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Prayer For Success Quotes

Prayer For Success Quotes. When you’re in the game of life, and people are shooting at you, the only way to dodge the bullets is to officially join team Jesus Christ. Why? Because he will protect you from everybody (both here and hereafter), and nothing that’s meant for your harm, can touch you!

This blog is about a collection of prayer for success quotes and poems that can be used for one’s own prayer, inspiration and memorizing. Prayer quotes can be found in books, proverbs, religious materials and famous people from around the world. Every quote has its own significance to each individual who said it. This blog helps readers share prayer for success quotes to their friends and family in easy way. You may also share these prayer for success quotes via social media sites like facebook or twitter.

Prayer for success quotes can motivate you and can help provide you with inspiration to keep going. There are many success stories about prayers being answered and many people who believe that praying gives them a positive attitude. Prayer can be done anywhere, anytime and there is no need to involve any other person when praying.

Prayer For Success Quotes

Prayer For Success Quotes

“The best way to get what you want is to deserve what you want.” -Milton Berle

“In the absence of vision, people perish.” -Proverbs 29:18

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” -Louisa May Alcott

“Don’t pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men and women.” -John F. Kennedy

“If you don’t ask, the answer is always ‘no’.” -Harvey Mackay

“I do not pray for an easy life. I pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” -Bruce Lee

“If we prayed for what we wanted in this world, we’d all be sitting around waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen.” -Billy Graham

“True prayer does not consist in beautiful words or long prayers; it consists in being wholly occupied with God and His service.” -William Law

“Prayer is a conversation with God that is so real that it changes your life forever!” -Unknown

God is the Father of the fatherless and a judge to the widows. God is in the place of justice, and he will do what is right.

You cannot be afraid of being rejected by others because you have already been rejected by God.

God blesses us according to his will, and we should be thankful for everything that comes our way.

It is not about how much you pray, but about how much you pray for others that brings great blessings upon your life as a Christian.

When we run after other things like money, fame or success, we lose sight of what really matters in life, which are our relationships with God, family and friends.

As long as we continue praying for one another, then there will always be hope that we will see each other again someday in Heaven when Jesus returns to take us home with him!

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”

-Thomas Paine

“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”


The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts; so I am helped, and my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him. Psalm 28:7 (NASB)

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 (NIV)

“Cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV)

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 (NKJV)

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” -Winston Churchill

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” -Louisa May Alcott

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” -Walt Disney

“I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work.” -Thomas Edison

“Starting a business is easy. Finishing one? That’s where the real art lies.” -Peter Thiel

Lord, You have promised that if we will commit our work to You, You will make it succeed. So today, I dedicate every aspect of that work to You. I need Your wisdom daily to make the right choices, ones that require fairness, integrity, and a servant spirit. From the start of every work day, I want to begin and end with You, knowing that You will guide every step and every decision I make. Throughout the day, remind me that You are in charge, not me. May I do all things with excellence at work as if I am doing them for You, Lord.

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a plan for us that’s filled with hope and a future. God is for us and not against us. He wants to see us succeed and have a full life. Whether you’re facing a new career, a difficult exam at school, or working toward building a relationship, these prayers for success will help you focus on asking for God’s will in your life. When you follow God and live within his blessings and favor, you will experience true success!

I want Your goals to be my goals, and Your purposes, mine. Give me a learning spirit so I can constantly increase the skills You have given me to honor You and bring You glory. I know I am not to neglect those gifts You have placed within me, but that I am to watch myself closely to keep ambition in its right place and temptation at bay.

Keep reminding me that people are more important than work projects, and that You not only want me to succeed, but You desire for me to help make others successful. Whether it’s my employer or a co-worker, help me see them as Your creations, worthy of respect and thoughtfulness. We all matter to You, God. If I am treated unfairly at work, may I still reflect You in every way and keep my eyes on You. I know Your idea of success and mine may differ, and that to You, godly character is more important than completion of my goals. Help me to work hard with patience and persistence, shunning laziness and embracing a thankful spirit for the employment You have given me.

No matter who signs my paycheck, and no matter how high or how low the ladder I’m on right now, I look to You as my ultimate Employer. I know that viewing You as my “Boss,” will not necessarily increase my salary or change my work conditions, but it will change me—and that You pay great benefits. Serving You will put a smile on my face, allow my best work to shine through, and will insure that success belongs to You—Your way and Your time. I pledge to do the best that I can with what You have given me, Lord. May Your plans become the desires of my heart—and may my work always be a success for You.

Prayer For Success At School

Lord, today I’m asking You to help me succeed as a student. I believe You are the Dream-maker, the Cultivator, and the Fulfiller of all worthy dreams. You have been the Designer of my plans all along, and it’s You who will make them successful. Help me to focus on my schoolwork, to listen carefully and show respect for my teachers and professors, and to receive correction well in areas where I’m wrong or haven’t yet mastered.

I know I am more than a student; I am a life-long learner and Your ambassador on mission wherever I go. Refine my abilities; hone my character; and help me choose wisely the areas of study that will make my life work successful. Keep me organized and free of distractions so I can focus on school. Show me how to listen more and then share freely when it will encourage others or make a difference to those who hear. Help me to honor You in my friendships at school and to be ready to lend a hand when others are struggling in their studies or in their lives. Help me sow seeds of kindness, excellence, and honesty. If my faith is challenged, give me courage to stand for You, no matter what the consequences.

I want to learn, Lord. I am eager to unwrap the gifts You have given me. With each new skill I acquire, help me to apply that learning to real life as well. Let knowledge, understanding, and common sense form a bond together with Your Word that will guard me against temptation. Keep the deceiver away from my heart as I choose to walk with You daily. Help me find moments in the flurry of school activities and crazy schedules to simply be still and know that You are God.

Protect me from a prideful ego and let humility lead me in the path of success You have carved out for me. You have given me a unique place in Your kingdom, and I trust You to open doors that I cannot open myself. Help me not to turn to the left or right but to follow You daily. When anxious thoughts or fear of failure threaten to overtake me, I will rest in You and Your promise of success for my life. Only You know what that success really means, but when You are on my side, I cannot fail.

Prayer for Success in Life/Relationships

Like everyone else, Lord, I want to succeed in my life and in my relationships. Balance is something I am always seeking so I can be successful in every area. Help me not to put work, hobbies, or other activities ahead of You, my family, or my relationships, but to keep You in the center as the hub of my life. Teach me Your priorities and help me keep them in the right place. Everything must revolve around You, Lord.

Bless my efforts to succeed, and may excellence, not perfectionism, drive my desires. Make me not only successful, but useful—a vessel of honor to be shared and poured out for You and Your kingdom. Thank You that Your plans for me are beyond what I could possibly ask or hope or imagine. You actually want me to succeed so I can give You all the praise, honor, and glory. I can do nothing without You, Lord.

When seasons of difficulties or interruptions creep into my life, help me to see them as opportunities to develop patience and persistence. You have given me every piece of armor I need to fight internal or external battles, and You have promised that nothing formed against me will prosper. You know my beginning and when my life will end. You started the work in me, and it’s You Who will make it successful. You will complete that work as I simply abide in You, walk humbly and honestly, committing my life and all my plans to You. Teach me to value and honor the ebb and flow of life that includes celebration, joy, pause, and reflection.

Because Your plans and Your ways are not like mine, Your idea of success for my life may not make sense to me at times. But as a faithful, sovereign God, You hold it all, including permission to change me or my circumstances to fit Your plans for my life. Fill me with Your power, Your grace, and Your love, so that I can be at peace as much as is possible with every relationship and every aspect of my life. Help me to know and do Your will, Lord—so that any success You give me will in turn bring You the glory You so deserve. What I desire most is to come to the end of my life and hear Your “Well Done!” That’s true success to me. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.


Prayer for Success on an Exam

Jesus, This is a stressful season, and I’m overwhelmed by the mountain of work ahead of me, yet I trust in you. I know that when I put my faith in you, even when it’s as small as a mustard seed (Luke 17:6), miracles can be accomplished. I pray that as I study in these coming weeks, as I soak up knowledge and memorize facts, as I read and process and write, that you would be renewing my mind and strengthening my spirit. Help me to persevere through the massive to-do lists and the busy schedules, and help me to keep my eyes fixed on you throughout it all.

As I enter my classrooms and exam rooms, I pray you would blanket me in your peace. Ease any anxieties, calm my restless mind, and give me focus on the task at hand. I pray that I would know my worth is in you alone, not in any grade I do or do not make, not in any assignment or test or teacher’s opinion. I pray that I would fear your presence during my exams, and that I would be comforted by your nearness.

Thank you for the gift of this education, Jesus. I pray that these final exams would be a celebration of all I have learned in this season, and that I would be grateful for all that I have experienced and for all the ways I have grown. May you be glorified, Lord. Amen.

A Prayer For Business Success

Dear Lord, You know that my business is my passion. Please help me to run it in an efficient and godly manner. I ask that you give me wisdom where I need it and to lead me in the changes on the road ahead. I invite you to speak to me when I’m not sure what to do next and to give me comfort when there are trials. Give me the discernment to hear your voice clearly.

A Prayer for Blessing

Dear God, Thank you for your great love and blessing over our lives. Thank you that your favor has no end, but it lasts for our entire lifetime. Forgive us for sometimes forgetting that you are intimately acquainted with all of our ways, that you know what concerns us, and you cover us as with a shield. We ask that we would walk in your blessing and goodness today. That your face would shine on us. That you would open the right doors for our lives and for our loved ones, that you would close the wrong doors and protect us from those we need to walk away from. 

Establish the work of our hands and bring to fulfillment all that you have given us to do in these days. We pray that you would make our way purposeful and our footsteps firm out of your goodness and love. Give us a heart of wisdom to hear your voice, and make us strong by your huge favor and grace. In Jesus’ Name,

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