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Motivational Sermons For Youth

Many interpretations of the Bible say that pleasing God means following the Ten Commandments. However, for some people this can be a list of rules and guidelines that does not express what their inner being needs. In order to please God, we need to ask ourselves what Gods wants most from us. Does he not want us to give worship to him by acknowledging him and his existence? Or does he just want us to follow some guidelines? These questions are obviously important and yet investigating them will give you a much better understanding than any guideline can ever do.

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Motivational Sermons For Youth

Motivational Sermons For Youth

I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind lately.

It’s something that I’ve seen in the youth of today, and it’s something that I wish more people would talk about.

I’m talking about the fact that many young people are feeling hopeless, and they don’t know what they can do to change their situation. And it’s not just some teens—it’s a lot of them. The world has become a really hard place for young people today, and it’s not getting any easier.

So why is it so hard for us? Why can’t we just be happy like our parents were? After all, they seemed to have it all figured out! They had careers, families, and good friends who loved them. What happened? What went wrong?

Well, here’s the thing: nothing has gone wrong—yet. But if we don’t do something soon, then things will start going wrong for us real soon!

Let me ask you something: why are you here? You probably know it’s because we are living through a time of change and transition. The world is changing, and the world of teenagers is changing. That leaves many people asking: where are we going from here? I believe that our future will be brighter if the youth of today have greater faith in God. In short, everyone needs Jesus to guide them. As a young person myself, I want to lead by example and help others with their faith journey. So, I’ve compiled this list of motivational sermons for youth as an invitation for you to explore your own beliefs and find new meaning in your life.

I knew that my body would eventually fail me. What God has for you is for you.

I knew that my body would eventually fail me. What God has for you is for you.

Approach your life with patience and wait for God’s timing to come. Don’t rush things or try to force God’s hand, because it won’t work. He will use you when you are ready, but first he must teach and train you in order to prepare your heart for what he has planned for your life! This journey may not always be pleasant, but as long as you keep walking through the valley (see Psalm 23), remember that it will lead back out into green pastures full of nourishment and beauty!

God has promised never to leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). This means He will give strength when we need it most–whether it’s physical strength or emotional support–and help us overcome any obstacle we encounter along our path toward achieving our vision!

Never feel guilty about asking God for help.

God is always there to help us. He will never leave our side, and he wants the best for us. There is nothing that God cannot do because it is his will for you to succeed in life, and he will give you everything you need to make that happen. You just have to ask him for it!

Never feel guilty about asking God for help. In fact, if anything makes you feel guilty or sinful about asking God for help with your problems or struggles it’s probably not from him at all but from Satan himself who wants nothing more than for people like yourself not only fail but also lose faith in God altogether because then they won’t be able to look up at heaven anymore when times get tough which means their attention would be focused on this world instead which would lead them away from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forevermore unless they repent their sins first before coming back into His fold once again so remember this my friends: Never feel guilty about asking God because He always wants what’s best for us even if what seems good now turns bad later down the road as long as we humble ourselves before Him now while keeping our minds open at all times both physically (by reading books) spiritually (through prayer), emotionally (through self-reflection), intellectually (through studying scripture) mentally through critical thinking skills).

Jesus forgives, redeems and loves us.

Jesus forgives, redeems and loves us. Jesus died on the cross for us. He is the Son of God, the son of David and the Messiah.

He came to save you from your sins by forgiving your sins when you repent of them. Repentance means to change your mind about something that’s bad for you; it also means to stop doing something wrong or bad for yourself or others because it hurts them more than helping them – because it kills their spirit inside even more than outside! That’s why repentance is so important: if we don’t repent from our sin, then we can’t be saved from eternal death in hell because nobody deserves heaven except Jesus who already paid the price with His own blood on Calvary’s hill!

How to develop your faith?

How to develop your faith?

  • Develop a relationship with God. You can’t just say “I have a relationship with God”, you need to show it. You can do this by spending time in prayer and reading the Bible every day. Also think about your relationship with him each day, talk to him about problems you are having and do what he tells you to do!
  • Hear God’s voice – How do we hear from God? First of all, have faith in him and trust that he will speak to us when needed. When we know what the Bible says on our situation then we can compare it with how things are going in our lives today; if they don’t match up then maybe something is wrong!!
  • Have faith in God – Do not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has already been taken care of by God! We must be able to live one day at a time trusting that everything will work out according to His plan for us individually no matter how difficult things may seem at times!

The Lord will fight for you; you only have to be still.

The Lord will fight for you; you only have to be still.

  • Psalm 37:7

God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-discipline.

  • 2 Timothy 1:7

Be open-minded in terms of religion.

You should always be open-minded in terms of religion. It’s okay to learn from others, so take the time to ask questions and let yourself be corrected when you make mistakes. Never be afraid to admit when you’re wrong, because that will only make you stronger in your faith.

Everything is possible through prayer, right?

Prayer is the most powerful form of communication between you and God. Prayer is a way to get closer to God, to ask for help, to thank Him, and praise Him for what He has done for you. As long as you have faith in God, everything is possible through prayer.

When it comes to faith and love, actions speak louder than words.

When it comes to faith and love, actions speak louder than words.

It is often said that faith without works is dead, but I would like to add another insight: works without faith are meaningless. How do we know this? because of the example set by Jesus Christ. He was able to perform miracles because he had an unshakable faith in God’s power, but at the same time, his miracles came about because he loved people so much that he wanted to help them.

Miracles can happen.

When you are in a difficult situation, do not lose faith. God can do anything and He wants to help you. If you are looking for a miracle in your life, just ask Him because He will hear your prayers and answer them.

You have a purpose in this world and God has plans for your life that are better than anything that anyone could ever imagine for themselves or someone else. Sometimes we get so busy trying to make things happen ourselves that we forget how much God has already done for us and continues doing every day! Don’t let Satan convince you otherwise – miracles really can happen!


In this blog, we have discussed the top motivational sermons from the Bible. We hope that these sermons will help you to get closer to God and see what miracles He can do for you!

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