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Free Bible Study For Children’s Church

We here at Faithful Christian Blogs believe that studying the Bible will not only enhance your child’s faith; it will be an incredible experience that they’ll enjoy doing. This is the best way we know to help your child become closer to God, and build a strong foundation for their faith. Bible studies aren’t just for adults, we think they’re vital in helping our children grow in their understanding of God and His word. in this article is included Free Printable Childrens Bible Lessons

Children’s church is a valuable opportunity to help adults connect with children in a worship service while they learn more about God. It helps adults share their faith and interact with children in a way that few adults have the gift and expertise of doing. Here are two biblically based, interactive teaching tools for your children’s ministry to help you in your study of the Bible. This article includes Free Bible Curriculum For Children’s Church

The Bible is packed full of exciting stories, love, and inspiration! It’s meant to be shared with others and enjoyed together. Our FREE Children’s Church Bible Study gives you an easy, fun way to introduce kids aged 5-12 to all the great things God has done! The lesson offers points that help parents connect the dots with their child so they are able to discover the story of Jesus and how He loves us through the scriptures.

<strong>Free Bible Study For Children’s Church</strong>

Free Bible Study For Children’s Church

  • Featured This Week – Our top picks for your ministry updated every Monday.
  • The Lord’s Prayer – 10 lessons from Matthew 6:9-13. Includes 6 coloring sheets based on Jesus’ model prayer.
  • Days of Creation – 7 lessons from Genesis chapter 1. Includes our printable coloring sheets.
  • Object Lessons for Children’s Sermon – 189 different object talks for kids

New & Updated for 2019

  • What is God Like? (42 lessons)
  • Names of God (16 lessons)
  • Sunday School Games (101 ideas)

Age Group Specific Curriculum

  • Preschool (3 – 5 year olds)
  • Younger Elementary (6 – 9 year olds)
  • Older Elementary (9 – 12 year olds)
  • Fruit of the Spirit – 9 lessons from Galatians 5:22-23. Includes our original coloring pages for each Fruit.
  • Armor of God – 9 lessons based on Ephesians 6:10-18
  • Parables of Jesus – 9 lessons from the teaching stories in Matthew & Luke
  • Seven “I AM” Statements of Christ – Jesus reveals his character in these key Gospel passages

Holidays & Special Seasons

  • Christmas Ideas
  • Easter Ideas
  • Father’s Day Ideas
  • Halloween
  • Mother’s Day Ideas
  • St. Patrick’s Day
  • Summer Ministry
  • Thanksgiving
  • Valentines Day

This is our index of printable Bible lessons for kids. The following are 100% free to download and use in your ministry, ideal for kids church, Sunday school, or homeschool Bible study for kids. Thousands of readers find their children’s church curriculum here every week. Use the search box to find a specific Bible passage or story.


The model prayer of Jesus, found in Matthew 6:9-13, has always been the primary guide for believers in learning how to pray. This 10-part Lord’s Prayer lesson series was contributed by Tara Tegard and features original coloring sheets by Mandy Groce.

Each study walks children through the petitions of the prayer and the patterns they set for our own prayer times. We’ve included a large list of bonus activities, object lessons, and other helps for your teaching.


This 9 lesson series on The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) was created by Kara Jenkins and features an original coloring book from Mandy Groce. Each study is focused on the character traits Paul lists and shows how they are the work of God’s Spirit in our lives. We’ve included several games, object lessons, and song suggestions.

These lessons and coloring sheets use the wording from the ESV translation. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”


This 7 lesson series about God’s Work of Creation was written by Felicia Mollohan and features an original coloring book by Mandy Groce. We’ve included a printable storybook for toddlers, crafts, and game ideas. These materials follow a literal 6 day reading of the days of creation.

The Doctrine of Creation is essential to a Christian understanding of the world and will help children appreciate the LORD as the maker of all things. This knowledge of the first things points us back to Jesus was in the beginning. “All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:3


This 9 lesson series about The Armor of God and was written by Tara Tegard. It is an expansion of her popular VBS material based on this same passage in Ephesians 6:10-18. These lessons are very user-friendly. Even a first-time Sunday school teacher can confidently teach with this. We have included teacher preparation, including Scripture to read for your own benefit and growth.

Every lesson follows the same basic outline. It includes Scripture references, Teacher Preparation, Theme, Memory Verse, a game, the lesson itself, a poster piece, a craft and activity page.


This 9 lesson series about The Parables of Jesus and was also written by Tara Tegard. It covers some of the most well-known and often misunderstood teachings of Christ. This curriculum draws from the Gospels of Matthew & Luke to help children grasp the main themes of the message of Jesus.

In addition to the teaching plan, each lesson includes a printable mini book worksheet.


Toddler’s Knowing God is an 8 lesson series by Kara Jenkins based on selections from the Book of Psalms. Each study points to a specific attribute of God and shows how even very young children can begin to respond to the LORD.

We normally list Toddler/Preschool lessons on a separate page, but this one has become popular even for younger elementary students. This curriculum lays an important foundation for young children and develops essential concepts for their faith development.


Bible Object Lessons are short, simple, and hands-on teaching ideas for your children’s ministry. These are especially useful when you don’t need a full lesson plan or when you have a mixed age group of children.

Sometimes object talks are called children’s sermons, but we essentially treat them the same. Use the search box above to find even more. Many readers will combine these with other activities from our website to build a full lesson for children’s church.

  • Don’t miss our object lessons for Sunday School.
  • If your church follows the standard lectionary, be sure to view our lectionary based Sunday School lessons.

Bible Lessons About Jesus

The following are some of our most popular lesson plans based on the life and ministry of our Savior. Of course, this is a small sample of what our website has to offer. If you are looking for a specific Bible story be sure to use our website search feature.

  • Luke 2:41-52 When Jesus Was A Child – The events when Jesus was only 12 years old gives us some insight into how God wants children to behave.
  • Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12)
  • Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus Battles The Devil and Temptation
  • Luke 5:1-11 Rewards of Obeying Jesus
  • Parable of the Lost Coin Bible Lesson for Children
  • The “I AM” Names of Jesus: These lessons help the kids discover that Jesus was much more than a great teacher, he was the eternal God come as a man.
  • Luke 10:25-27: Good Samaritan Parable (Love Your Neighbor)
  • The Parable of the Prodigal Son – This lesson shows how both the prodigal son and the older brother need forgiveness. It highlights God’s want to save both good and bad people.
  • Jesus’ Parable of the Soils (Matthew 13) This Bible lesson explains why some people reject God’s teaching and encourages us to have the right heart attitude in hearing God’s Word.

Other Popular Children’s Bible Lessons

The following studies have proven useful for thousands of readers. These are a good place to start if you are new to our website. Again, we don’t have room to list everything on this page. Be sure to use the search tab to find more.

  • The Heart of Worship (Psalm 100)
  • The Three All’s of God (Psalm 139)
  • The Story of Ruth and the Kindness of God
  • God Looks at Our Heart Bible Lesson – Based on 1 Samuel 16:1-13 when God chooses young David to be the King of Israel.
  • Pride and Humility Lesson Plan – This children’s Bible lesson teaches the difference between being humble and being proud. It includes several group learning activities for kids.
  • Self Control Lesson Plan – This kids church lesson is based on Proverbs 25:28.
  • Pets are a Blessing Lesson: This lesson draws from the creation account to show kids that animals matter to God. The children will learn that God wants them to care for animals as part of his creation.

Big Picture Bible Lessons For Children

This is a new children’s church curriculum we write in 2009. They were written as children’s church lessons, but they could be the framework for a kids Sunday school lessons too. Each lesson plan below is based on a chapter from “>The BIG Picture Story Bible, published by Crossway and written by David R. Helm and Gail Schoonmaker.

  1. The Very Good Beginning (Creation Bible Lesson)
  2. A Very Sad Day (Fall Bible Lesson)
  3. Life Outside The Garden (Noah’s Flood Bible Lesson)
  4. God’s Big Promise (God’s Promise To Abraham Lesson)
  5. God’s People Grow (Story of Joseph Lesson)
  6. God’s People Become Great (Exodus Bible Lesson)
  7. God’s Great Sign (Exodus / Passover Bible Lesson)
  8. Going Into God’s Place (Joshua Bible Lesson)
  9. God’s Blessings Grow (The Kingdom of David & Solomon)
  10. God’s People Disobey (Exile Bible Lesson)
  11. God’s Promise Remains (Latter Prophets Bible Lesson)
  12. Many Silent Years (Bible Lesson Begins New Testament)

Each children’s church lesson was built around popular bible stories for kids.  I want the children to understand each Bible story and its practical teaching. Most of these children’s Bible lessons can be modified to teach in kids church or use as a  preschool lesson plans. I have written these bible study for kids kids since I started in teaching kids church (aka junior church). Each lesson plan includes clear goals and targeted learning activities for Children’s Church. I try to include relevant activities, children’s church games, Bible crafts, children’s Bible stories, or other material that will help you teach. These were originally taught in my Baptist church, but they should work for any Christian church or  non denominational churches.

Free Bible Curriculum For Children’s Church

Come and See Kids Church Curriculum:

Monthly Bible curriculum for kids church.

Come and See Kids Church Curriculum is a monthly Bible curriculum for kids church. The curriculum is divided into 4 sections: Foundations, Parables, Miracles, and Parables. Each section contains about 10 lessons that can be taught over the course of 2-3 weeks. The lessons are designed to be taught at a Sunday School or Children’s Church service but you could also use them as family devotions if you have older children or older students in your ministry.

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, but it’s also a difficult read. How do you teach children to love God’s Word?

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, but it’s also a difficult read. How do you teach children to love God’s Word?

As a church leader, you are responsible for teaching your congregation about God and his Word. So how do you get started? Where do you even begin?

There are many different ways to approach this task, but one sure-fire way is through Bible curriculum for children’s church. This resource will help you teach your kids about God and his Word in a way that they can understand it and apply what they learn in their daily lives.

A children’s church curriculum is a series of lessons designed to teach children about the Bible and God. These lessons can be taught during a Sunday service or during a week of vacation Bible school. A good children’s church curriculum should be fun, interactive and easy for adults to use with little preparation.

Children’s Church Curriculum

There are many different types of children’s church curriculums available today, but you can also create your own curriculum if you have the time and resources. There are some things that need to be included in any type of Bible study lesson plan, such as:

A brief introduction to the lesson topic. This could be in the form of an icebreaker activity or a review game that gets kids excited about what they will learn next.

A basic overview of the subject at hand (for example, what is sin?). Make sure that this section includes only general information because it will become more detailed later on in the lesson plan

A hands-on activity that allows kids to experience what they have just learned about (for example, how sin feels). This will help them remember what they learned and apply it to their lives even after class is over

Time for prayer requests from kids if you’re using your own curriculum

The Children’s Ministry Curriculum is a set of printable lessons that teach children about the Bible and its characters. These lessons are designed to be used in a Sunday School classroom, but they can be modified to fit other settings as well. Each lesson includes instructions for teachers, as well as a worksheet for students that requires them to answer questions based on the lesson.

The Children’s Ministry Curriculum contains 10 different lessons. The first five lessons focus on teaching children about God and Jesus Christ. The next five lessons teach about God’s plan for salvation and how everyone can receive forgiveness for their sins through Jesus Christ. Lessons 6-10 focus on helping children understand how they can become disciples of Jesus Christ, which involves learning more about what it means to follow Him and obeying His commandments.

These lessons are ideal for use during Sunday School class or other small group meetings, but they can also be used in larger groups such as chapel services or youth group meetings as well if you need additional materials for those groups of children.

The Gospel Project is a free, six-week Bible study for kids that includes video lessons, printable guides and more.

The lessons are designed for children ages 5 to 12 to use with their parents or caregivers. The videos are short (each lesson is less than 10 minutes) and can be viewed online or downloaded as MP4 files. All you need is an internet connection and a device to play the videos on.

The Gospel Project curriculum has three main parts:

Video lessons (one per week)

Each week’s lesson includes a video lecture from one of the Gospels and an activity for your kids. The video lecture is usually about five minutes long, but it’s full of great information that will help your kids learn more about Jesus and His crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. It’s also interesting enough that you might want to watch it yourself! The activity part of each lesson includes questions for your kids to answer while they watch the video lecture or before they watch it if you decide not to show them the video first. These questions help them think about what they just learned in the lecture and apply it to their own lives. Once your child has completed his or her activity

Free Printable Childrens Bible Lessons

Here are a few free printable childrens bible lessons for you to use in your home or classroom. They’re all about the story of Noah and the ark. There are also printable coloring pages and activity sheets for each lesson.

Lesson 1 – The Story of Noah

Lesson 2 – What Was Inside the Ark?

Lesson 3 – How Many Animals Went on Board?

Bible lessons are a great way to teach children the Bible. They can be used as a supplement to your regular Bible study or as a stand-alone lesson.

Whether you use them for homeschooling, Sunday school or just for fun, these free printable kids’ Bible studies are sure to help you teach your children about God’s Word.

The Bible is full of exciting stories and important lessons that can be hard for kids to understand on their own. That’s why it’s important to help them learn from books like this one!

For example, in this printable kids’ study, they’ll learn all about how the Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt by Moses and then led across the Red Sea before entering the Promised Land. You’ll also learn how Joshua led them into battle against the Canaanites and other nations around Israel. Don’t miss out on this fun lesson!

Bible lessons for kids are a great way to help your child learn more about God and His word. The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, and it’s easy to see why. It contains stories that teach us valuable life lessons, such as how to be kind and generous, how to have faith in God, and how to appreciate the people around us.

Parents often struggle with finding free printable bible lessons for their children. This is because many of the resources available online are paid products or require a subscription fee in order to access them. Here at Homeschool-Printables, we offer free Bible lesson plans for kids that you can print out and use with your children today!

Our Bible lesson plans include activities for preschoolers through high school students and cover topics such as:


Adam and Eve

Noah’s Ark


The Nativity

A free printable Bible lesson for children’s ministry that uses the Bible story of Jonah and the whale.

The story of Jonah is one of the most famous stories in the Bible. It teaches us a lot about God, His grace and mercy. This lesson plan uses this well-known story to teach children about God’s love for them.

The lesson plan includes several activities that help children understand what Jonah did wrong and how God forgives those who repent. It also includes a Bible verse memorization activity and a craft project to reinforce the lesson.

The Bible is a great resource for teaching kids about God, faith and the Bible. But sometimes it can be difficult to find free printable childrens bible lessons.

Here are some free printable bible lesson plans for kids:

Children’s Bible Lessons

Bible Memory Verses – Kids will love these fun memory verses! These are perfect for Sunday school, summer vacation or anytime you want to help your child learn more about God’s Word!

Bible Reading Plans – Kids will love choosing their own Bible reading plan to follow. There are many different options for you to choose from including plans for boys, girls and even ones with special holiday themes!

Bible Games – These games are great for helping kids learn how to memorize scripture verses as well as helping them learn how to apply those scriptures into their lives!

Bible Puzzles – Puzzles are a great way to keep kids busy while learning more about God’s Word! These puzzles include both word search puzzles and crossword puzzles that will keep your kids entertained while helping them learn more about God’s Word!

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