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Best Ways To Read The Bible

Read the whole thing! This is obviously the best way to read it because you will be able to get the most out of it when you do this. You could also choose another way if you don’t have time to read through all of it at once or if you want to focus on certain parts more than others.

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Best Ways To Read The Bible. Read on to learn more. We at have all the information that you need about Best Ways To Read The Bible. Read on to learn more.

Best Ways To Read The Bible

Best Ways To Read The Bible

There are many ways to read the Bible. Some people like to read it from cover to cover, from Genesis to Revelation. Others like to read a little at a time, often reading by following some sort of plan which helps them keep on track. I’ve used several different methods for reading the Bible over the years and have found some plans more helpful than others. Here are some of my favorite Bible reading plans:

Daily reading plan

If you want to read the Bible in a year, simply divide the Bible into 365 books. If you’re interested in reading the Bible in a month, find out how many chapters each book has and divide that by 30 (days) to find out how many verses are in each chapter. Once you know that number, divide it by 7 (days) and read one verse every day. For example: If there are 100 verses per chapter and 31 days per month: 100 x 31 = 3100 / 7 = 442.861

To read through all 52 books of The Old Testament alone would take about 2 years at this rate! That’s not including any New Testament readings or any extra readings for longer stories like Genesis or Exodus; those would add an additional year onto your journey!

Read the bible in a year

To read the Bible in a year, you need to be reading it daily. Most Bible reading programs only ask you to read one chapter at a time, but if you want to read through the whole Bible in one year, then that’s going to take some extra effort and discipline.

But have no fear! You can do this! Here are some tips:

  • Start with a plan. If there’s anything I’ve learned from being married to my husband who works full-time as a pastor and has two young kids at home (while also serving on our church staff), it’s that having intentions without plans for how those intentions will come about is mostly useless. So if you want to read your Bible every day without fail for an entire year, make sure that your schedule supports this goal before starting out on January 1st—and then stick with it!
  • Read slowly but steadily throughout each day. This might sound obvious, but I’m referring specifically here not only because speed isn’t always helpful when reading Scripture (i’ve seen people race through verses or chapters trying desperately not miss anything) but also because slowing down while reading keeps us focused on what God has written down instead of allowing us be distracted by all our own thoughts (or other things happening around us).

Read it chronologically

You can also read the Bible chronologically, or in its order of events. You can do this by reading it as a story, starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation. This is great for those who want to see how the Bible fits together into one big story.

The order that each section was written is another way to read the Bible. For example, if you are interested in seeing what someone had to say about God after Jesus was resurrected then you would read Matthew first, then Mark and Luke, etc., until you get to John’s gospel last because it was written last based on when Jesus died and rose again from death (Matthew 28:1-20).

There are many ways you can read the Bible, but here are some of my favorites.

There are many ways you can read the Bible, but here are some of my favorites.

  • Read it chronologically. This is probably the most popular way to read the Bible, and for good reason: it’s easy to follow and keeps you connected with every event that happened in history from beginning to end (Genesis 1-Revelation 22). You’ll be able to see how God has been working over time and see how He is shaping your life today through His Word!
  • Read it by year or month (or even week). This option works really well if you have a set amount of time for each day/week/etc. You can choose which book(s) or topic(s) to study each day according as they relate with what’s happening in our lives at any given moment—for example, if we’re struggling financially right now I’d want more guidance on finances so maybe we’ll read Proverbs 31 together as well as Philippians 4:8-9 instead of Psalm 127 which talks about being fruitful like trees bearing fruit when planted by streams flowing into rivers leading up into heaven…and then maybe later on when things start looking better financially again we could go back into those other verses again…you get where I’m going with this?


These are the best ways to read the Bible. If you are looking for a way to get into the Bible, hopefully this will help! If you want more information about any specific method or if there is one we missed that you think should be added, leave us a comment below with your thoughts and feedback.

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