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Night Prayer For My Husband

Prayers are not just meant to be said in the day time. There are also a number of prayers that can be read at night to help your husband get through the nights, months or years when things seem to have gotten on top of him. Read on for Night prayer for my husband, night prayer for husband and wife and short good night prayer for my boyfriend.

Let us pray. Forgive us! O My Lord, forgive us and have mercy on us as you are the most Merciful. You are our Master and the Owner of our lives. We are slaves of yours, lowly and humble before you. Our great sin is before you. Our bad deeds have surrounded us, so that we cannot find a gap to find our way out from them. The sorrows are so heavy upon us that we cannot bear them patiently. It is for this reason that our hearts have turned into stone. It is for this reason that our eyes cannot shed tears . But still You love those who stay up in the middle of the night and remember you and your greatness in their prayers.

Building a great life together with your husband is a joyous affair of daily successes. However, life isn’t always that way. There’s more to it than coming home after a long day and sitting on the couch while your husband strokes your hair and calls you Princess.

Night Prayer For My Husband

Night Prayer For My Husband

Dear God, I admit that I am insufficient and powerless to stand on my own. Lord, please walk with me every moment of my life. Help me to stay on your path, to remain close to you and away from any temptation. Please forgive me for my sins and mistakes. Protect my family and loved ones. Lord …

Oh Lord, I pray to you tonight for my husband [name].

He is a good man, and I love him dearly. Be with him through the night as he sleeps and keep him safe from harm. May the angels watch over him and keep him from harm. May his dreams be peaceful, and may he wake refreshed and happy.

Oh Lord, please help my husband to see the world as it really is: full of beauty and grace, just waiting for people like him to bring it to life. Help him understand that every day is an opportunity to do something great—something that will have an impact on someone else’s life, or even change the course of history.

May this be his attitude when he wakes tomorrow morning: ready to go out into the world and make it better than before!

O God,

I beseech Thee by Thy most holy names and attributes to grant me the blessings of this night, and that all my affairs may be set aright.

O Lord, I beg Thee to forgive me my sins, great and small, those committed with knowledge or in ignorance. O Lord God, take away from me the burden of my transgressions and the weight of my sins.

O Lord God, I implore Thee to cleanse me from all defilement of flesh and spirit and purify me wholly from all that is offensive to Thee. O Lord God, forgive me all my secret sins and open offenses. O Lord God, make me firm in faith and strong in belief; give me light in my heart so that I may fear none except Thee alone; make me steadfast in Thy obedience so that I may not incline toward anyone save Thee alone; strengthen my tongue for praise of Thee only; fill my heart with thankfulness for Thy bounties; enrich me with Thy favors so that I may not be niggardly toward any one; O Lord God, protect me from every trial which Thou dost decree for Thy chosen ones; spare me

Night prayer for my husband

I pray that you will be blessed with a wonderful husband. He should be a man who will love you and care for you, a man who will understand your needs and always put them first.

May he be patient, kind and forgiving. May he respect you as his wife and partner in life.

I pray that he will be faithful to you, loyal to his family and friends, honest and trustworthy, courageous against adversity and a source of comfort when times are hard.

I pray that he will be strong physically, emotionally and spiritually; that he will be passionate about all things good in life; that he will have compassion for those less fortunate than himself; that he will protect those who cannot protect themselves; that he will not only see but also listen to the needs of others around him; that he will love himself enough to know what truly makes him happy in life; that he knows how lucky he is to have found such an amazing woman as yourself – someone who loves him unconditionally no matter what happens; someone who wants nothing more than to make him happy every day of their lives together; someone who would do anything for him just because she

I pray that you will get a good night’s sleep tonight.

I pray that you will be rested and refreshed tomorrow morning. I pray that you will be able to accomplish whatever you need to do with your time.

I pray that your thoughts will be clear and focused, that your mind will be calm and peaceful, and that every decision you make will be for the best.

I pray that you will have a joyful day tomorrow, filled with laughter and happiness.

I pray that you have no worries or concerns weighing on your mind so that you can enjoy your life to the fullest extent possible.

I pray for all of these things because I love You, my dear husband, and I want only what is best for You.

I pray that my husband will have a dream about his career. I pray for him to have a breakthrough in his job, so that he can be promoted and get a better salary. I pray for him to be able to save money for retirement, so that he can retire early without any financial worries.

I pray that my husband will be able to find a good job with good benefits. I pray that he finds a job where he can work from home or part-time so we can spend more time together as a family.

I pray that my husband will have wisdom when making decisions at work and in our personal lives. I pray that he will make the right decision regarding our finances and our children’s education.

I pray that my husband will become closer to God through prayer and fasting, so that he will become closer to me as well!

I pray that you will be a godly husband and father, loving your family and supporting them in their faith. I pray that you will be an example of integrity to others and that they will seek to emulate your behavior. May you be a blessing to your family and those around you.

I pray that the Lord will bless you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding as you seek to lead and equip your family. May you have the strength of character to make good decisions for yourself and for those around you.

I pray that the Lord will give you favor in the eyes of all who know you so that they may see Christ in your life. May they be drawn to Him by what they see in your life.

Good Night Prayer For My Husband At Work

good night prayer for my husband at work

Lord, please guard my husband while he is away from me. Give him peace of mind and body. Let him be safe and sound, let him be happy and peaceful, let him not be sad or lonely. Let him not worry or fear any harm or danger.

Let his heart be filled with love and peace. Let his mind be calm and peaceful throughout the night. Lord, bless my husband with a good night’s rest so he can face another day with vigor and freshness. Amen

Good night prayer for my husband at work

May your day be filled with happiness, may you achieve all of your goals, and may you find love in the world. Good night my love.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I wish I could see you right now as I type this message. But since I can’t, this will have to do. Good night dear husband.

I can’t wait until I get home so I can kiss you on the forehead and tell you goodnight. Have a restful sleep and sweet dreams tonight my love.

Dear Lord,

I pray that you will protect my husband as he travels to work today. I pray that you will keep him safe from all dangers and accidents. I pray that he will arrive safely at his destination and help him to complete his tasks successfully.

Dear Lord,

I pray that you will bless my husband with safety, love, peace and joy throughout the day. May he have the strength and courage to face any challenges that may arise during the day.

Please grant my husband good health and protection from any disease or illness. May he be able to rest peacefully at night without any bad dreams or nightmares.

Lord, please help me to show myself worthy of having such a wonderful husband who loves me so much. Help me to be more understanding when things do not go according to plan or when he feels tired from work. In Jesus Name Amen

Good night my love. Before going to bed, I want to tell you that the day you were born was the best day of my life and that every day with you is a blessing.

I am so lucky to have you as my husband and I will always be there for you no matter what. I love you very much and I wish you sweet dreams tonight.

O LORD, my God, I call You by day and by night.

I pray that You may be found by me,

And that I may walk in Your ways.

I pray for my husband (wife) at work,

That he (she) may not be wicked in his (her) deeds.

O LORD, incline Your ear and hear me;

Make haste to answer me and deliver me speedily from all these afflictions.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing me into the world of marriage.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing me into the world of marriage. I love my husband and I am so thankful that you have given him to me. I pray that you will bless our marriage and help us to always put each other first in our lives. Thank you for all of the many blessings that my husband brings into my life every day, may we always be there for each other.

I ask that you would protect his mind from thoughts that are not of You and would keep his mind on things above, just as your word instructs us to do. May he find rest in You today and every day and may he never forget how great Your love is for him! Help us both to live up to the vows we made before You on our wedding day; I pray that they would be a daily reminder of our commitment to one another!

May your peace fill his heart today and forever – thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, as an offering for our sins so that we might have eternal life with You someday!

Thank you, Lord, for giving me a loving and caring husband.

Lord, I want to thank you for the blessing that you have bestowed on my life through my husband. He is truly a good man who loves me and cares for me in ways that are beyond my comprehension. He is a good provider, a loving father and he is faithful to You Lord. I know he tries hard every day to be a man of God, just as You would want him to be.

He is also my best friend and soulmate whom I can talk to about anything in this world and I know he will listen because he loves me so much. He comes home from work before it gets too late in the afternoon so we can spend time together as a family without going into overtime hours at his place of employment.

Thank you God for giving me such an amazing husband who puts our marriage first and who strives to do everything that makes You happy!

Thank you, Lord, for never leaving my side even when I was alone.

Lord, thank you for being with my husband as he sleeps. Thank you for being with him and me as we dream. Thank you that because of your presence in our lives, we never have to be alone. Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I lift up my husband to you this evening. Please bless his sleep and help him to rest well tonight knowing that he is safe in your care.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the life you have given to my husband.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the life you have given to my husband. Thank You that he is a child of God. Thank You for his salvation in Christ. I praise You for Your mercy when we sin and for Your grace that brings us out of our sin and into your righteousness.

Informing the reader: I pray that my husband would be empowered by Your Spirit in his daily walk as he seeks to live a godly life and produce good fruit in his life—fruit that will bring glory to You. I pray this same thing for myself, Lord Jesus. It is only through Your strength and power that we can commit to holiness and do good works which are pleasing to God. Thank You!

Heavenly Father we pray for our spouses that they would be blessed with good health and a long life.

Heavenly Father,

We pray for our spouses that they would be blessed with good health and a long life. We ask that You protect them from sickness and disease, and that You will keep them safe from all danger. May their minds be clear, their spirits strong and their bodies healthy. May they live to see many more birthdays.

Father, we also ask for Your blessing on the families of our spouses. We pray for the health of their parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren. May they live in good health so that we can spend more time with them as a family together.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

My loving prayer for my husband every night is simply asking God to help us live happily and peacefully together.

My loving prayer for my husband consists of just two prayers:

  • That the Lord will bless and protect my husband from evil and temptation
  • That he will help us to be happy and peaceful in our relationship

Good Night Prayer for my Husband

  • My love is here with me, the only one that I adore. I bless the day that we met, and now I think of him tomorrow and every day. Here is a prayer for my husband to say before he sleeps. As you lay down your head remember God holds you near!
  • Morning is coming soon to greet you, God is going to help you, may you find favor and be a blessing in the lives of all you meet. Let your heart be filled with love for all humanity and may He guide your feet along the path He has chosen for you. May you rest well this night and wake refreshed and ready to make a difference among us all. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and always making me smile. Good night my sweet husband. I love you.
  • I love you, my dear husband! I can say these words to you thousands of times and I still won’t be able to tell you how much I love you. Your bright smile, soft gentle, and attentive eyes, your strong arms, and everything about you make me feel happy. I am so loved by you! This is the best feeling in the world! Good night my love.
  • Good night my love. I hope you dream of me. I hope that when you close your eyes you can feel me next to you. I love you so much and I pray that God gives us many more years together!
  • I love you so much. I know it’s difficult to say it all the time but I hope you hear it in all our small gestures as well. Thank you for being such a good husband and father to our children. Goodnight!
  • I close my eyes and think of you. I pray for you before I close my eyes at night to rest and sleep. I love you so much and appreciate all the love, support, hard work, dedication, understanding, and patience that you have shown me this day.
  • I pray for your health, your welfare, and your protection – Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually. Please guide my husband through the day. Give him clarity and wisdom as he makes decisions today. I pray that you will protect him from the outside world as he is doing the same for me. If someone speaks evil of him, put a shield around his thoughts to protect him. If someone wrongs him, keep him in your grace and allow his heart to forgive them.
  • Good night my love, I am praying for you, and God is going to answer your prayer tonight. He will touch you in powerful ways. He might just do the most amazing thing ever!! I am here for you and I know that God is here for you now. You are loved! Good night.
  • I love you and only you. My heart will forever be yours to do with as you wish.- good night prayer.
  • Dear Lord, thank you for my husband. Thank you for bringing us together and being the two halves of a whole. Please bless him with love health, and safety as he travels tonight. Keep him in your arms always. I love him dearly, more than life itself.
  • Good night my love. May you fall asleep in the arms of the angels, and wake up refreshed and ready to start your day strong. Don’t forget to wish upon a star for me.
  • I pray that God gives you a peaceful and restful sleep, free of bad dreams, nightmares, and thoughts of me. May He guard you against all dangers, accidents, and mishaps. I also pray that you’ll have a wonderful dream tonight that will lift your spirit and keep you happy throughout the day tomorrow. Now sleep in peace while I think of you with love.
  • I love you with all my heart and soul. I will always pray that God keeps you safe because you are my world. When we are apart, I can’t wait to be in your arms again. Goodnight my Love!
  • Good night my sweetheart. May the heavens protect you through the night and shadows hide you from the moonlight. May you remain in a peaceful slumber until I kiss you sweetly awake tomorrow. Goodnight, my love, sleep tight.”
  • I love you, I miss you. I’m looking forward to tomorrow when we’ll be together again. May God bless you and keep you safe during the night. Your husband misses and loves you so much. Good night!
  • Good night, my love. May you sleep like a baby to awaken refreshed and ready to start another amazing day with me by your side. God is going to bless us today, for He has already blessed us with each other. I love you, my darling husband, and I always will.
  • Good night my love. I hope you have a beautiful dream filled with a lot of love, joy, and prosperity.
  • Good night my love. I hope you are having pleasant dreams and that tomorrow will be a great day for you. I love you and wish that all your wishes come true. Save me a spot in your dreams, so that I can visit your dreams tonight.
  • Good night, my love. May the LORD watch over you while you sleep and wake you with new strength. May the LORD be with you as you rise in the morning and always give you his blessing.
  • Goodnight my love, I enjoyed the evening, I hope you had a wonderful time too. The food was incredible, and I learned to relax a little bit more when having a good time!

Good Night Prayer for my Husband

Short Good Night Prayer For My Boyfriend

  • Dear Lord, I just want to thank you for my husband. He is a blessing in my life and a great father to our children. I love him so much and am grateful for his love and dedication I pray that you continue to watch over him throughout the night as he works hard to take care of our family. Amen.
  • Hubby — I pray that you rest well from this day’s events and that you wake refreshed in the morning. I love you with all my heart and soul. I pray all your needs are met in times of stress or worry, so that you always know your family is in your corner, keeping you strong. May God’s grace be with you through the night and may we meet at sunrise with a smile on our face and a fresh start for the days to come. “Good Night, Sweet
  • Hey honey! Just wanted to tell you how much I love you and how good it felt to kiss you goodnight. Even though we are apart, every day my love for you grows stronger and stronger.
  • GOD, you are so good! I am so grateful for a wonderful husband. Thank you for your love for me and my family. Thank you to my husband, thank you for his patience, understanding, and sponsorship in our marriage.
  • I pray one day, god hears my prayers. He helps me & my husband in our daily life. guide & lead us to grow up as a good person – father because of you.
  • Lord, watch over my husband and bring him into your grace. Let your blessings surround him and his family. I pray for an extra dose of love and patience for him today as he deals with the strain of work. May you bless him with help from friends, family, and strangers that he may speedily complete his work, with grace. We all feel his sorrow at not being home during this time of year, but we accept his sacrifice knowing it is true to your word.
  • Lord, I thank you for all that you have given me in my life. I pray that we will both wake up each day loving each other with true love. I pray that our children will have a close relationship with God and know how much he loves them. Guide me in raising them in your way. Thank you for providing for our family.

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