.t.

Prayer for Work Success

Almighty Father, thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by my designer and creator (Psalm 139:13-14). Thank You that I was created to do good works that You have prepared especially for me (Ephesians 2:10). Help me not to despise these good works or the daily grind of working at them. Help me to enjoy the opportunities I have each day to do them so they may bring glory and honor to Your name. Amen

Prayer for My Work to Be Thy Will

Great Father God please help me keep my focus on you when things get tough at work, help me stay on track with doing your will instead of mine by turning every set back into a step forward no matter how big or small it may be. Please give me strength dedication encouragement, motivation, positivity, creativity, loyalty, wisdom, humility, patience, faith, hope, trust, confidence, pride, and persistence in happiness. joy enthusiasm determination gratitude hope respect forgiveness peace courage ambition passion grace mercy Kindness assurance understanding tolerance prosperity abundance success freedom enlightenment Freedom from worry, freedom from stress, freedom from addiction, freedom from poverty, freedom from debt, true health, accurate blessings, prosperity, abundance, and financial gain wealth riches unshakeable faith unlimited joy wealth in wisdom knowledge truth positive energy positive vibrations positive frequency and abundant blessings eternal life undying love no more lack everlasting success eternal bliss security safety protection protection against all harm evil bad luck curses hex’s spells jinx

A Prayer for Work Success

  • Pray for God’s will in your workplace.
  • Pray for success and for God’s will in your workplace.
  • Pray for protection in your workplace.
  • Pray for acceptance at work.
  • Pray for a safe workplace environment, as well as one that is safe from harm or danger, no matter where you are on Earth: at home, work, school or play!

Help My Work to be God’s Work

  • Pray for God’s will to be done in your workplace.
  • Ask for God’s help as you do your work, and ask him to give you wisdom and strength.
  • Ask God to help you do your best at all times, and ask him to give you the ability to do so with integrity.
  • If a situation arises that requires honesty, pray and ask if it would be acceptable before moving forward with any plans or ideas.

A Prayer for the Workplace

  • Pray for the workplace to be a safe place. Pray for acceptance at work and for the workplace to be a place of community.
  • Pray for the workplace to be a place of productivity. Pray that people will work hard and achieve their goals, but don’t forget about your own!
  • Pray for the workplace to be a place of creativity—whether it’s coming up with new ideas or using old ones in new ways, we need this kind of innovation in order for our workplaces (and ultimately our economy) to thrive.

Prayer for Acceptance at Work

  • God’s will is always for your good.
  • Pray for acceptance at work.
  • Pray for your boss.
  • Pray for your co-workers, colleagues and employees.
  • Pray for your team members!

Pray for success and for God’s will in your workplace.

Dear Lord,

I pray that you would bless me with success in my workplace. I ask that you guide me towards decisions that reflect your will and the best interest of my employer. I know that when I am working for you, things go better with less effort than when I try to go it alone. Please help me to work hard but also work smartly so that I may gain acceptance among my coworkers and be an asset to my company. Thank you for this opportunity to serve as a steward of resources owned by others; may my efforts bring glory to your name!


When it comes to our work, we can have many different reasons for what we do and how we do it. It’s not always about the money or even just about our own personal success. Sometimes, we want to make sure that the work we are doing is God’s work—because if that’s the case, then no matter what happens with the job itself, we know that we are making a difference in this world. We hope these prayers will help you find strength and comfort in your workplace!

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