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Life Of David In The Bible Summary

The Life of David in the Bible summary is a classic piece written by one of the most famous authors of all time – James Ossuah. His work has been used by many to learn the historical events concerning David and his reign as King over Judah. In the beginning of this 1st Chapter, we can clearly see how the Scriptures begin by showing how “David was more distinguished for his piety than any other king who had ruled over Israel” (Osuah, 15). The writer goes on by shedding light on how he was respected amongst all of his subjects, and also with his family as well. This started out when he was just a boy who displayed compassion at a young age.

Saul became jealous of David, so he tried to kill him many times. Finally he gave up on trying to get rid of David and made him his armor-bearer instead.

One day Jonathan and Saul went out hunting together. While they were away, David killed Goliath and brought his head home as proof that he had done so (1 Samuel 17:50). This event made Saul realize that God was with David because it seemed impossible to kill this giant with just a sling shot, but he was anointed by God himself (verse 51).

After that, Saul became afraid for his life when he realized that God had chosen David as king instead of him so he fled from his presence (verses 52-53).

Then Jonathan wanted to go see his father so that he could tell him about how much pride he has for David so he told him everything about what happened between them which made Saul very angry (verses 54-56).

Life Of David In The Bible Summary

Life Of David In The Bible Summary


David was a shepherd, anointed as king of Israel, and the second and greatest king of Israel. He united Israel into a single kingdom during his reign. He inherited the throne from his grandfather and maintained it through the support of God only. King David’s story is one that gives us great hope in the midst of difficult challenges. In spite of all his hardships, he always returned to God for direction and strength. The life of David is a heartwarming story about a young shepherd boy who became the king who brought unity to Israel by conquering all surrounding enemies. He also set up Jerusalem as his capital city where he built an altar on Mount Zion to worship God more fully than in any other place on earth

David was a shepherd, anointed as king of Israel, and the second and greatest king of Israel.

The life of David is one of the most interesting stories in the Bible. He was a shepherd, anointed as king of Israel, and the second and greatest king of Israel.

David was a shepherd and musician who became known for killing Goliath with his sling. After this victory, David went on to become King Saul’s armor bearer (1 Samuel 16:20). King Saul was jealous of David because his popularity grew so quickly with both men and women due to his handsome appearance as well as his skillful playing on instruments like harp or lyre (1 Samuel 16:18-19). Once again we see jealousy in someone who doesn’t want to be replaced by another person who is more talented than themselves!

David as a shepherd, who would later become the king of Israel, was a humble and mild-mannered man who walked humbly with God.

David was a humble and mild-mannered man who walked humbly with God. As a shepherd, he would later become the king of Israel.

He united Israel into a single kingdom during his reign. He inherited the throne from his grandfather and maintained it through the support of God only.

David was a humble and mild-mannered man. He worked as a shepherd before he became king, and he even fought against the giant Goliath when no one else would. David was famous for his battle with Goliath and other moments in which he showed great strength and bravery.

The story of King David is recorded in 1 Samuel 16–1 Kings 2.

King David’s story is one that gives us great hope in the midst of difficult challenges.

The story of David is one that gives us great hope in the midst of difficult challenges. His life is a reminder that no matter where we are, God can use our experiences to accomplish his purpose for our lives. If we look at David’s life from a modern-day perspective, it’s easy to see God’s hand at work.

  • The story begins with David being called out by God as king over Israel despite having no royal lineage or political powerbase on which to build his kingdom (1 Sam 16:1).
  • He demonstrates incredible faith when he obeys God’s command to make Goliath his enemy rather than running away (1 Sam 17:32). This faith allows him to defeat Goliath and save Israel from this giant threat; however, some people were so afraid they ran away! They were not faithful enough to trust God’s promise that victory would come through David.

In spite of all his hardships, he always returned to God for direction and strength.

David, being a man of humble heart and mild temperament, always returned to God for direction and strength.

David was the second king of Israel after King Saul, who had been deemed unworthy by God because he failed to kill the enemy Amalekites. David was anointed king at Bethlehem by Samuel (a prophet), who also anointed his son Solomon as successor.

As we all know from our Bible stories, David became a great warrior who united Israel into a single kingdom under his leadership. He was also a gifted musician and songwriter; some of his most well-known compositions include Psalms 25:1-12; 29:10; 30:9; 34:2-22; 51:1-17; 57:7-14; 68:5-9

The life of David is a heartwarming story about a young shepherd boy who became the king who brought unity to Israel by conquering all surrounding enemies.

The life of David is a heartwarming story about a young shepherd boy who became the king who brought unity to Israel by conquering all surrounding enemies.

David was a shepherd, anointed as king of Israel and the second and greatest king of Israel. He united Israel into a single kingdom during his reign. He inherited the throne from his grandfather, Saul, and maintained it through the support of God only.

As you read this story you will see how God watches over His people even when they make mistakes or sin against Him.

He also set up Jerusalem as his capital city where he built an altar on Mount Zion to worship God more fully than in any other place on earth.

The Bible also tells us that David built an altar on Mount Zion to worship God more fully than in any other place on earth.

Despite all his hard times, he never stopped following God’s direction and strength.

In the book of 1 Samuel, King Saul was at war with the Philistines. The Philistines sent a giant called Goliath to fight against Israel. Goliath challenged anyone from Israel to come out and fight him, but no one would answer his challenge because they were terrified of him.

David told Saul that he would fight Goliath for him if Saul gave him permission. David went out into the battlefield against this giant of a man armed only with his slingshot and five stones in it (1 Sam 17:41). David killed Goliath because God gave David strength over this giant, who was much taller than he was (1 Sam 17:51-54).

This story shows us how important following God’s direction is when we are facing trouble or conflict in life; if we trust Him He will give us strength over our troubles or conflict just as He did for David against Goliath!


We hope you enjoyed reading this summary of David’s life in the Bible. You may be wondering how his story can affect your own life today, but there are many ways it can do so. For example, if someone is struggling with adversity, they might look back on David and feel inspired to persevere through their troubles just as he did with his own. That sort of inspiration would help them keep going when things seem darkest and hopeless – something we all experience at times during our lives.

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