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Franklin Graham Prayer For America

We pray that you will help us to see the things that we need to see and hear the things that we need to hear so that we may be able to do what needs to be done. We pray for our leaders, that they would be able to work together in unity and harmony, having each other’s backs as they seek solutions to the many problems facing our nation.

Give us wisdom, Lord, so that we might make wise decisions regarding how best to use what resources there are available. Give us courage, so that we might face whatever challenges lie ahead with confidence in your plan for our lives; knowing that it is only through your grace and mercy that we can succeed at anything worthwhile. Give us strength, so that when faced with adversity or difficulty or temptation, we will be able to stand firm on truth rather than compromise our values or principles; knowing full well that this world belongs

We pray for unity in our country, that those who are divided would come together in reconciliation and understanding. That those who are hurting would be comforted by your presence and those who are angry would feel your love and forgiveness.

Franklin Graham Prayer For America

Franklin Graham Prayer For America

Franklin Graham is the son of Billy Graham and the current president of Samaritan’s Purse. He is also the host of the Walk Through the Bible radio show, which airs on 2,000 stations worldwide.

Franklin Graham prayer for America:

“Father, we thank You for this country and what it represents. We ask that You would protect our leaders as they make decisions that affect us all.”

“We pray for our military men and women who are serving in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places around the world. And we pray that they would come home safely.”

“We pray for those who are in office right now, asking that You would guide them in making wise decisions that will affect our country for years to come.”

In a series of posts on Facebook, evangelist Franklin Graham called on the nation to repent and turn back to God.

“We need a national repentance,” he wrote. “America was founded as a Christian nation, but we have turned our backs on God.”

Graham posted a prayer for America:

Dear Father, we come before you today in prayer for our nation. We pray that you will give us strength and wisdom as we face these difficult times. We pray for our elected leaders and those running for office that they would be wise in their decisions and seek your guidance daily. We pray for all who are suffering from the effects of Hurricane Florence and all other natural disasters around the world. We pray that you would protect those who are still in harm’s way from these storms so they can get help quickly if needed. In Jesus’ name, amen

Franklin Graham Prayer For America

The United States of America is at a pivotal point in its history. The question that we must ask ourselves is, “What kind of nation do we want to be?”

We are facing a spiritual warfare unlike any other that our nation has ever faced. We have turned away from God and have allowed sin to permeate every level of our society. As a result, we have lost sight of what it means to be an American and what it means to be a Christian.

Our nation was founded on biblical principles, but today we are losing our way. As Christians, we must come together as one voice and pray for our country that the Lord would lift His hand of protection from us and allow judgment upon us if we don’t turn back to God.

We must pray for our leaders at all levels—local, state and national—that they would hear His voice and turn back from their wickedness before it’s too late! We must also pray for each other so that we will not become complacent with our own selfishness but rather reach out in love to those around us who need Christ’s salvation.

We must do this because there is no substitute for prayer!

My prayer is that America’s leaders would turn back to God and humbly seek His wisdom. That they would seek Him first and His kingdom above all else.

I pray that you would continue to bless our nation with your providential protection and guidance.

And I pray that you would give us leaders who will govern with integrity, who will act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with You as their God.

Father, help us to see what is right and do it — not just talk about it. I pray that we would search for solutions rather than blame others for our problems.

May we work together to find ways to improve our country instead of trying to tear each other down or divide people based on race or political party affiliation. May we put aside our differences so that we can unite around those things which are important — like the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death; religious freedom; protecting the unborn; caring for veterans; defending the vulnerable among us such as immigrants, refugees, widows and orphans; fighting against poverty; feeding the hungry; sheltering the homeless; healing the sick; protecting marriage between one man and one woman

We need your help. America is in trouble. We are in a spiritual battle for the land we call home.

I believe that God has given us an opportunity to make a difference. I am asking you to join me in prayer on September 21, 2018 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time for a day of prayer for our nation, our leaders and those who are being persecuted for their faith all around the world.

We need to unite together to call on heaven’s help and power to overcome the evil in this world and bring about revival in our land. It is time for people of faith to pray together as one voice with one heart on behalf of our great country.

I hope that you will join me on September 21st by praying together at or if you are not able to pray online at noon EST on that day, please pray at another time during the day or night wherever you are located around the globe

Alameda, California

In May 2004, the City of Alameda enacted Municipal Code Chapter 5.12, which prohibits the sale of tobacco products to minors and the use of tobacco products in public places and workplaces.

In addition to this ban on smoking in Alameda, California has also passed state laws that protect residents from secondhand smoke in public areas:

  • Assembly Bill (AB) 695 (Fuentes): Bans smoking inside enclosed places of employment and requires non-smoking sections or floors be designated as safe outdoor areas for smokers who work inside buildings.* AB 1171 (Gordon): Prohibits smoking within 20 feet of playground equipment.* AB 1585 (Goldberg): Bans smoking within 25 feet of school entrances during hours when children are present.* AB 1613 (Duval): Bans smoking within 50 feet from the entrances to any building owned by the State University system.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

In the spirit of devotional prayer, Franklin Graham invites you to join him on June 24th at 10:00 AM at Albuquerque Civic Plaza in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

You can also watch the event live on Facebook Live as well as on demand later that day.

The location is 500 Marquette Avenue Northwest, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, Georgia is the capital of the state of Georgia and is located in a major transportation hub. The most visited city in the U.S., Atlanta has many Fortune 500 companies and attracts tourists from across the country. Atlanta also serves as a major transportation hub for air, rail and bus travel.

Austin, Texas

The prayer campaign was held on March 2, 2020 in Austin, Texas. The event was about bringing people together to pray for the United States of America. The prayer campaign was held in all 50 states and over 2 million people participated.

In a persuasive tone:

You should go because it’s an opportunity to pray for America and learn more about how we can better serve our country together as one nation under God?

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland. Held from June 1-4, 2016, this event was held at Camden Yards and 75,000 people joined the prayer.

The Baltimore Ravens are an American football team based in Baltimore that competes in the National Football League (NFL). Founded in 1996 as an expansion team after Art Modell moved his franchise from Cleveland to Baltimore, they have won two Super Bowl championships. In 2000, then-owner Steve Bisciotti held a rally for fans before a game against the New York Jets with Franklin Graham as one of the speakers.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

The prayer campaign was held on May 28, 2017 and was attended by a total of 5,000 people. The crowd prayed for God to change America as a whole. After the prayer campaign, Graham said that he wants Louisiana to be a “light on the hill” for other states to follow. He believes that if we can lead Louisiana into a better way of life, then other states will follow suit.

It is clear that Graham’s mission has been successful in Baton Rouge: The city has started several programs such as drug rehabs and counseling centers that help people with their mental health problems so they can turn away from any destructive behaviors and find peace with themselves and God once again. These programs have helped many individuals who are now able to attend school or work without worrying about what may happen later down the line because they’ve learned how important it is not only knowing where your next meal comes from but also having faith in yourself no matter what challenges come your way!

Birmingham, Alabama

May 7, 2016

Birmingham, Alabama

Linn Park

7:00 p.m.

Boston, Massachusetts

In Boston, Massachusetts on September 16th, 2018, Franklin Graham held a prayer rally called “Prayer For America”. He led the crowd in various prayers and read Psalm 23 aloud to them. The purpose of this rally was to pray for unity between all people and stand up against any attempts at dividing us. This event took place in Washington D.C., but Franklin Graham also held another one in Boston Common where he preached about God’s love for all of His children no matter who they are or what their race or religion may be.

Buffalo, New York

Buffalo, New York

Franklin Graham held a prayer rally in front of Buffalo City Hall on Saturday, Oct. 7. The event was attended by more than 100 people who prayed for America and its leaders.

Charlotte, North Carolina

The first city to be visited in the campaign was Charlotte, North Carolina. Graham spoke at the Charlotte Motor Speedway on June 14, 1999. Over 30,000 people attended this event which was sponsored by The Charlotte Observer.

Chicago and Oak Brook, Illinois

The Lord has called you to be an instrument of His love in a world that is hurting. As one of those instruments, I know your prayers are important and desperately needed. God has given you the ability to pray for our nation, so use it!

I urge you to place your hands on this petition and ask God to hear every word spoken here today as we pray for America’s leaders and its citizens. No matter what church or denomination you belong to, there has never been such a need for prayer as there is now!

In Jesus’ Name we pray:

  • For our president—Donald J Trump—that he would be safe from all harm, that he would be wise in his decisions and make choices based on love rather than hate;
  • For Vice President Mike Pence—that he would stand strong with President Trump;
  • For Speaker Paul Ryan & Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell—that they would lead with wisdom & integrity through these turbulent times (1 Cor 4:5-7);
  • We also lift up every member of Congress who takes seriously their responsibility before God & country;

these are some cities which hosted the prayer campaign

The prayer campaign has been held in all 50 states, but not in this exact order. In North Dakota, it was held in Fargo and Grand Forks. In Missouri, it took place in St. Louis and Cape Girardeau. Montana hosted it in Billings and Bozeman, while Nebraska had prayers for Omaha and Lincoln. South Carolina saw events go down in Charleston and Columbia; Tennessee had them take place in Knoxville and Johnson City; Texas held them for Dallas-Fort Worth and Austin/San Antonio; Utah hosted Salt Lake City/Ogden/Provo; Virginia gave Richmond/Norfolk/Virginia Beach their own chance to be part of the nationwide event; Washington state had gatherings at Spokane/Spokane Valley, Yakima/Pasco

How To Pray For America Today

Prayer for America Today

Prayer is the most powerful thing you can do. It’s a way to take action in our world, and to change things for the better. When we pray, we are stepping into God’s story, and joining Him in working towards the good of all people.

God loves and cares about every single human being on this earth — even those who may not believe in Him, or even know that He exists. Prayer is an opportunity for us to reach out to them, and share our love and hope with them.

Here are some ideas for how you can pray for America today:

1) Pray for unity among Americans. We live in a country where people come from all kinds of backgrounds, with different opinions on things like politics and religion, money and power. The more divided we become as Americans, the less likely it is that we will be able to work together towards common goals like peace and justice. Let’s pray that all Americans will come together in love, support one another through tough times, look out for each other’s best interests instead of just their own, and keep working towards positive change so that everyone has equal access to healthcare, housing and education no matter what color they

In the midst of all this, there is a way to pray.

Prayers can be powerful and effective. They can help us become more aware of God’s will, and they can change our hearts.

  1. Pray for America’s leaders.
  2. Pray for unity in our nation.
  3. Pray for those who are suffering from mental illness or addiction, that they would find healing and hope in Christ.
  4. Pray for people who are struggling financially, that they would find resources to meet their needs and be supported by those around them in their time of need.
  5. Pray for an end to abortion as a means of birth control or as an excuse for terminating pregnancies due to prenatal health issues or fetal abnormalities (like Down syndrome).

This is a prayer for America. It’s not just for Americans, but for the whole world. I believe that the Lord has given me a vision for America and I want to share it with you.

I believe God wants us to be one nation under His kingdom. I believe the Lord wants us to be united in His love and walk in His ways. America: We have been divided and separated so long that we’ve forgotten how to love one another and be unified as one nation under God. But our Father has not forgotten us! He loves each one of us, regardless of our race, ethnicity or background. He loves us all equally because He is love itself! So let me ask you: Do you love Him? If not, keep reading because there’s hope for you too! If you do love Him then this prayer will bless your life as well!

Father, please help us as Christians in America to lay aside any prejudice or hatred toward other races or nationalities so we can see ourselves as one nation: One people who worship You alone so that we can see You at work among diverse people groups working together toward building Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven! We need Your help

This is a prayer for America, but it’s a prayer that has been prayed by people all over the world. It’s a prayer for peace and for healing. This is also a prayer for love and for hope and for justice.

The Bible tells us that when Jesus was on earth, he said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6). The Bible also tells us that Jesus died on the cross so that we could be forgiven of our sins and be given eternal life with God. If you haven’t done this yet, I encourage you to ask God to forgive you of your sins, turn away from them and give them over to him.

If you’re ready to take this step, here are some resources that may help you:

1) Pray this prayer with me: Dear heavenly father, thank you for loving me so much that you sent Jesus to die for me. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit into my life so that I can know what is true about you and what is false about yourself. I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ is your Son who died on the cross as payment for my sins so that I could have eternal life with

Franklin Graham Prayer For Our Nation

In this prayer, Franklin Graham asks God to bring revival to America. He asks for forgiveness for our sins and asks that God would heal our land.

You can pray this prayer with Franklin Graham.

Lord God, I come to you today in repentance for the sins of my country and for my own sins. Forgive us for our treatment of those who are poor and needy and for the injustices we have done against them. Lord God, forgive us for allowing abortion on demand and same-sex marriage. We have turned our backs on You by allowing these things and more.

Lord God, heal our land! Restore us back to You so we can be a light unto the nations again instead of darkness as we have been since Roe v Wade in 1973. We have allowed sin to run rampant in this nation since then and it’s time now for a change!

Lord God, give me a heart of compassion toward those who are hurting in any way because they don’t know Your love or care about them like You do! Help me Lord Jesus to be an instrument in Your hands of healing and restoration to this nation! Let Your Spirit move upon us so we will know what to do next!

Lord, we pray for our country. We pray that You would give us a heart to love our neighbors and a heart to love those who are in authority over us. We pray that You would give us wisdom and discernment to make the right decisions, that Your will would be done on earth even as it is in heaven.

We pray that You would help us to live godly lives in a crooked and perverse generation. We pray for revival, Lord God, so that this nation can be saved from judgment. We pray for all those who have lost hope in life and have turned their backs on You, that they would turn back to the Lord Jesus Christ. In His name we pray, amen.”

My fellow Americans, I am Franklin Graham, and I’m here to pray for our nation.

I know that many of you are discouraged about the direction of our country. Some of you are even angry and frustrated. You have every right to be, but let me encourage you: don’t lose hope or become cynical. This great nation still has the potential to be all that God wants it to be.

But for that to happen, we need men and women who will stand up for God’s truth and His Word — no matter what the cost. We need people who will boldly defend the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death; who will protect religious freedom; who will uphold biblical marriage as between one man and one woman; and who will fight against the evil of pornography and sexual sin which rages across our land like a wildfire out of control.

And here’s what’s so encouraging: there are millions upon millions of Americans like this who love God’s Word, love our country and want to see America restored as a nation under God once again! In fact, I believe if we were able to march together in one voice calling upon heaven for mercy on this nation — as did Nehemiah in Ezra chapter 9 — it would truly change things

Dear Father,

We come to you today with great concern for our nation. We know that America is a great country, but we also realize that we are not perfect and still have a long way to go before we can be called a nation that reflects your character and righteousness.

Our nation has been blessed both economically and militarily, but there are many things that need to be changed. There are many things that need to be addressed in order for us to truly fulfill our potential as a nation.

We ask for your guidance as we move forward into this new year. We ask that you would help us lead with integrity and wisdom as we seek to make positive changes in our lives, families and communities. We pray that these changes will reflect your love and mercy so that they may bring glory to your name!

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for all of the blessings which you have bestowed upon us during the past year. Thank you for keeping us safe from harm’s way when disaster struck in different parts of our country during 2017. We thank you for sending your angels to protect those who were in danger or needed comfort during difficult times throughout the year!

In closing, we ask that you would continue leading us through 2018 by giving us opportunities

The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is God in the flesh. He has all authority in heaven and on earth and we need to reverence Him and obey Him.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

We can do that by praying for our nation.

I am asking you to join me on November 7, 2018 at 1 p.m. Eastern Time (10 a.m. Pacific) in prayer for our nation at myCelebrationofHope rally in Washington D.C., and on November 8th at 7 p.m. Eastern Time (4 p.m. Pacific) during my CelebrationofHope live simulcast from Washington D.C., as well as from Franklin Graham’s home church in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he will be joined by special guests who will share messages of hope with us throughout this important week of prayer and fasting for America’s future!

If you would like more information about either event or how you can participate online, please visit:

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