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Prayer For Funeral Service

It’s never easy to lose a loved one. It’s even more difficult when you have to plan the funeral service and memorial. That’s why we’ve gathered together a list of prayers for funeral services. include in this article Prayer For Burial Ceremony

Funeral services are usually performed in a place of worship by a member of the clergy, and often with other instances of religious symbolism (particularly in non-Christian religions).  Also, funeral processions have elements of a ceremonial public spectacle in many cultures. contained within prayer for wake keeping

The word funeral comes from the Latin word funus, which translates to ‘funeral’ and is the past participle of the word fungere, meaning to perform a rites or serve. Funeral rites are those religious or spiritual customs performed as a last respect or final tribute to a deceased family member or friend. Funeral prayers commonly take place in funeral services, during memorial services and take the form of eulogy poems read by relatives, eulogy speech delivered by close friends and others who knew the deceased person well, blessings and benedictions from religious leaders, etc.

Prayer For Funeral Service

Prayer For Funeral Service

Dear God, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of [name]. We come together to remember what they meant to us and to celebrate their memory.

We thank you for the gift that was [name]. They were a wonderful person who did so many good things for others. We are thankful for their time with us and hope that we can carry on the legacy of their kindness and generosity in our own lives.

We ask for your blessing on those who knew [name] best as well as those who loved them from afar. May this service be a time of reflection for all of us, so that we might draw closer to you through remembering your love for each other. Amen

Lord, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of [name]. We are grateful that you have given us this opportunity to come together and remember [name], who has passed away.

We know that our time with [name] was limited, but we also know that you will always be with us. You see into our hearts and minds, you know our struggles and fears, and you help us through them every day. Please guide us in our time of grief so that we may remember all the good things about [name], not just the sadness of losing him or her. Give us strength as we move forward without [name]. Comfort those who mourn his or her absence. And give us peace knowing that there is a purpose for every life lived on earth—a purpose more important than we can imagine!

In Jesus’ name, amen.

God, who created this family in your image,

We ask for your blessing upon the family of (name) as they mourn.

May they find comfort in knowing that you are with them in their sorrow.

May they draw strength from your presence and be comforted by your care.

We pray for peace and healing for those who mourn the death of their loved one, and we pray that you will give them strength to endure the pain they feel.

We pray that you will also watch over those who have lost their way, bringing them back into the fold of believers so that they might share in your love and life.

Lord God, we beg you to look upon us who have gathered here today, praying for our departed friend (family member) who has gone home to be with you, our Father in heaven. We ask for the assurance of faith through Jesus Christ our Lord who promised us eternal life with Him when He returns to judge the world at last. Amen.

Lord God, we gather in this place to grieve the passing of _. We have come to honor his or her life, and to give thanks for the gift of their presence among us. We ask you to surround them with your love and grace as they journey through this valley into your eternal light.

We pray for all who mourn today: that they may find comfort in your presence; that they may be strengthened by your strength; that they may know hope in the midst of sorrow; and that they may remember how precious is each and every day.

Lord God, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

May the angels of God watch over her, and may her soul rest in peace. Amen.

May the angels of God watch over her, and may her soul rest in peace. Amen.

I pray that God will keep you safe, give you strength and comfort you during this time of sadness and grief. May she rest in peace. Amen.

We ask God to grant us the grace to share our grief with others and to be patient while we heal from our loss. We pray that He will bless us with the strength to continue on our journey through life knowing that we are not alone but are loved by Him. We ask this through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit now and forevermore, amen

Prayer for the Dead

Lord Jesus Christ,

who gave Your life to ransom us from sin, give rest to the soul of your servant _, who has departed this life. May he/she find repose in your kingdom and may light perpetual shine upon him/her. You alone are immortal and eternal; you created all things out of nothing by your Word. You have given to me and all human beings the power to know you, love you and serve you in this life. In Your goodness hear my prayer for ‘s soul and pour out Your mercy on him/her; through Christ our Lord. Amen

Prayer for the Living

Lord Jesus Christ,

who gave Your life to ransom us from sin, give rest to the souls of those who have departed this life in faith: Father , Mother , Sister _ , Brother , Aunt _ , Uncle , Cousin ___ . May they find repose in Your kingdom. You alone are immortal and eternal; you created all things out of nothing by Your Word. You have given to me and all human beings the power to know You, love You and serve You in this life. In Your goodness hear my prayer

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” Psalm 23 (KJV)

Prayer For Burial Ceremony

Dear God, we come before you today to say a final goodbye to our beloved friend. We thank you for giving her a long and prosperous life and for the years of love and happiness she shared with us. We pray that you will comfort all who have been touched by this loss.

We ask that you bless her family, friends and caregivers during this difficult time. And may your grace be upon the deceased as she begins the journey home. Amen

Dear Lord,

We come before you today to say goodbye to [name of person]. We pray for [his/her] family and friends, who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We ask that you comfort them in this time of need as they remember all the good times they shared with [him/her]. We also ask that you comfort us, as we mourn the loss of someone we care deeply about.

Send us your blessings on this day. Bless us with peace and strength as we say goodbye to [name of person]. Amen.

Dear God,

We are gathered here today to honor the life of [name]. We know that you have a plan for each one of us, and we’re grateful for your mercy. We ask that you be with [name]’s family and friends during this difficult time.

We pray for peace and comfort for all who knew and loved [name]. May they find strength in each other during this time of loss. And may they know that their memories of [name] will sustain them even as this world changes without him or her.

Bless us with the grace to walk through this valley with hope, knowing that our lives are not our own but given to us by you.

And finally, we pray that when we leave this earth, we will be able to join you in heaven. Until then, we ask your blessing upon the soul of [name], that he or she may rest in peace until they are called home by you. Amen!

Prayer For Wake Keeping

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You today as a family to ask that You bless our brother (sister), with Your love and comfort. We thank You for giving us this opportunity to celebrate the life of our loved one. We ask that You would comfort us with the knowledge that our loved one is in Heaven and is at peace.

We know that death is an enemy of man, but because Jesus conquered death, we know that death no longer has the power over us. We thank You for understanding our pain and grief, but we also thank You for providing hope and comfort through Your Word, Jesus Christ. We trust in God’s promise that when we die, our bodies will rise again on the last day. In Jesus’ name we pray amen

Almighty God, we thank you for the life of our brother or sister. We pray that the memories of his or her faithfulness will remain with us as a light to guide us in the darkness of this hour. We pray for those who mourn and for their friends, who are saddened by the loss of this loved one. May they remember that death is not the end but merely a transition from one place to another. May they also remember that when we die, we take nothing with us except what we have given away during our lifetime. And so may all who grieve today rejoice to know that their loved one was not taken from them but has gone on to be with You forever.

Almighty God, we ask that You would comfort those who mourn and give them strength at this time of sorrow. We ask that You would give them Your peace which transcends all understanding and causes all anxiety to flee away from those who believe in You. And Lord, please send Your angels now to escort this person safely through Your gates into Your presence where there is no more pain or sorrow, only everlasting joy and peace.

Dear God, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to gather here today to celebrate the life of [person’s name]. We are grateful for all the lessons we learned from [him/her], and for all that [he/she] taught us about You. We love You and praise Your name!

We ask that You continue to watch over [person’s name]. Comfort those who are hurting and grieving. Heal those who are suffering. We pray that You will bring comfort to everyone who knew [him/her], even if they weren’t able to be here today.

And finally, God, please help us remember all of the ways that [he/she] made this world a better place by being in it. We pray that our memories of [him/her] will never fade away as long as we live on this earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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