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Free Bible Study For Kids

Free Study for Children’s Church is an online program that gives your kids a direct connection with the Bible. Each week, they’ll listen to a lesson about a different topic of the Christian faith. They’ll hear about Jesus, the resurrection, baptism, and many other important topics. Most importantly, they’ll learn how to live their lives in a way that brings God glory. When you sign up for this study, you’ll receive a content library of over 150 lessons that cover every book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Each lesson is designed to take just five minutes to complete, so there’s no need to worry about trying to schedule it for more than 15 minutes per day. Your kids can do them wherever and whenever it’s convenient for them—even if that means during dinner or on the way home from school!

Here you will find a variety of Bible studies for kids of all ages. You’ll also find a number of devotions and crafts, BINGO games that reinforce learning, story starters and other activities to provide additional fun learning experiences. These are just a few of the free activities you’ll find on this site. You’ll also learn how to make a duct tape sword, a simple way to make an Easter basket “egg” hunt, and how to give your own testimony in a way that will capture your child’s interest. Lots of free things on this site including Bible Studies For Kids!

No one can deny children learn faster and retain information better when they are young. Children are also more likely to jump head first into something if it is fun, yet educational. Which is why there are many free children’s Bible study programs for homeschoolers that have been created to help them get started on the right path to a successful and happy life.

Free Bible Study For Kids

Free Bible Study For Kids

Free Children’s Church Lessons

  • Featured This Week – Our top picks for your ministry updated every Monday.
  • The Lord’s Prayer – 10 lessons from Matthew 6:9-13. Includes 6 coloring sheets based on Jesus’ model prayer.
  • Days of Creation – 7 lessons from Genesis chapter 1. Includes our printable coloring sheets.
  • Object Lessons for Children’s Sermon – 189 different object talks for kids

New & Updated for 2019

  • What is God Like? (42 lessons)
  • Names of God (16 lessons)
  • Sunday School Games (101 ideas)

Age Group Specific Curriculum

  • Preschool (3 – 5 year olds)
  • Younger Elementary (6 – 9 year olds)
  • Older Elementary (9 – 12 year olds)
  • Fruit of the Spirit – 9 lessons from Galatians 5:22-23. Includes our original coloring pages for each Fruit.
  • Armor of God – 9 lessons based on Ephesians 6:10-18
  • Parables of Jesus – 9 lessons from the teaching stories in Matthew & Luke
  • Seven “I AM” Statements of Christ – Jesus reveals his character in these key Gospel passages

Holidays & Special Seasons

  • Christmas Ideas
  • Easter Ideas
  • Father’s Day Ideas
  • Halloween
  • Mother’s Day Ideas
  • St. Patrick’s Day
  • Summer Ministry
  • Thanksgiving
  • Valentines Day

This is our index of printable Bible lessons for kids. The following are 100% free to download and use in your ministry, ideal for kids church, Sunday school, or homeschool Bible study for kids. Thousands of readers find their children’s church curriculum here every week. Use the search box to find a specific Bible passage or story.


The model prayer of Jesus, found in Matthew 6:9-13, has always been the primary guide for believers in learning how to pray. This 10-part Lord’s Prayer lesson series was contributed by Tara Tegard and features original coloring sheets by Mandy Groce.

Each study walks children through the petitions of the prayer and the patterns they set for our own prayer times. We’ve included a large list of bonus activities, object lessons, and other helps for your teaching.


This 9 lesson series on The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) was created by Kara Jenkins and features an original coloring book from Mandy Groce. Each study is focused on the character traits Paul lists and shows how they are the work of God’s Spirit in our lives. We’ve included several games, object lessons, and song suggestions.

These lessons and coloring sheets use the wording from the ESV translation. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”


This 7 lesson series about God’s Work of Creation was written by Felicia Mollohan and features an original coloring book by Mandy Groce. We’ve included a printable storybook for toddlers, crafts, and game ideas. These materials follow a literal 6 day reading of the days of creation.

The Doctrine of Creation is essential to a Christian understanding of the world and will help children appreciate the LORD as the maker of all things. This knowledge of the first things points us back to Jesus was in the beginning. “All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:3


This 9 lesson series about The Armor of God and was written by Tara Tegard. It is an expansion of her popular VBS material based on this same passage in Ephesians 6:10-18. These lessons are very user-friendly. Even a first-time Sunday school teacher can confidently teach with this. We have included teacher preparation, including Scripture to read for your own benefit and growth.

Every lesson follows the same basic outline. It includes Scripture references, Teacher Preparation, Theme, Memory Verse, a game, the lesson itself, a poster piece, a craft and activity page.


This 9 lesson series about The Parables of Jesus and was also written by Tara Tegard. It covers some of the most well-known and often misunderstood teachings of Christ. This curriculum draws from the Gospels of Matthew & Luke to help children grasp the main themes of the message of Jesus.

In addition to the teaching plan, each lesson includes a printable mini book worksheet.


Toddler’s Knowing God is an 8 lesson series by Kara Jenkins based on selections from the Book of Psalms. Each study points to a specific attribute of God and shows how even very young children can begin to respond to the LORD.

We normally list Toddler/Preschool lessons on a separate page, but this one has become popular even for younger elementary students. This curriculum lays an important foundation for young children and develops essential concepts for their faith development.


Bible Object Lessons are short, simple, and hands-on teaching ideas for your children’s ministry. These are especially useful when you don’t need a full lesson plan or when you have a mixed age group of children.

Sometimes object talks are called children’s sermons, but we essentially treat them the same. Use the search box above to find even more. Many readers will combine these with other activities from our website to build a full lesson for children’s church.

  • Don’t miss our object lessons for Sunday School.
  • If your church follows the standard lectionary, be sure to view our lectionary based Sunday School lessons.

Bible Lessons About Jesus

The following are some of our most popular lesson plans based on the life and ministry of our Savior. Of course, this is a small sample of what our website has to offer. If you are looking for a specific Bible story be sure to use our website search feature.

  • Luke 2:41-52 When Jesus Was A Child – The events when Jesus was only 12 years old gives us some insight into how God wants children to behave.
  • Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12)
  • Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus Battles The Devil and Temptation
  • Luke 5:1-11 Rewards of Obeying Jesus
  • Parable of the Lost Coin Bible Lesson for Children
  • The “I AM” Names of Jesus: These lessons help the kids discover that Jesus was much more than a great teacher, he was the eternal God come as a man.
  • Luke 10:25-27: Good Samaritan Parable (Love Your Neighbor)
  • The Parable of the Prodigal Son – This lesson shows how both the prodigal son and the older brother need forgiveness. It highlights God’s want to save both good and bad people.
  • Jesus’ Parable of the Soils (Matthew 13) This Bible lesson explains why some people reject God’s teaching and encourages us to have the right heart attitude in hearing God’s Word.

Other Popular Children’s Bible Lessons

The following studies have proven useful for thousands of readers. These are a good place to start if you are new to our website. Again, we don’t have room to list everything on this page. Be sure to use the search tab to find more.

  • The Heart of Worship (Psalm 100)
  • The Three All’s of God (Psalm 139)
  • The Story of Ruth and the Kindness of God
  • God Looks at Our Heart Bible Lesson – Based on 1 Samuel 16:1-13 when God chooses young David to be the King of Israel.
  • Pride and Humility Lesson Plan – This children’s Bible lesson teaches the difference between being humble and being proud. It includes several group learning activities for kids.
  • Self Control Lesson Plan – This kids church lesson is based on Proverbs 25:28.
  • Pets are a Blessing Lesson: This lesson draws from the creation account to show kids that animals matter to God. The children will learn that God wants them to care for animals as part of his creation.

Big Picture Bible Lessons For Children

This is a new children’s church curriculum we write in 2009. They were written as children’s church lessons, but they could be the framework for a kids Sunday school lessons too. Each lesson plan below is based on a chapter from “>The BIG Picture Story Bible, published by Crossway and written by David R. Helm and Gail Schoonmaker.

  1. The Very Good Beginning (Creation Bible Lesson)
  2. A Very Sad Day (Fall Bible Lesson)
  3. Life Outside The Garden (Noah’s Flood Bible Lesson)
  4. God’s Big Promise (God’s Promise To Abraham Lesson)
  5. God’s People Grow (Story of Joseph Lesson)
  6. God’s People Become Great (Exodus Bible Lesson)
  7. God’s Great Sign (Exodus / Passover Bible Lesson)
  8. Going Into God’s Place (Joshua Bible Lesson)
  9. God’s Blessings Grow (The Kingdom of David & Solomon)
  10. God’s People Disobey (Exile Bible Lesson)
  11. God’s Promise Remains (Latter Prophets Bible Lesson)
  12. Many Silent Years (Bible Lesson Begins New Testament)

Each children’s church lesson was built around popular bible stories for kids.  I want the children to understand each Bible story and its practical teaching. Most of these children’s Bible lessons can be modified to teach in kids church or use as a  preschool lesson plans. I have written these bible study for kids kids since I started in teaching kids church (aka junior church). Each lesson plan includes clear goals and targeted learning activities for Children’s Church. I try to include relevant activities, children’s church games, Bible crafts, children’s Bible stories, or other material that will help you teach. These were originally taught in my Baptist church, but they should work for any Christian church or  non denominational churches.

Bible Study Apps For Beginners

Best Bible App Study #1: Olive Tree

This is a new find to me, but I’m really excited about it (so much so that I’m updating this article just to tell you about it!)!

The Olive Tree app has both free and paid features and it’s one of the cleanest, easiest interfaces (and it’s pretty, too!).

I love that there’s no wifi needed to use this; it’s nice to be unplugged or to have access to it even when somewhere with poor reception.

The NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV versions of the Bible are included (as are a few other lesser known translations), plus there are more available for inexpensive purchase if you prefer.

This is a Bible study app you should DEFINITELY check out if you’re looking to have a great experience and wealth of information at your fingertips.

In fact, it’s now my go-to Bible study app in 2021.

Best Bible App Study #2: Accordance

This is one I’d never heard of before researching some new Bible study apps to check out for this article, and it’s impressive.

You can compare two Bible versions of your choice in parallel scrolling, as they sync together. This is awesome! I particularly appreciate this feature because it allows me talk with friends who prefer a different version (in their native language, for example!) and we both get more out of the it because of the parallel experience.

When you register your free starter account you can even download several commentaries and reference materials to be used offline as ell.

According to the app developers, “These materials range from Christian classics to Jewish publications to high-end reference works to the Dead Sea Scrolls in Hebrew.”

It’s certainly a growing platform and one to take notice of.

Best Bible Study App #3: You Version (aka The Bible App)

This is always the first app I install when I get a new device.

You Version is, to me, the best Bible study app around. You can make notes, highlight passages, and even make graphics from your favorite verses.

I even find my daily devotionals on here!

You can use the live feature and send notes to Evernote (another favorite app!), highlight, or listen to an audio Bible. It’s incredibly versatile and works both on- and off-line which I appreciate.

One of the features that makes You Version my vote for all around best Bible study app is that it has nearly 2,000 versions of the Bible in over 1,000 language. WOW!

It also offers several different reading plans, accountability to them with friends, and some features you can use with your kids.

If you’re not familiar with the You Version Bible study app, then check it out ASAP.

When you’re a busy woman who wants to grow in the Lord, these free Bible study apps are an absolute must-have tool to have at your fingertips…and this one is one of the best.

Best Bible Study App #4: Bible Resources

This is a new addition to our list! This Bible study app not only has audio and video, but also the ability to play hymns! In fact, it has more than 1,000 hymns.

The daily Scripture, commentaries, questions and answers, and more all make this a very valuable app.

There’s a great kids section for your children, too, which is always a plus.

Another plus is you can run it while using other apps (maybe listen while you’re on a road trip or folding laundry) and it will pause for incoming calls.

Best Bible Study App #5: Bible Gateway

With more than 200 versions and translations of the Bible easily available to search, study, or simply read.

In addition to this, Bible Gateway Bible study app also has devotions and reference material available. It’s a solid app and also easily usable from your laptop.

The reading plans and audio Bibles available make this a leading Bible app for busy women who want to listen to Word from the treadmill, carpool line, or while picking up toys at the end of a long day.

Best Bible Study App #6: E-Sword

This little known Bible study app has been a favorite of mine for over a decade.

Years ago it was only for use on a PC, but today this powerful Bible study app works on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad as well. I’ve been using this for a decade and still it’s a favorite!

E-Sword is a simple and straightforward app that allows you study the Bible verse by verse and provides tons of valuable references.

You can use this app for personal study or to write sermons, devotions, and Bible studies in.

The E-Sword Bible study app contains a parallel Bible study view, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) printing capabilities to grab your notes for teaching, an extensive reference library, maps, powerful search features, audio sermon library, and more.

I have installed this Bible study app on my kids’ homeschool laptop for deeper study, as well.

We truly enjoy this particular Bible study app…and think you will, too!

Check out these awesome Christian apps for women ready to deeper Bible study. #Biblestudy #apps

Best Bible Study App #7: gloBIBLE

The gloBIBLE is one of the coolest Bible study apps I’ve found.

It’s a fabulous Bible study tool for both iPhone and Android users, and I’m personally really excited about it because the teens and young adults in my life enjoy using it.

This Bible study app lets you click on a verse and access HD videos, pictures, sermons, commentaries, maps, virtual tours, and more that have been contributed by various ministries, churches, publishers, and pastors.

If you’ve got kids, put this on your iPad and let them watch some of the videos, explore Biblical geography with the maps and tours, and really get engaged in their learning!

Best Bible Study App #8: The Blue Letter Bible

If you’ve ever gone to Bible school, you’re probably familiar with this Bible study app

It has many of the features of other Bible study tools listed here, such as being able to see the original meaning of the Greek and Hebrew words used in the earliest versions of the Bible and commentaries.

This Bible study app also equips to easily do topical studies. It contains several devotion options you can use in the app, as well. There are also audio and video commentaries, which are fantastic.

The FAQ section is great to answer common theological questions, which is a fabulously simple addition to the app that provides a lot of value.

The Blue Letter Bible study app also has charts, diagrams, and maps which would prove helpful to those who want an in-depth analysis and understanding of the original context of the Bible.

This is a great Bible app for women who are really wanting to deep dive into the Word.

Best Bible Study App #9: NET Bible (formerly

Simple, yet incredibly valuable. is a Bible study app that is great for women, children, men, pastors, etc. They actually have specific focuses for different people to meet each individual’s needs, so you’ll get a personalized experience when you use this Bible app.

And within is a really awesome resource called Lumina were you can study verses and versions in parallel style.

This is a hearty Bible study app that is great for deeper study.

PLEASE NOTE: The app is now called NET Bible in the App Store.

Best Bible Study App #10: NIV Quest Study Bible

With full color maps and photos as well as more than 20,000 notes, this is one app you can’t overlook in your search for the best free Bible study app.

It’s literally a digital study Bible!

If you’re a fan of the NIV translation, then this is a fabulous app to have handy on your iPhone or Android device. It’s also great for when you’re doing family Bible time and want to show your kids right where something is on a map; this app makes that super simple to do!

Best Bible Study App #11:

This is seriously FANTASTIC. is a great witnessing tool to have on your smartphone, too.

This Bible app integrates with the Jesus Film so you literally watch Scripture come to life.

It’s more than a Bible study app; it’s a way to experience the Word more fully in a new way.

This is also great for parents who have kids that are very visual. They can watch the Bible.

Best Bible Study App #12: She Reads Truth

This is not just an app; She Reads Truth is a community of women reading the Word together.

Hundreds of thousands of women around the globe converge daily between the website, app, and #shereadstruth on social media to dive into the Word together.

With both free and paid devotional plans, this is an app that can be used by any woman, anywhere.

Plus, if you’re married and hubby is feeling left out, there’s now a He Reads Truth community as well.

This is ideal for the woman who wants to feel a part of something and know she’s not going it alone. It’s simple, but valuable.

Best Bible Study App #13: First 5

Developed and supported by Proverbs 31 Ministries, the First 5 app isn’t about deep and long Bible study but about digesting something every day at the beginning – in (you guessed it) five minutes.

They’ve offered a wide selection of studies and it’s set up for your success and to decrease overwhelm.

Free Bible Lessons For 6 8 Year Olds

Contentment, not Cash! Children’s Message on Real Riches

Lesson Objective: There are a lot of things that compete for attention these days. Surrounded by messages of media and culture, children often see the idea that more “stuff” will satisfy them. It’s important to impart from an early age that our contentment comes from Christ, rather than worldly wealth. This message uses an object lesson incorporating bubbles and cotton candy to communicate the fleeting nature of riches. Use it to explain the beauty of seeking Godly contentment with what we have, rather than striving after temporary things.

Law/Gospel Theme: As humans, we might try to seek contentment in a lot of things: fame, fortune, food…but the only thing that truly satisfies is Jesus Christ. We can be content knowing that God has and will provide us with all that we need. When we trust in the promises of the Lord, we can pursue the things that bring genuine joy.

Optional Materials: (Optional) Bubbles, cotton candy, examples of riches (toys, money, etc.)

Bible Passage: 1 Timothy 6:6-19

Message: Note: As with most messages, the details of how you choose to communicate this are adaptable and should cater to timing as well as to your audience and student needs.

Object Lesson Children’s Sermon on the Love of Money
Greet children and consider the temporal nature of a couple common objects:

Hello, Children of God! Today I want you to do something for me…I am going to give you something that I’d like you to catch! Are you ready? Here goes… Begin blowing bubbles toward students. Likely, the bubbles will pop soon after they are caught. It’s kind of hard to hold onto those, isn’t it? The minute you try to catch them or keep them, they just pop! That’s sort of frustrating. You know what it kind of reminds me of? Cotton candy (hold up a bag, if you have one). I always get excited about eating this stuff, but it can be a little disappointing. The minute I put a big blob of it on my tongue, poof! It just disappears! It tastes delicious for a moment, but it’s gone so soon. It doesn’t really satisfy my hunger or provide nutritional value.

Come to think of it, there are a lot of things in life that don’t quite satisfy us like we think they should. Sometimes we think that we can find joy in certain things, and we wind up disappointed. We see people looking for happiness in things like fortune, job success, money (hold up money), new things (hold up toys or fun items), or maybe fun treats (hold up candy). But the more we try to use these things to feel contentment, the more we realize it doesn’t work. None of those things last. In the end, we can’t hang onto them, and they pop like those bubbles or disappear like cotton candy.

So where do we turn for hope? What can provide lasting joy and peace? The Bible reminds us that we are to pursue different priorities than what the world might give us. “Godliness with contentment is great gain”, the apostle Paul tells Timothy. That means that we can seek God’s values and be content with what we have. God provides what we need. The Bible warns us that the love of money is the root of evil. That doesn’t mean money is evil. We need money to do things. But we don’t want it to be the focus of our attention. Greed always wants more, and earthly riches don’t truly stick around. We know that the Lord gives us daily bread and takes care of us. Even more importantly, God has given us salvation through the blood of Jesus. That means more than any other thing we could try to buy or have. We might want certain luxuries, but we don’t need them. We need God’s love, and we have it guaranteed. The next time you find yourself longing for a “cotton candy” type of desire, remember all of the blessings that you already have. Give thanks and consider how you can love and serve God and His people.

Let’s say a prayer and thank God for granting us what we need for life.

(Have kids repeat each line)
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us what we truly need
Help us to be content with what we have
And pursue what matters most
Thank you for your love
We love you, God!
In Jesus name, Amen!

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